Game on January 5, 2025 at 11:22, 8 players
1. 276 pts Chelsea
2. 210 pts LongJump22
3. 67 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 28 28
2. 3H 52 80
3. 5E 98 178
4. 9B 77 255
5. 7F 65 320
6. C6 80 400
7. 2J 52 452
8. 8L 53 505
9. B2 51 556
10. 1K 39 595
11. D12 29 624
12. A1 29 653
13. C1 33 686
14. 8A 34 720
15. 15D 45 765
16. O4 65 830
17. N5 52 882
18. 11J 30 912
19. 14H 81 993
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7050 Chelsea 3 8:07 -717 276 1.7050 Chelsea 3 8:07 -717 276
2.5802 LongJump22 3 4:55 -783 210 Group: novice
3.5690 LLLLLL1112 1 3:00 -926 67 1.5802 LongJump22 3 4:55 -783 210
4. - NNNNNN1144 1 1:56 -941 52 2.5690 LLLLLL1112 1 3:00 -926 67
5. - OOOOOO1144 0 1:58 -945 48 3.5618 MMMMMM1112 1 1:25 -964 29
6.5618 MMMMMM1112 1 1:25 -964 29 4.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:43 -964 29
7.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:43 -964 29 5.5467 NNNNNN1112 1 1:46 -964 29
8.5467 NNNNNN1112 1 1:46 -964 29 Group: not rated
1. - NNNNNN1144 1 1:56 -941 52
2. - OOOOOO1144 0 1:58 -945 48
On 1st draw, APPEND H3 28 --- APPEND to add as a supplement [v]
Other moves: APPEND H7 26, NAPPED H7 26, APPEND H4 24, APPEND H8 24, NAPPED H3 24
On 2nd draw, AZOTED 3H 52 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: DZO G2 48, ZO G3 46, L*ZLEZ G1 43, LUZ G1 43, PLOTZED 4H 38
DZO G2 48 OOOOOO1144
On 3rd draw, CARPOOLS 5E 98 --- CARPOOL to take turns driving a group of commuters [v]
Other moves: CORONALS 7D 62, CARPOOL 5E 44, SPORAL 4G 35, PAROL 4H 33, PORAL 4H 33
On 4th draw, (H)AIDUK(S) 9B 77 --- HAIDUK a brigand [n]
Other moves: AD(S)UKI(S) 9B 74, AD(S)UKI(S) 9F 74, AD(Z)UKI(S) 9B 74, AD(S)UKI(S) G8 66, AD(S)UKI(S) I8 66
On 5th draw, BANGSTER 7F 65 --- BANGSTER a braggart [n]
Other moves: BARG(H)EST B5 64, BAREST 2J 45, BARES 2J 43, BATES 2J 43, BETAS 2J 43
On 6th draw, UNWARMED C6 80 --- UNWARMED not warmed [adj] --- WARM to raise the temperature [adj]
Other moves: MURED 2J 45, MEND 8L 39, WEND 8A 38, MENU 8L 36, MEND 8A 35
MURED 2J 45 Chelsea
On 7th draw, WITAN 2J 52 --- WITAN the members of a national council in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other moves: VAWTE 8A 43, WANE 2J 35, WATE 2J 35, WENA 2J 35, WETA 2J 35
WITAN 2J 52 LongJump22, NNNNNN1144
On 8th draw, HEFT 8L 53 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: FIGHT 1F 42, GOTH 4L 38, FEH 1M 36, FOH 1M 36, FOH 4L 36
FIGHT 1F 42 Chelsea, LongJump22
On 9th draw, HOLEY B2 51 --- HOLEY full of holes [adj]
Other tops: HOSEY B2 51, SHILY B2 51
Other moves: ISOHEL O1 48, SOILY B2 45, HOLY D12 41, HEWS 8A 37, HOWL 8A 37
HOSEY B2 51 LongJump22
HOLY D12 41 Chelsea
On 10th draw, RAMIE 1K 39 --- RAMIE an Asian shrub [n]
Other tops: LAMER 1K 39
Other moves: LAMER A1 38, EMAIL A4 37, MEWL 8A 34, AMIE 1L 33, AMIR 1L 33
LAMER A1 38 Chelsea, LLLLLL1112
On 11th draw, FINE D12 29 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINE to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v]
Other tops: FENI D12 29, FILE D12 29, FINI D12 29, LIEF D12 29, NEIF D12 29, NIEF D12 29
Other moves: FEW 8A 28, NEF C1 27, EF C2 25, FEN A1 25, FEN D12 25
FINE D12 29 LLLLLL1112
LIEF D12 29 Chelsea
FILE D12 29 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 12th draw, SAGE A1 29 --- SAGE an aromatic herb used as seasoning [n] --- SAGE wise [adj]
Other tops: SAGA A1 29
Other moves: AGA 10E 24, ASEA 9K 20, ASEA E11 20, GI 10F 20, SAG A1 20
SAGE A1 29 Chelsea, OOOOOO1112
On 13th draw, RIBS C1 33 --- RIB to poke fun at [v]
Other moves: ABS C2 31, BARS C1 29, BIAS C1 29, ISBA 9K 28, RAWS 8A 28
On 14th draw, COWL 8A 34 --- COWL to cover with a hood [v]
Other moves: FLOUNCE N8 28, NOWL 8A 28, RANCEL 1C 27, RAUCLE 1C 27, RECOAL 1C 27
On 15th draw, ENJOY 15D 45 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: REJOIN 1C 42, EXINE 15D 36, REENJOY M7 36, FOXY N8 33, NIXE 15A 33
On 16th draw, VAULTIER O4 65 --- VAULTY resembling an arched ceiling [adj]
Other moves: FAVRILE N8 42, REVALUE M7 28, REVILER M7 28, VAE 9M 27, FAILURE N8 24
VAULTIER O4 65 LongJump22
On 17th draw, EX N5 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX N5 52
Other moves: AXE 10M 26, XU 6N 25, AGO 10E 24, EGO 10E 24, OXTER 11K 24
AX N5 52 Chelsea
On 18th draw, QINTAR 11J 30 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: RATION 1C 21, APO 4G 19, ANI 10E 18, ITA 10E 18, FANO N8 17
On 19th draw, OUTGIVE 14H 81 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: VITE 12I 31, GITE 12I 27, EGO 10E 24, RIGOUT 1C 24, GEIT 12H 20
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