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Game on January 4, 2025 at 07:23, 11 players
1. 507 pts fatcat
2. 338 pts Chelsea
3. 132 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einrsuz   H4    48    48   zines
 2. cdehinr   6G    74   122   indrench
 3. ailmstw   4D    34   156   waltz
 4. aefhlnt   H1    60   216   fanzines
 5. ?aaiorv   8A    83   299   variolas
 6. adeefhs   C7    38   337   freshed
 7. delprsu   K5    94   431   repulsed
 8. ?aeikly   1H   116   547   freakily
 9. deeloru  10F    65   612   delouser
10. abegtux  H10    63   675   luxate
11. aaimstv   2J    32   707   maas
12. giintvw   M9    30   737   writing
13. eegnoop  15K    30   767   pogge
14. enotuvy   5A    37   804   envoy
15. aimnoou  D11    32   836   onium
16. agioqrt   B2    68   904   tranq
17. bbeioot  E11    33   937   bet
18. bcjoort   9I    37   974   jol
19. bcgiort  15A    36  1010   bromic

Remaining tiles: giot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6301 Filefatcat      1 14:40  -503  507     1.7054 Chelsea     2 13:44  -672  338 
  2.7054 FileChelsea     2 13:44  -672  338     2.7700 HollyIvy    1  4:41  -878  132 
  3.7700 FileHollyIvy    1  4:41  -878  132     3.7743 sicilianc5  1  1:37  -973   37 
  4.5690 FileLongJump22  2  3:48  -880  130     4.7598 Mycophot    0  0:44  -980   30 
  5.7743 Filesicilianc5  1  1:37  -973   37     5.7614 queen66     0  1:04  -980   30 
  6.5585 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:01  -980   30            Group: intermediate
  7.5486 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:20  -980   30     1.6301 fatcat      1 14:40  -503  507 
  8.5641 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:41  -980   30            Group: novice
  9.7598 FileMycophot    0  0:44  -980   30     1.5690 LongJump22  2  3:48  -880  130 
 10.7614 Filequeen66     0  1:04  -980   30     2.5585 MMMMMM1112  1  1:01  -980   30 
 11.5674 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:56  -987   23     3.5486 NNNNNN1112  1  1:20  -980   30 
                                             4.5641 OOOOOO1112  1  1:41  -980   30 
                                             5.5674 LLLLLL1112  0  0:56  -987   23 

On 1st draw, ZINES H4 48 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZEINS H4 48
Other moves: SIZER H4 30, SIZER H8 30, ZEINS H8 30, ZINES H8 30, SIZER H5 28
SIZER H7 28 fatcat

On 2nd draw, INDRENCH 6G 74 --- INDRENCH to submerge in water [v]
Other tops: INDRENCH 6C 74
HINDER 6F 20 fatcat

On 3rd draw, WALTZ 4D 34 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: MILTZ 4D 32, SWAMI 3F 32, MAWS 3G 31, SWAM 3F 31, MAW 3G 30
AW 5J 22 fatcat

On 4th draw, FANZINES H1 60 --- FANZINE a magazine written by and for enthusiastic devotees [n]
Other moves: LETHEAN K5 40, FLANCH M2 36, FLENCH M2 36, FLETCH M2 36, FETCH M3 34
FLETCH M2 36 fatcat

On 5th draw, VARIO(L)AS 8A 83 --- VARIOLA smallpox [n]
Other tops: AVIA(T)ORS 8A 83, (B)AVAROIS 8A 83
Other moves: AVIA(T)OR G8 66, OVARIA(L) G8 66, OVARIA(L) I8 66, OVARIA(N) G8 66, OVARIA(N) I8 66
VOIC(E) M3 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, FRESHED C7 38 --- FRESH to improve the condition of [v]
Other moves: FEH 5C 33, SHEAF 3A 32, FAH 7K 31, FEH 7K 31, AHED 7L 30
FEH 7K 31 Chelsea
CHAFED M6 23 fatcat

On 7th draw, REPULSED K5 94 --- REPULSE to drive back [v]
Other tops: PRELUDES K4 94
Other moves: PRELUDES 12A 80, PLUNDERS L3 74, REPULSED 12B 74, POULDERS E7 72, POULDRES E7 72
P**D 12A 20 fatcat
WALTZED 4D 20 Chelsea

On 8th draw, F(R)EAKILY 1H 116 --- FREAKILY in a freaky manner [adv]
Other moves: VALKY(R)IE A8 113, CLAY(L)IKE M6 92, C(L)AYLIKE M6 90, C(R)EAKILY M6 84, (S)NEAKILY 3G 81
LEAKY L11 40 Chelsea
KEY 5C 35 fatcat

On 9th draw, DELOUSER 10F 65 --- DELOUSER one that gets rid of lice [n]
Other moves: LOUVERED A5 64, AUREOLED G8 61, AUREOLED E4 36, ERODE D11 26, UREDO 5B 25
RULED 5A 23 fatcat
LEED L11 18 Chelsea

On 10th draw, LUXATE H10 63 --- LUXATE to put out of joint [v]
Other moves: AXE D11 46, EAUX D12 45, TAX D10 45, TEX D10 45, EAUX L12 44
AXE D11 46 Chelsea
TEX 5C 43 fatcat

On 11th draw, MAAS 2J 32 --- MAA to bleat like a goat [v] --- MAAS (South Africa) thick soured milk [n]
Other tops: AMIAS D11 32, TAMIS D10 32
Other moves: VOMIT I9 31, MAIST D11 30, AMIA G12 29, MAA 2J 29, AMAS D11 28
AMA G12 26 Chelsea
VISTA N8 22 fatcat

On 12th draw, WRITING M9 30 --- WRITING a written composition [n]
Other tops: IWI I12 30
Other moves: VIEW 12A 28, UNWIT 8K 27, WRING M9 26, WING B12 24, WIG 9E 23
WRITING M9 30 Chelsea
WRING M9 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, POGGE 15K 30 --- POGGE a fish with bony scales [n]
Other tops: PONGEE 15J 30
Other moves: OPEN G12 29, POGO 5C 27, OPE G12 26, PENNE 14J 26, NEEP D12 25
POGGE 15K 30 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
OPEN G12 29 Chelsea
POGO B12 21 fatcat

On 14th draw, ENVOY 5A 37 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: ENVOY 3A 32, TONEY 5A 31, OYE G12 30, TONEY D10 30, YONT 3L 30
ENVOY 5A 37 LongJump22, fatcat, Chelsea, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
YEN G13 23 LLLLLL1112

On 15th draw, ONIUM D11 32 --- ONIUM a salt like ammonium [n] --- ONIUM characterized by a complex cation [adj]
Other tops: AMINO D11 32
Other moves: ANIME A1 30, AMIN G12 29, AMIN D11 28, MOAI 3L 27, MOAN 3L 27
ANIME A1 30 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
AMIN G12 29 Chelsea
MONIE A1 24 fatcat

On 16th draw, TRANQ B2 68 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QORMA 15A 48, QAT 14F 32, QAT 3B 30, AIGRET A1 24, GAITER A1 24
QAT 14F 32 LongJump22, Chelsea, HollyIvy, fatcat

On 17th draw, BET E11 33 --- BET to wager [v]
Other moves: BOOB 3L 31, BOB 3L 29, OBIT G12 29, BE E11 27, BIOME 15A 27
BOOB 3L 31 LongJump22
BOOM 15A 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, JOL 9I 37 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v]
Other moves: COOMB 15A 33, CROMB 15A 33, JO 14J 29, BOOR 3L 27, BOOT 3L 27
COOMB 15A 33 HollyIvy
JO 14J 29 fatcat

On 19th draw, BROMIC 15A 36 --- BROMIC pertaining to bromine [adj]
Other moves: CROMB 15A 33, OBIT G12 29, BOG 3L 27, BORT 3L 27, OBI G12 26
BRIM 15A 24 fatcat

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