Game on January 4, 2025 at 12:02, 11 players
1. 198 pts Chelsea
2. 117 pts ArcticFox
3. 75 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 68 68 


11E 90 158 


12K 26 184 


O10 30 214 


15H 92 306 


5G 32 338 


14J 47 385 


F6 73 458 


N1 37 495 


1L 39 534 


13C 34 568 


E5 50 618 


D1 32 650 


1D 48 698 


12D 33 731 


L4 34 765 


14A 24 789 


3M 20 809 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 7:05 -611 198 1.7047 Chelsea 1 7:05 -611 198
ArcticFox 1 5:18 -692 117 Group: intermediate
LongJump22 0 0:44 -734 75 1.6884 ArcticFox 1 5:18 -692 117
OOOOOO1112 0 0:52 -763 46 2.6633 ShotPut22 0 1:35 -790 19
MMMMMM1112 0 1:10 -763 46 3.6560 Discus22 0 1:50 -790 19
LLLLLL1112 0 1:41 -763 46 4.6730 Javelin22 0 0:14 -793 16
NNNNNN1112 0 0:51 -780 29 5.6678 Hammer22 0 0:55 -793 16
ShotPut22 0 1:35 -790 19 Group: novice
Discus22 0 1:50 -790 19 1.5690 LongJump22 0 0:44 -734 75
Javelin22 0 0:14 -793 16 2.5617 OOOOOO1112 0 0:52 -763 46
Hammer22 0 0:55 -793 16 3.5578 MMMMMM1112 0 1:10 -763 46
4.5678 LLLLLL1112 0 1:41 -763 46
5.5472 NNNNNN1112 0 0:51 -780 29
On 1st draw, DU(C)TULE H4 68 --- DUCTULE a small duct [n]
Other moves: DU(C)TULE H3 66, DU(C)TULE H6 66, DU(C)TULE H7 66, DU(C)TULE H8 66, (O)UTDUEL H2 66
On 2nd draw, BR(A)SERO 11E 90 --- BRASERO a brazier [n]
Other moves: BOR(D)URES 5D 86, OBS(C)URER 5D 86, ROBUS(T)ER 5E 86, BOR(D)ERS 11B 74, BRO(K)ERS 11B 74
On 3rd draw, RAINY 12K 26 --- RAINY marked by rain [adj]
Other tops: IRONY 12K 26, ONERY 12K 26, RENAY 12K 26
Other moves: AIERY 12A 25, IRONY 12A 25, ONERY 12A 25, RAINY 12A 25, RENAY 12A 25
On 4th draw, NOYADE O10 30 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other moves: AEDINE 13I 28, DENAY O8 27, NEEDY O8 27, AINEE 13K 26, IDEA 13L 25
On 5th draw, EPHORATE 15H 92 --- EPHORATE the office of an ephor [n]
Other moves: EPHORATE I4 86, PHORATE 13F 72, PHORATE N4 70, PLETHORA 9G 68, PHORATE 13E 67
On 6th draw, QUINELA 5G 32 --- QUINELA quinella [n]
Other tops: EQUINAL 5F 32
Other moves: JAILER F6 31, JAILER J6 31, JEAN 13J 31, EQUALI 5F 30, JAILED 4C 28
On 7th draw, SOAKED 14J 47 --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [v]
Other moves: WAKED 14K 43, WAKES 4K 41, WAKES N1 41, WEEKS N1 41, WEKAS 4K 41
On 8th draw, WOOMERAS F6 73 --- WOOMERA a stick used to propel spears [n]
Other moves: MEOWS N1 37, MOWAS N1 37, WAMES N1 37, WOOSE N2 37, MAWS N2 35
On 9th draw, CUEIST N1 37 --- CUEIST a billiard-player [n]
Other moves: WITES N1 33, CITES N1 31, CUITS N1 31, CUTES N1 31, CUTIS N1 31
On 10th draw, FACE 1L 39 --- FACE to oppose or meet defiantly [v]
Other moves: AXEMAN E2 37, AXMAN E3 35, EXAM E4 35, MAFIA 4K 35, FLAXEN L4 34
On 11th draw, PEASCOD 13C 34 --- PEASCOD a pea pod [n]
Other moves: CADGE E5 33, PODGE E5 33, AGAPAE M1 31, EPIC 4L 30, PEACOD E2 30
PADI 4K 25 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TOZIE E5 50 --- TOZIE a shawl [n]
Other moves: MOZ E5 44, TOZIE 2H 39, ZITE 14B 34, ZORI 14B 34, ZEIN J2 33
ZERO E3 31 Chelsea
ZOO 8D 22 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, MINGER D1 32 --- MINGER an unpleasant person [n]
Other tops: GIGMEN D1 32
Other moves: GERMIN D1 30, GINGER D1 28, GRIME 14A 26, N*GG*RNIGGER D1 26, GERM 14B 24
GRIME 14A 26 ArcticFox
GRIM D3 24 Chelsea
On 14th draw, MIXING 1D 48 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: MAXING 1D 48
Other moves: NIXY 14B 46, MAYING 1D 36, AXING 14A 35, AXING 2B 34, MANGY 1D 33
MIXING 1D 48 ArcticFox, Chelsea
NIXY 14B 46 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
On 15th draw, YAAR 12D 33 --- YAAR friend (India) [n]
Other moves: BINARY 3B 30, BLADY L4 30, RABID 4K 30, DAIRY 14A 29, DIARY 14A 29
DIARY 14A 29 LongJump22
ABY O6 26 Chelsea
BRAD 14A 21 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, FLIGHT L4 34 --- FLIGHT to migrate in a flock [v]
Other moves: FIGHT C6 27, ZOFTIG 7E 24, DIGHT C6 23, GHI D8 23, IF 2F 23
FIT 14B 22 Chelsea
HI C2 19 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 17th draw, TWIN 14A 24 --- TWIN to bring together in close association [v]
Other moves: VIN 14B 22, WIN 14B 22, WIT 14B 22, HILT 8L 21, HINT 8L 21
WIT 14B 22 Chelsea
TWIN 2B 16 Javelin22, Hammer22
On 18th draw, JEU 3M 20 --- JEU a game [n]
Other tops: JUN 3B 20
Other moves: BLUID 2A 19, JUT A12 18, URB J10 18, BUD C6 16, ILKA M12 16
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