Game on January 4, 2025 at 02:07, 5 players
1. 174 pts sunshine12
2. 30 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 30 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 26 26
2. 11B 84 110
3. E8 60 170
4. 15B 33 203
5. J6 34 237
6. 13C 80 317
7. 8A 30 347
8. C1 76 423
9. K5 47 470
10. L8 32 502
11. 1A 42 544
12. 2B 57 601
13. 4H 87 688
14. H1 39 727
15. 3B 36 763
16. N2 76 839
17. 12A 44 883
18. J2 32 915
19. O6 29 944
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7132 sunshine12 1 7:03 -770 174 1.7132 sunshine12 1 7:03 -770 174
2.7197 GLOBEMAN 0 0:43 -914 30 2.7197 GLOBEMAN 0 0:43 -914 30
3.7462 roocatcher 0 1:16 -914 30 3.7462 roocatcher 0 1:16 -914 30
4. - chunk88 0 1:53 -914 30 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:15 -932 12 1. - chunk88 0 1:53 -914 30
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:15 -932 12
On 1st draw, SITZ H8 26 --- SITZ a type of hip bath [n]
Other tops: SITZ H5 26, SITZ H6 26, SITZ H7 26, ZITS H5 26, ZITS H6 26, ZITS H7 26, ZITS H8 26
Other moves: ZIT H6 24, ZIT H7 24, ZIT H8 24, TUTTIS H3 14, TUTTIS H4 14
On 2nd draw, TUTORIZE 11B 84 --- TUTORIZE to tutor [v]
Other moves: TOUZIER 11E 64, TOUSTIER 8E 59, TUTORISE 8B 59, TOUZE 11E 28, RITZ 11E 26
On 3rd draw, GAROTTED E8 60 --- GAROTTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other moves: GRATED J6 33, TARGED J6 31, RAGDE J8 30, RATTED J6 30, TARTED J6 30
On 4th draw, ACIDIER 15B 33 --- ACIDY sour [adj]
Other moves: CERATE 12A 32, CERITE 12A 32, CIERGE 8A 30, DECIARE 15E 30, CARET 12A 28
On 5th draw, MELONS J6 34 --- MELON any of the various gourds [n]
Other moves: NEEMS J7 31, ELMS J8 30, EMOTES 12B 30, LEMONS J6 30, NOMS J8 30
On 6th draw, OCTA(P)ODY 13C 80 --- OCTAPODY in verse, a line of eight feet [n]
Other moves: CO(R)ODY K5 37, LOCO(E)D 8J 33, (T)ODAY K5 30, CO(P)AY I3 29, CO(R)ODY K1 29
On 7th draw, ABREGE 8A 30 --- ABREGE an abridgement [n]
Other tops: BAREGE 8A 30
Other moves: BAWLER K2 28, AWEEL 14J 27, AWE I6 26, BEWARE K1 26, BLAW I4 26
On 8th draw, GROVELER C1 76 --- GROVELER one that grovels [n]
Other moves: ELVER 14J 27, GLOVER K2 26, GROVEL K2 26, ELOGE 14J 23, OGLER 14J 23
On 9th draw, REMIX K5 47 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v] --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: RHEME 14C 42, MIREX K3 41, MUREX K3 41, REMIX K3 41, HEX K5 39
On 10th draw, DOILT L8 32 --- DOILT crazy [adj]
Other moves: FIT 12C 28, DIGLOT 1A 27, FIGO 1A 27, TRIFOLD 2B 26, DOF L8 25
DOF L8 25 sunshine12
On 11th draw, H(O)GH 1A 42 --- HOGH a promontory [n]
Other tops: H(I)GH 1A 42
Other moves: EUGH(E)N 1A 39, G(I)GHE 1A 39, HEH 14D 39, (E)UGHEN 1A 39, EUGH 1A 36
HEH I5 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 12th draw, WREAK 2B 57 --- WREAK to inflict [v]
Other moves: PAWK 4K 43, KEPI 4I 37, KIPE 4I 37, PAIK 4K 37, PEAK 4K 37
PEW I5 29 sunshine12
WEM 7I 12 BadBoyBen
On 13th draw, SOAPIES 4H 87 --- SOAPIE a serial melodrama on radio or television [n]
Other moves: SOAPIES M2 75, SOAPIES 3E 69, SOAPIE 4H 35, PAISE 4K 33, PASEO 4K 33
On 14th draw, JAPS H1 39 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JA 3I 36, JINS H1 33, JAP 3G 32, JAIL 3G 27, JAP 12A 27
On 15th draw, NOWAY 3B 36 --- NOWAY in no way [adv]
Other tops: WAVEY 4A 36
Other moves: WAVY 4A 34, DEAWY M3 32, WAVED 4A 32, WEEDY M3 32, AWED 3L 30
On 16th draw, FUSIONAL N2 76 --- FUSION the act of melting together [adj] --- FUSIONAL relating to fusion [adj]
Other moves: FIT 12C 28, AFOUL 14J 27, ALOOF I1 25, ENATIC D8 24, FAN 3M 24
On 17th draw, BEFIT 12A 44 --- BEFIT to be suitable for [v]
Other tops: BINNED O8 44
Other moves: DIEB O5 40, BIDET 12A 38, FED O6 37, FENI O6 36, BIDE O8 35
BID O8 32 sunshine12
On 18th draw, QUA J2 32 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: DUG O6 29, UNDUG 14J 25, DUN O6 23, QI 9G 21, UG O7 20
DUG O6 29 sunshine12
On 19th draw, DUG O6 29 --- DUG the teat or udder of a female mammal [n]
Other moves: DUN O6 23, UG O7 20, GED M3 19, NUN O6 19, DUG 3M 16
DUG O6 29 sunshine12
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