Game on January 4, 2025 at 05:07, 5 players
1. 399 pts sunshine12
2. 314 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 249 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 34 34
2. 8E 65 99
3. K5 78 177
4. 3B 90 267
5. F5 71 338
6. J2 39 377
7. B1 60 437
8. 12A 74 511
9. 11D 49 560
10. 13C 54 614
11. E3 26 640
12. J10 64 704
13. 1B 95 799
14. 14A 43 842
15. 15A 47 889
16. A4 35 924
17. L12 34 958
18. M2 90 1048
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7070 sunshine12 2 11:33 -649 399 1.7070 sunshine12 2 11:33 -649 399
2.7151 GLOBEMAN 2 9:04 -734 314 2.7151 GLOBEMAN 2 9:04 -734 314
3.7487 roocatcher 2 6:00 -799 249 3.7487 roocatcher 2 6:00 -799 249
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:39 -1027 21 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:58 -1040 8 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:39 -1027 21
2. - chunk88 0 0:58 -1040 8
On 1st draw, HAFTED H4 34 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: HAFTED H7 30, HAFTED H3 28, HAFTED H8 28, HANTED H4 28, DEATH H8 26
HAFTED H4 34 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, DANEWEED 8E 65 --- DANEWEED a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: DANEWEED 8B 64, DANEWEED 8C 64, DEEWAN G5 32, WEANED I5 31, DEADEN G5 28
WEANED I5 31 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, LO(B)ELINE K5 78 --- LOBELINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other tops: LONELIE(R) K5 78
Other moves: LIONEL(S) 3B 77, LIONEL(S) M2 77, NIELLO(S) 3B 77, NIELLO(S) M2 77, HELLION(S) 4H 70
ELOIN(S) M3 25 sunshine12
On 4th draw, PIGPENS 3B 90 --- PIGPEN a place where pigs are kept [n]
Other tops: PIGPENS M2 90
Other moves: PIGPENS 13E 73, GENIPAPS F3 67, GENIPS 3C 38, GENIPS M3 38, PEPSIN J10 34
SPINE 3H 24 sunshine12
On 5th draw, NOTARIZE F5 71 --- NOTARIZE to certify through a notary [v]
Other moves: TREZ J3 66, REZ J4 65, RITZ L12 50, TREZ L12 50, ZONER 12H 48
TREZ J3 66 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, BERAY J2 39 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other moves: BERAY J10 38, APERY B2 36, BUYER J10 35, PRAYED E3 35, AZURY 11E 34
BERAY J2 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 7th draw, (S)UPLEX B1 60 --- SUPLEX a wrestling hold, grasping one's opponent around the waist from behind [n]
Other tops: (D)UPLEX B1 60
Other moves: XU J10 52, KLEEN(E)X 12I 50, KLE(E)NEX 12I 50, X(I) J10 50, X(U) J10 50
XU J10 52 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 8th draw, ARBOREAL 12A 74 --- ARBOREAL living in trees [adj]
Other moves: ABORAL A4 43, AROBA A4 38, ABRAZO 11B 34, BARRA A5 34, BARRO A5 34
BORAL A5 34 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 9th draw, MAZY 11D 49 --- MAZY full of confusing turns and passages [adj]
Other moves: AYES 13C 47, EMACS A4 46, YAMS A5 41, MACES A5 40, MAYS A5 40
MACES A5 40 sunshine12
On 10th draw, OAKS 13C 54 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [n]
Other tops: ARKS 13C 54
Other moves: SKAG 13F 51, SKA 13F 47, KAGOS 13G 42, KORAS J10 41, KORAS 13G 40
KAVAS A11 36 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 11th draw, PIOTED E3 26 --- PIOTED variegated [adj]
Other tops: PIONED E3 26, POUTED E3 26
Other moves: DITONE L8 24, NOTE A5 23, NOUT A5 23, TONE A5 23, TOUN A5 23
NOTE A5 23 roocatcher
On 12th draw, QI J10 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HOW J10 37, HIOI J10 32, HIN J10 31, HON J10 31, QI 10J 31
On 13th draw, (S)CROWDGE 1B 95 --- SCROWDGE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: WODGE A5 44, CROWED L1 40, DOWER A5 39, (S)COWDER 1B 39, ROWED A5 38
On 14th draw, JINNS 14A 43 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JANNS 14A 43, JANNS L1 43, JINNS L1 43
Other moves: NINJAS M3 42, JINS 14B 41, JNANAS A10 39, JNANAS A8 39, NINJAS A8 39
JINNS 14A 43 roocatcher
On 15th draw, OF 15A 47 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: FOVEA A5 47
Other moves: ATE 15A 44, FAVE A5 44, FETTA A5 38, AT 15A 35, FATE A5 35
OF 15A 47 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, ETAGE A4 35 --- ETAGE a floor storey [n]
Other moves: TEGUA A5 29, AGUTI A6 27, ETAGE A6 27, TAIG A5 26, TEGU A5 26
AGE A6 21 BadBoyBen
(B)AG 7K 8 chunk88
On 17th draw, HUIC L12 34 --- HUIC used to encourage hunting hounds [interj]
Other moves: RIGHT D1 31, RICH L12 30, ROCH L12 30, TICH L12 30, CHIRT L1 29
ROCH L12 30 sunshine12
On 18th draw, VOMITUS M2 90 --- VOMITUS vomited matter [n]
Other moves: VOMITS L1 39, VOMITS M3 38, TIMOUS M3 32, VOMIT L1 31, MOIST M9 30
COMS 15L 24 sunshine12
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