Game on January 3, 2025 at 17:47, 10 players
1. 218 pts LongJump22
2. 162 pts ArcticFox
3. 28 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


10F 78 102 


F6 71 173 


14B 42 215 


12C 76 291 


15A 35 326 


K5 56 382 


15G 56 438 


L12 29 467 


8A 24 491 


A3 61 552 


14J 29 581 


8J 30 611 


M11 32 643 


15N 36 679 


C7 28 707 


E11 25 732 


E2 36 768 


D3 23 791 


F1 27 818 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 4 4:42 -600 218 1.6881 ArcticFox 1 4:03 -656 162
ArcticFox 1 4:03 -656 162 2.6633 ShotPut22 1 1:13 -790 28
ShotPut22 1 1:13 -790 28 3.6730 Javelin22 1 1:30 -790 28
Javelin22 1 1:30 -790 28 4.6560 Discus22 1 1:47 -790 28
Discus22 1 1:47 -790 28 5.6678 Hammer22 0 0:18 -803 15
MMMMMM1112 0 1:00 -790 28 Group: novice
NNNNNN1112 0 1:25 -790 28 1.5680 LongJump22 4 4:42 -600 218
OOOOOO1112 0 1:46 -790 28 2.5612 MMMMMM1112 0 1:00 -790 28
LLLLLL1112 0 0:41 -798 20 3.5492 NNNNNN1112 0 1:25 -790 28
Hammer22 0 0:18 -803 15 4.5621 OOOOOO1112 0 1:46 -790 28
5.5659 LLLLLL1112 0 0:41 -798 20
On 1st draw, VA(R)ROA H4 24 --- VARROA an Asiatic mite [n]
Other tops: AVO(U)RE H3 24, AVO(W)ER H3 24, AVO(Y)ER H3 24, VAR(R)OA H4 24
Other moves: VARA(N) H4 22, VARA(S) H4 22, VARE(C) H4 22, VARE(S) H4 22, VAR(I)A H4 22
AVO(W)ER H3 24 LongJump22
VA(P)OR H4 22 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, MISPART 10F 78 --- MISPART to part badly [v]
Other moves: ARMPITS 10B 74, IMPARTS 10B 74, IMPARTS G8 74, IMPARTS I8 74, PASTRAMI 5C 74
MISPART 10F 78 LongJump22
MIST 10F 21 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, BRAHMANI F6 71 --- BRAHMANI a female member of the highest Hindu caste [n]
Other moves: HABITAN L6 30, VIHARA 4H 24, AHA 9F 23, ARABIN 11B 22, ARABA 9D 21
BRAHMANI F6 71 LongJump22
On 4th draw, DEFUSE 14B 42 --- DEFUSE to remove the fuse from [v]
Other moves: FEEDS 14B 40, FEUDS 14B 40, YEDES 14B 40, YEEDS 14B 40, SEEDY 14F 37
DEFUSE 14B 42 LongJump22
FEEDS 14B 40 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, EVENSONG 12C 76 --- EVENSONG an evening prayer service [n]
Other moves: VENGERS K5 44, GENES 15A 34, GENEVA 8A 33, GENE 15A 29, GONE 15A 29
VENGERS K5 44 ArcticFox
On 6th draw, WANE 15A 35 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: WENA 15A 35, WINE 15A 35
Other moves: NAW 13A 27, NEW 13A 27, AINE 15A 26, EINA 15A 26, EINE 15A 26
WINE 15A 35 ArcticFox
EWE 15G 20 LLLLLL1112
(R)E 6H 1 LongJump22
On 7th draw, CY(C)LERY K5 56 --- CYCLERY a bicycle shop [n]
Other tops: (C)YCLERY K5 56
Other moves: LEC(H)ERY K5 44, (F)LEECY 15G 43, LYC(H)EE 15G 35, (M)YCELE 15G 34, CRE(S)YL K9 32
(R)E 6H 1 LongJump22
On 8th draw, HIZEN 15G 56 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: ZINEB 6B 36, HEEZIE 9J 35, HEEZE 9J 34, NEEZE 9J 28, ZEIN 9J 27
(R)E 6H 1 LongJump22
On 9th draw, OOTS L12 29 --- OOT out [n]
Other tops: LOOS L12 29, LOTS L12 29, ONOS L12 29, OONS L12 29, TONS L12 29
Other moves: STOLON M10 24, LOONS E5 23, LOOTS E5 23, LOS L13 23, NOS L13 23
On 10th draw, TAONGA 8A 24 --- TAONGA (Maori) something highly prized [n]
Other tops: AGOUTA 8A 24, ANGOLA 8A 24, LAGUNA 8A 24
Other moves: OULONG 13I 22, LOGAN 8K 21, LONGA 8K 21, GLOAT E4 20, GLOUT E4 20
On 11th draw, URALITIC A3 61 --- URALITE a mineral [adj] --- URALITIC pertaining to uralite [adj]
Other moves: LILAC 8K 24, RITUAL 14J 22, AULOI 13I 18, CILIA E2 18, CLARINI D3 18
On 12th draw, DITTO 14J 29 --- DITTO to repeat [v]
Other tops: DATTO 14J 29
Other moves: OOTID 14J 22, TOTED 14J 22, LATED 8K 21, LITED 8K 21, LOOED 8K 21
On 13th draw, ELOPED 8J 30 --- ELOPE to run away to be married secretly [v]
Other moves: LEPID 8K 27, LOPED 8K 27, DOUP 13K 26, OUPED B1 25, DIPT M11 24
On 14th draw, WEFT M11 32 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other tops: FOAM 13K 32
Other moves: AXEMEN C10 30, REWAX 4A 30, WAXEN D4 30, EX 15N 29, AXE 9M 28
On 15th draw, XI 15N 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXTIRP M3 32, DEXTER N4 30, DEXTRAN D2 30, DEXTRIN D2 30, DEXTRO C3 30
On 16th draw, KOJI C7 28 --- KOJI a Japanese fungus which breaks down soy beans into soy sauce [n]
Other tops: JEED N6 28, JOKE C7 28
Other moves: KITED B1 27, JEE N6 26, JUTE B1 26, JUKED O4 25, JOUK C7 24
JEED N6 28 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22
On 17th draw, BEDU E11 25 --- BEDU a nomadic Arab [n]
Other tops: GONAD D6 25
Other moves: BAD 11E 24, BODEGA E1 24, BATED B1 23, BEANO D5 22, BEAU E11 22
BAG B1 15 Hammer22
On 18th draw, QORMA E2 36 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: TREMA B2 30, QAT B1 26, MARA B5 23, MORA B5 23, ARMET B1 22
On 19th draw, TEEL D3 23 --- TEEL an East Indian plant [n]
Other tops: EINE F1 23, LEET D3 23, LINE F1 23, TEEN D3 23, TINE F1 23
Other moves: GIE F1 21, GILA B5 21, GIN F1 21, GENTILE N2 20, GLEENIE N2 20
On 20th draw, LING F1 27 --- LING a heath plant [n]
Other tops: TING F1 27
Other moves: LIG F1 23, TIG F1 23, GIN F1 22, GIT F1 22, GILA B5 21
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