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Game on January 5, 2025 at 04:36, 1 player
1. 359 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddoopq   H7    28    28   quop
 2. aelmosu  10F    66    94   ampoules
 3. bdenosw   L4    80   174   besnowed
 4. aaentuv  K10    24   198   levant
 5. aeinops  11B    89   287   epinaos
 6. eegilov  B10    34   321   vegie
 7. ?beeiot  14H    72   393   ebonites
 8. acdlrtu  15D    42   435   cauld
 9. aenorrz   D8    50   485   zanier
10. aegnrxy  14E    52   537   ex
11. acgikrt   8A    39   576   ritz
12. aeeglrw   O7    86   662   legwears
13. adflory   E4    39   701   foray
14. acddnoy  A12    40   741   addy
15. fgiiotu   D1    38   779   fugio
16. ehijnot   1D    33   812   foehn
17. hikrstu  13J    37   849   haku
18. aimnrst   2G    70   919   martins
19. ciijlrt   5H    26   945   jilter

Remaining tiles: ciit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6303 Filefatcat      1 10:31  -586  359     1.6303 fatcat      1 10:31  -586  359 

On 1st draw, Q(U)OP H7 28 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QOP(H) H5 28, QOP(H) H6 28, QOP(H) H7 28, QOP(H) H8 28, Q(U)OP H5 28, Q(U)OP H6 28, Q(U)OP H8 28
Other moves: Q(U)OD H5 26, Q(U)OD H6 26, Q(U)OD H7 26, Q(U)OD H8 26, PODD(Y) H4 22

On 2nd draw, AMPOULES 10F 66 --- AMPOULE a small sealed glass [n]
Other moves: ALMOUS 11C 31, AMOLES 11C 31, LOUMAS 11C 31, MOUSLE 11E 31, OLEUMS 11C 31

On 3rd draw, BESNOWED L4 80 --- BESNOW to cover with snow [v]
Other moves: BOWES 11D 44, BOWNES 11C 43, BODES 11D 38, OWES 11E 38, BONES 11D 35

On 4th draw, LEVANT K10 24 --- LEVANT to avoid a debt [v]
Other tops: AVANT M2 24, NOVAE 8K 24, VANE K3 24, VATU K3 24
Other moves: TALEA K8 23, UVAE K2 22, VANT M3 22, VAUTE 11C 22, VENT M3 22

On 5th draw, EPINAOS 11B 89 --- EPINAOS a rear vestibule [n]
Other moves: SENOPIA K1 84, SAPONITE 15E 83, SAPONINE 14G 74, SENOPIA 11A 74, PAEONIES 5F 70

On 6th draw, VEGIE B10 34 --- VEGIE a vegetable [n]
Other moves: LEVITE 15G 30, EVITE 15H 27, OLIVET 15F 27, VIOLET 15F 27, VOGIE 8K 27

On 7th draw, EBONITE(S) 14H 72 --- EBONITE a hard rubber [n]
Other tops: BETONIE(S) 14G 72
Other moves: OBE(D)IENT 14E 67, (S)OBEIT K3 32, TOBIE(S) K3 31, BOS(S)ET M8 29, OBIE(D) K4 29

On 8th draw, CAULD 15D 42 --- CAULD cold [adj] --- CAULD cold [n]
Other moves: CLART 15D 36, CLAUT 15D 36, CURAT 15D 36, DUCAL 15D 36, DUCAT 15D 36
CA(S)T O12 24 fatcat

On 9th draw, ZANIER D8 50 --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj]
Other moves: RONZER(S) O8 48, ZONAE 8K 42, ZONER 8K 42, ZOOEA 8K 42, ZORRO 8K 42
ZAS 6J 32 fatcat

On 10th draw, EX 14E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX 14E 52
Other moves: GRAZE 8A 45, ONYX 8L 42, ORYX 8L 42, YEX M3 39, GREX M2 37
AX 14E 52 fatcat

On 11th draw, RITZ 8A 39 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: CA(S)K O12 36, KI(S)T O12 36, AKITA 13K 31, KIP C9 31, RACI(S)T O10 30
CA(S)K O12 36 fatcat

On 12th draw, LEGWEAR(S) O7 86 --- LEGWEAR anything worn on the legs [n]
Other moves: AWEEL K4 36, ALEW A12 32, AWEE K4 32, WAGER 13J 32, GLOWER 8J 30
RAW K3 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, FORAY E4 39 --- FORAY to raid [v]
Other tops: FADY E5 39, FLARY E4 39, FLORY E4 39
Other moves: FLAY E5 37, FRAY E5 37, *F*Y E5 37, ADRY A12 36, FORAY K1 36
FY A14 29 fatcat

On 14th draw, ADDY A12 40 --- ADDY an email address (slang) [n]
Other moves: COY D3 31, CAY K3 30, COY K3 30, CYANO K2 30, CODA D3 29
DAY K3 28 fatcat

On 15th draw, FUGIO D1 38 --- FUGIO a former coin of the United States [n]
Other moves: FIGO D1 34, FIGO D3 31, TOFU K3 30, FIG D3 27, FOG D3 27
GIFT M3 27 fatcat

On 16th draw, FOEHN 1D 33 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: JETON K1 32, JOINT M2 32, JEON K2 30, JET N6 30, JETON M1 30
JOINT M2 32 fatcat

On 17th draw, HAKU 13J 37 --- HAKU the kingfish (Maori) [n]
Other moves: KISH M3 33, KITH M3 33, HI 2F 31, HUIS K5 30, RUSH 2C 30
HIKERS 5I 26 fatcat

On 18th draw, MARTINS 2G 70 --- MARTIN a small bird [n]
Other tops: MINARETS 5G 70, RAIMENTS 5H 70
Other moves: MARTS C2 33, TRUISM 2B 33, MART C2 31, MAST C2 31, RUSMA 2C 30
MA 2F 25 fatcat

On 19th draw, JILTER 5H 26 --- JILTER one that jilts [n]
Other moves: JIG 3B 22, LICIT I4 21, CRIT I5 20, JET 5K 20, CIT I6 19
JIG 3B 22 fatcat

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