Game on January 4, 2025 at 06:37, 7 players
1. 550 pts fatcat
2. 50 pts LongJump22
3. 29 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 5E 48 78
3. 8H 86 164
4. L1 37 201
5. 4A 58 259
6. 1H 158 417
7. O8 95 512
8. A1 51 563
9. A1 66 629
10. J7 73 702
11. C1 86 788
12. N1 30 818
13. 14F 66 884
14. 13F 46 930
15. H12 36 966
16. 9G 23 989
17. 6C 32 1021
18. L11 20 1041
19. 12A 36 1077
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6306 fatcat 0 10:57 -527 550 1.7045 Chelsea 0 0:59 -1048 29
2.5690 LongJump22 1 2:25 -1027 50 Group: intermediate
3.7045 Chelsea 0 0:59 -1048 29 1.6306 fatcat 0 10:57 -527 550
4.5674 LLLLLL1112 0 0:44 -1072 5 Group: novice
5.5585 MMMMMM1112 0 1:00 -1072 5 1.5690 LongJump22 1 2:25 -1027 50
6.5486 NNNNNN1112 0 1:16 -1072 5 2.5674 LLLLLL1112 0 0:44 -1072 5
7.5641 OOOOOO1112 0 1:33 -1072 5 3.5585 MMMMMM1112 0 1:00 -1072 5
4.5486 NNNNNN1112 0 1:16 -1072 5
5.5641 OOOOOO1112 0 1:33 -1072 5
On 1st draw, HEFTE H4 30 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other moves: BEHOTE H4 28, BEHOTE H3 24, BEHOTE H7 24, BEHOTE H8 24, HEFTE H8 24
HEFT H6 20 fatcat
On 2nd draw, ENDEMIC 5E 48 --- ENDEMIC an endemial disease [n]
Other moves: ZINCED 9C 42, DEZINC 5G 36, ZINCED 5D 36, DEZINC 9H 35, FEZ 6H 35
FIZ 6H 35 fatcat
On 3rd draw, EBONISED 8H 86 --- EBONISE to stain black in imitation of ebony [v]
Other moves: EBONISED E5 72, EBONISED 8B 62, BENDS L1 35, BIDES L1 35, BINDS L1 35
BENDS L1 35 fatcat
On 4th draw, WEETS L1 37 --- WEET to know [v]
Other tops: WETAS L1 37
Other moves: TWAES L1 31, AWETOS 9I 30, EWEST L2 29, TAWSE L2 29, TOWSE L2 29
WEST L3 27 fatcat
On 5th draw, ZINKE 4A 58 --- ZINKE a wind instrument [n]
Other moves: ZOWIE 4A 56, WINZE 4A 44, WIZEN 4A 44, WIZEN 3I 42, OZEKI 2J 40
WIZ J4 35 fatcat
On 6th draw, T(R)IPWIRE 1H 158 --- TRIPWIRE a low-placed hidden wire that sets off an alarm or a trap [n]
Other tops: TRIPWI(R)E 1H 158
Other moves: TRIP(L)IED O1 89, DIPTER(O)I O8 83, I(N)TREPID O1 83, (S)PIRITED O1 83, TI(D)ERIP 9D 81
ZIP(P)ER A4 48 fatcat
On 7th draw, DORHAW(K)S O8 95 --- DORHAWK a nocturnal bird [n]
Other moves: SAWHORS(E) M8 78, AIRSHOW(S) L7 76, AIR(S)HOWS L7 76, O(V)ERWASH N6 73, ROA(D)SHOW J7 71
Z(E)ROS A4 39 fatcat
On 8th draw, BLAZON A1 51 --- BLAZON to proclaim [v]
Other moves: BONZA A1 48, ZONAL A4 42, BRAN 9G 29, BARON 9F 28, ROB 9H 27
ZONAL A4 42 fatcat
On 9th draw, BLAZONRY A1 66 --- BLAZONRY a great display [n]
Other moves: BLAZONER A1 57, MIRY 9F 37, MIRY B3 36, RIMY 9H 36, RIMY B3 36
YOUR B6 28 fatcat
On 10th draw, POOVIEST J7 73 --- POOVY effeminate [adj]
Other moves: VISNE F2 37, POSNET F2 35, SNIPE F4 28, SNOEP F4 28, SNIP F4 27
VIEW 13L 20 fatcat
On 11th draw, TRANQUIL C1 86 --- TRANQUIL free from disturbance [adj]
Other tops: QUARTILE 12C 86
Other moves: SQUAIL M8 50, SQUIRT M8 50, QUIET 3I 48, QUITTAL 14F 36, LIQUATE 12D 34
QUAIL 11G 28 fatcat
On 12th draw, RANDOM N1 30 --- RANDOM a haphazard course [n] --- RANDOM haphazard [adj]
Other tops: ADJOINT 11F 30
Other moves: ADJOIN 11F 28, JAW 13M 26, JOE N6 26, JOW 13M 26, JAM 3E 25
JOE N6 26 fatcat
On 13th draw, DURATIVE 14F 66 --- DURATIVE a type of verb [n]
Other moves: VIDEO 9F 29, VIREO 9F 27, AUDIO 9F 26, RADIO 9F 26, VARIED 2E 26
VIEW 13L 20 fatcat
On 14th draw, EXULS 13F 46 --- EXUL an exile [n]
Other tops: AXELS 13F 46
Other moves: EX 15H 42, YEX 13E 41, AXE 13F 40, AYGRE H11 39, ULEX 13D 39
YEX 13E 41 fatcat
On 15th draw, CURF H12 36 --- CURF an incision made by a cutting tool [n]
Other moves: FURL H12 33, FEE 2J 31, FOE 2J 31, FEW 13M 28, COLURE H10 27
FURL H12 33 fatcat
On 16th draw, TRIO 9G 23 --- TRIO a group of three [n]
Other moves: SLAGGIER M8 22, STAGGIER M8 22, STAGGIE M8 20, AGGRI D8 19, GLAIR 9D 19
AGILE M10 12 fatcat
On 17th draw, UGLY 6C 32 --- UGLY displeasing to the sight [adj] --- UGLY one that is ugly [n] --- UGLY to make offensive to the sight [v]
Other moves: YAW 13M 28, YOW 13M 28, GAMY I3 25, TRANQUILLY C1 23, GAYAL 12B 22
GOAL 12C 14 fatcat
On 18th draw, AGAVE L11 20 --- AGAVE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: GAMA I3 19, GAME I3 19, GANEV L10 18, GAVE L12 18, LARGEN 2A 18
GAVE L12 18 fatcat
ANE O4 14 LongJump22
OH 11N 5 LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 19th draw, GOUJON 12A 36 --- GOUJON a small strip of fish deep fried [n]
Other moves: GAJO 10D 30, JONG 12C 29, JA 10F 27, JAG 12D 27, JO 10F 27
GOUJON 12A 36 LongJump22
JONG 12C 29 fatcat, Chelsea
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