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Game on January 5, 2025 at 03:52, 5 players
1. 117 pts sunshine12
2. 64 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 42 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adehjpr   H4    48    48   jehad
 2. aeopstv   I2    33    81   ovates
 3. aennosy   9B    79   160   anyones
 4. ?aciquw   2H    74   234   coquina
 5. adelpsw   O2   110   344   spawled
 6. ilmnoos   B4    64   408   moonsail
 7. eilnorr   A1    30   438   neroli
 8. ?abbitu   E5    94   532   tabbouli
 9. aeinrtw   F1    74   606   tinware
10. degoptu  A10    35   641   degout
11. ehiilot  D12    26   667   hioi
12. adiprtx   J4    72   739   pax
13. acertuy   4H    36   775   japery
14. eglnotu   D1    22   797   englut
15. aemrtvz  F12    43   840   maze
16. ceefirt   B1    22   862   ef
17. cefgirt   K1    22   884   curet
18. deikorv  15F    42   926   evoked

Remaining tiles: fgiirr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7061 Filesunshine12  0  4:56  -809  117     1.7061 sunshine12  0  4:56  -809  117 
  2.7132 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:57  -862   64     2.7132 GLOBEMAN    0  1:57  -862   64 
  3.7662 Fileroocatcher  0  3:05  -884   42     3.7662 roocatcher  0  3:05  -884   42 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:58  -908   18            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:20  -921    5     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:58  -908   18 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:20  -921    5 

On 1st draw, JEHAD H4 48 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other tops: JARPED H4 48
Other moves: JAPED H4 46, JAPER H4 44, HEJRA H4 38, JARPED H7 36, JEHAD H8 36

On 2nd draw, OVATES I2 33 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other tops: AVOSET I2 33
Other moves: VOTES I3 32, VESPA 9F 31, PATES I3 30, PAVS 9E 30, POTAE I3 30

On 3rd draw, ANYONES 9B 79 --- ANYONE anybody at all [n]
Other moves: ANYONES G8 65, AYS J5 37, YOJANAS 4F 34, AY J5 33, ANNOYS 9C 31

On 4th draw, COQUI(N)A 2H 74 --- COQUINA a small marine clam [n]
Other tops: AQUA(T)IC B9 74
Other moves: AC(E)QUIA B9 46, ACQUI(T) B9 44, QUINC(E) F6 42, (K)AW J4 42, (M)AW J4 42

On 5th draw, SPAWLED O2 110 --- SPAWL to spit [v]
Other moves: SPAWLED J6 80, SPAWLED J7 74, PAWS J4 52, PAW J4 48, WAPS J4 48

On 6th draw, MOONSAIL B4 64 --- MOONSAIL a light, square sail [n]
Other moves: SLIM 8A 41, SLOOM 8A 38, MOOI 10B 31, MOON 10B 31, MOOS 10B 31
MOON 10B 31 sunshine12

On 7th draw, NEROLI A1 30 --- NEROLI a fragrant oil [n]
Other moves: JAILER 4H 26, JAILOR 4H 26, ENROL A1 25, NEROL A1 25, ORIEL A1 25
ONIE A5 24 sunshine12

On 8th draw, TABBOU(L)I E5 94 --- TABBOULI a Lebanese salad [n]
Other moves: BU(M)BOAT E5 40, TABBI(S) A10 40, ABB(O)T A11 35, TABU(L)I A10 34, BA(R)BUT A10 33
TABBI(S) A10 40 sunshine12

On 9th draw, TINWARE F1 74 --- TINWARE articles made of tinplate [n]
Other moves: TINWARE N7 73, TAWNIER N7 67, RAW J4 44, TAWIER A10 43, AWNER A11 38

On 10th draw, DEGOUT A10 35 --- DEGOUT distaste [n]
Other moves: JAUPED 4H 32, JAPED 4H 30, PUT G5 29, AUTOED N2 27, PODGE D1 27

On 11th draw, HIOI D12 26 --- HIOI a New Zealand mint plant [n]
Other tops: HEIL D12 26, HELO D12 26, HILI D12 26, HILT D12 26, HOLE D12 26, HOLT D12 26, HOTE D12 26, LITH D12 26, LOTH D12 26, THIOL J6 26, THOLE J6 26, THOLI J6 26
Other moves: HELO D4 25, THIO J6 23, EH B1 22, EH B13 22, HE B14 22
OH B13 22 sunshine12

On 12th draw, PAX J4 72 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: RAX J4 68, AX J5 57, TAXI C11 51, TAX C11 47, PIX C13 43

On 13th draw, JAPERY 4H 36 --- JAPERY mockery [n]
Other moves: CURET K1 35, CAY C12 33, E(N)CRATY M1 30, CUTEY D2 29, CARNY 3C 28

On 14th draw, ENGLUT D1 22 --- ENGLUT to gulp down [v]
Other tops: TONGUE D1 22
Other moves: GON C12 21, GOT C12 21, LINGOT 15C 21, TIGLON 15C 21, TINGLE 15C 21

On 15th draw, MAZE F12 43 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other moves: E(N)ZYM M1 36, MOTZA 14C 36, VITAMER 15C 36, TOAZE 14C 34, AMP 3M 28

On 16th draw, EF B1 22 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: CURET K1 22
Other moves: ERECT 15F 21, FIERCE N7 21, TERFE N7 21, ERECT N6 20, FECIT N7 20
EFT 15F 18 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 17th draw, CURET K1 22 --- CURET a surgical instrument [n]
Other moves: ERECT 15F 21, FECIT N7 20, GIF 1L 20, REIF N7 20, TERF N7 20
EF 15F 5 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, EVOKED 15F 42 --- EVOKE to call forth [v]
Other moves: EVOKER 15F 39, EVOKE 15F 36, KID C13 33, EIKED 15F 30, EKED 15F 27
DOE G13 24 roocatcher

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