Game on January 4, 2025 at 00:37, 5 players
1. 340 pts sunshine12
2. 128 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 113 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 10F 26 54
3. K5 94 148
4. G7 40 188
5. L1 33 221
6. 1H 36 257
7. 1H 48 305
8. I4 28 333
9. G3 22 355
10. 8A 39 394
11. 12K 40 434
12. O8 158 592
13. 2H 37 629
14. M9 38 667
15. A7 65 732
16. 15A 84 816
17. B6 29 845
18. B12 50 895
19. D2 70 965
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7170 sunshine12 3 13:44 -625 340 1.7170 sunshine12 3 13:44 -625 340
2.7157 GLOBEMAN 0 5:54 -837 128 2.7157 GLOBEMAN 0 5:54 -837 128
3.7462 roocatcher 0 4:58 -852 113 3.7462 roocatcher 0 4:58 -852 113
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:13 -932 33 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:53 -949 16 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:13 -932 33
2. - chunk88 0 1:53 -949 16
On 1st draw, HALIDE H4 28 --- HALIDE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: HAILED H4 28, HEALED H4 28, HEILED H4 28
Other moves: HALED H4 26, HALID H4 26, HEALD H4 26, HELED H4 26, HAILED H7 24
HEALED H4 28 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, PASTA 10F 26 --- PASTA a food made of dough [n]
Other tops: ATAPS G6 26
Other moves: ATAP G4 25, ATAP G6 25, SNAP G4 25, STAP G4 25, NAPAS 10D 24
PASTA 10F 26 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, REV(U)IST K5 94 --- REVUIST a writer of revues [n]
Other tops: TREVIS(S) K5 94, VERI(E)ST K5 94, V(E)RIEST K5 94
Other moves: TREVI(S)S K5 93, EVIRAT(E)S 5D 90, VIR(G)ATES 5D 90, VITA(M)ERS 5E 90, VITRA(G)ES 5D 90
RIV(E)TS K5 24 sunshine12
On 4th draw, KEBAR G7 40 --- KEBAR a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strength [n]
Other moves: B(U)RKED 8J 39, DEBARK G7 33, D(U)IKER 8J 33, R(U)BIED 8J 33, BREW J3 32
B(U)RKED 8J 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 5th draw, WILTED L1 33 --- WILT to become limp [v]
Other moves: DEW J4 30, DOW J4 30, WILED J2 30, WITED J2 30, LEW J4 29
WILED J2 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, EMBOW 1H 36 --- EMBOW to bend or arch [v]
Other moves: WEMB 1L 33, WOMB 1L 33, BEAM J3 29, BOOM J3 29, BAM J4 28
WOMB 1L 33 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 7th draw, EMBOWING 1H 48 --- EMBOW to bend or arch [v]
Other moves: AGIN I4 24, AGON I4 24, GENOA 2F 24, GENUA 2F 24, GONIA 2F 24
AGIN I4 24 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 8th draw, IGAD I4 28 --- IGAD a mild oath [interj]
Other tops: GLIADIN 2G 28, RANID I3 28
Other moves: A(U)DING 8J 27, ARID I4 26, DINAR I3 26, GLAIRIN 2G 26, LIDAR I3 26
ARID I4 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 9th draw, VAG G3 22 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: OVAL G2 21, VOLA 2F 21, GATVOL 2C 20, LAV G3 20, TAV G3 20
VOLA 2F 21 sunshine12
On 10th draw, ANTIWEED 8A 39 --- ANTIWEED concerned with the destruction of weeds [adj]
Other moves: DETAINED 8A 33, INDEW L11 28, WIDE 2K 28, (U)NWED 8K 27, WINE 2K 25
WINDER 11B 24 sunshine12
WAR 11E 16 chunk88
On 11th draw, SOZIN 12K 40 --- SOZIN a type of protein [n]
Other moves: ZINS 12D 38, ZOLS 12D 38, LAZED 6H 35, SOZIN B4 34, ZINS 12H 33
ZINS B6 33 BadBoyBen
On 12th draw, FORIN(S)EC O8 158 --- FORINSEC owed to the feudal lord's superior [adj]
Other tops: FOREN(S)IC O8 158
Other moves: CO(N)FINER O7 86, I(N)FECTOR C3 82, CO(D)IFIER N7 78, INFEC(T)OR B7 78, INFORCE(D) B7 78
FO(N)E 13L 42 sunshine12
On 13th draw, DEY 2H 37 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: NEEDLY N1 36, LEY 2H 35, ZED M12 26, DYE 2H 25, YEDE 9B 25
DEY 2H 37 sunshine12
On 14th draw, TOLZEY M9 38 --- TOLZEY a merchants' meeting place [n]
Other moves: YO 13L 37, TOUZY M9 36, TOUZLE M9 32, TOUZE M9 30, OUZEL M10 28
TOYER 11C 20 sunshine12
On 15th draw, HALFTONE A7 65 --- HALFTONE a shade between light and dark [n]
Other moves: ETHYNE 14J 28, FOTHER 11B 28, FLOWN E5 22, FLYTE 14K 22, FONTLET C2 22
LOFTER 11B 22 sunshine12
On 16th draw, SAJOU 15A 84 --- SAJOU a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: SOJA 15A 81, SOAR 15A 60, SORA 15A 60, SOUR 15A 60, SURA 15A 60
On 17th draw, CANOE B6 29 --- CANOE to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) [v]
Other tops: CONIA B6 29
Other moves: CORONAE B4 27, ECLAIR 3J 24, CIAO N7 21, OCREA N5 21, ONIE B7 20
On 18th draw, MOXA B12 50 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: MINX C10 34, COMIX 6B 32, OXIM 14E 31, NOX 14D 30, ROUX C10 28
On 19th draw, UNREPAIR D2 70 --- UNREPAIR a lack of repair [n]
Other moves: EINA N11 25, PAREV 3C 20, PAYEE 14K 20, PRAWN E5 20, EAU N8 18
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