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Game on January 5, 2025 at 00:06, 5 players
1. 173 pts sunshine12
2. 153 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 121 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aennrsz   H8    30    30   razes
 2. ?adeivx  11E    68    98   invexed
 3. dnnooru  12H    27   125   sudor
 4. agijmou   7H    35   160   gju
 5. beiorsw   8A   101   261   browsier
 6. aabfopr  10J    35   296   fab
 7. ehhimno   9C    32   328   heh
 8. ennorst   K1    76   404   tonners
 9. addortu   5E    70   474   outdared
10. aeeeilp   7C    34   508   pail
11. aeinnpt   4A    80   588   pantine
12. aeikmou   1G    39   627   kumite
13. aeeiltv  12A    29   656   valete
14. acgnost  A10    30   686   gavots
15. aefinot   4I    31   717   fanion
16. ?cgimoy   A1    45   762   myopic
17. aegltwy   N1    42   804   twangy
18. ?eeioqr   2F    38   842   qis
19. ceilnor   O6    29   871   enolic

Remaining tiles: eelr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7037 Filesunshine12  0  6:13  -698  173     1.7037 sunshine12  0  6:13  -698  173 
  2.7159 FileGLOBEMAN    0  6:37  -718  153     2.7159 GLOBEMAN    0  6:37  -718  153 
  3.7584 Fileroocatcher  0  4:13  -750  121     3.7584 roocatcher  0  4:13  -750  121 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:21  -851   20            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:54  -855   16     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:21  -851   20 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:54  -855   16 

On 1st draw, RAZES H8 30 --- RAZE to tear down or demolish [v]
Other tops: NAZES H4 30, NAZES H8 30, RAZES H4 30, SENZA H4 30, SENZA H8 30
Other moves: NAZES H5 28, NAZES H6 28, NAZES H7 28, RAZES H5 28, RAZES H6 28

On 2nd draw, I(N)VEXED 11E 68 --- INVEXED a heraldic term for arched [adj]
Other moves: (H)EXAD I7 53, EXA(M) I8 49, EX(O) I8 46, VEX I7 44, V(E)X I7 42

On 3rd draw, SUDOR 12H 27 --- SUDOR sweat [n]
Other tops: ZOO 10H 27
Other moves: NOX I9 25, OXO I10 23, DONOR 10J 22, DOORN 10J 22, OX I10 20

On 4th draw, GJU 7H 35 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: JAM G7 32, JUGA 10B 30, JUGA 7F 30, GAJO 10J 29, GAJO 7H 29

On 5th draw, BROWSIER 8A 101 --- BROWSY relating to casual shopping [adj]
Other moves: BROW(N)IES F7 72, BOWSER M9 35, BOWSIE M9 35, RIBOSE 8J 35, BOWERS K2 34

On 6th draw, FAB 10J 35 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other tops: FAP 10J 35
Other moves: FARO 10J 34, FAA 10J 33, FAR 10J 33, FA 10J 32, BARF 10J 31

On 7th draw, HEH 9C 32 --- HEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: HOH 9C 32
Other moves: HEMIN 12A 30, HOHA 9E 30, HAH 9G 26, HOE 7C 26, HOI 7C 26

On 8th draw, TONNERS K1 76 --- TONNER an object having a specified tonnage [n]
Other moves: TONNERS M4 68, ESTRO 10B 31, NOSER 10A 26, NONETS K2 24, NOTERS K2 24

On 9th draw, OUTDARED 5E 70 --- OUTDARE to surpass in daring [v]
Other moves: DOAT 7C 30, DAUD J2 24, DAUD L2 24, DORADO 2J 24, DOTARD 2J 24

On 10th draw, PAIL 7C 34 --- PAIL a watertight cylindrical container [n]
Other tops: PEAL 7C 34
Other moves: PEA 7C 31, EPILATE 1F 30, PILEATE 1F 30, PENIAL 4I 28, PENILE 4I 28
PAIR J2 26 sunshine12

On 11th draw, PANTINE 4A 80 --- PANTINE a pasteboard doll with movable limbs [n]
Other moves: PANTINE 1H 30, PATIENT 1I 30, PINNATE 1F 30, PENNIA 4C 28, PINNAE 4C 28
PEAR J2 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, KUMITE 1G 39 --- KUMITE freestyle martial arts fighting or sparring [n]
Other moves: KEIR J2 38, KIER J2 38, AKE J1 37, UKE J1 37, KEMP A1 36
KEIR J2 38 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 13th draw, VALETE 12A 29 --- VALETE farewell [n]
Other tops: LEVITE 2D 29, VELATE 12A 29, VELETA 12A 29
Other moves: EVITE 2E 28, VELETA 2B 28, VENTAIL 3I 28, VEEP A1 27, VITA 2F 27

On 14th draw, GAVOTS A10 30 --- GAVOT a French dance [n]
Other tops: COAPTS A1 30
Other moves: COAPT A1 27, SCAG M1 27, SCOG M1 27, SCOPA A1 27, VACS A12 27

On 15th draw, FANION 4I 31 --- FANION a cape worn by the Pope [n]
Other moves: FOEN 2J 30, FONE 2J 30, FONT 2J 30, FANON 4I 29, FOE 2J 29

On 16th draw, MYOPIC A1 45 --- MYOPIA a visual defect [adj] --- MYOPIC a short-sighted person [n]
Other moves: IG(N)OMY 2B 43, COMP(L)Y A1 42, MYOP(I)C A1 42, MY(O)PIC A1 42, GYMNIC N1 40
CO(M)MY 2C 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, TWANGY N1 42 --- TWANGY twanging [adj]
Other moves: TAWNEY N1 40, WANEY N2 38, WANLY N2 38, WANTY N2 38, GENTY N2 34
WAY 2E 20 chunk88, roocatcher
AY 2F 16 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, QI(S) 2F 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 2F 37, Q(I) 2F 35, TORQ(U)E 14A 32, Q(U)INE C1 26, Q(U)INO C1 26
QI 2F 37 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 19th draw, ENOLIC O6 29 --- ENOL a chemical compound [adj] --- ENOLIC pertaining to an enol [adj]
Other tops: ORCEIN O6 29, ORCINE O6 29
Other moves: OLEIC O6 26, ONCER O6 26, ORCIN O6 26, ERIC O6 23, ONCE O6 23
OILER O6 20 sunshine12

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