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Game on January 5, 2025 at 13:38, 6 players
1. 199 pts LongJump22
2. 85 pts sicilianc5
3. 39 pts OOOOOO1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aciiix   H8    42    42   calix
 2. ?eegrvw  11E    48    90   reviews
 3. ilnottu  12J    20   110   oilnut
 4. eegnruy  10A    35   145   gurney
 5. abioptu   A8    39   184   pigboat
 6. egilnos   B2    74   258   lignose
 7. acderuz   M9    54   312   zarnec
 8. emnsttu   D3    76   388   stuntmen
 9. aeiprrt  14J    32   420   pricer
10. aefhkln  15E    43   463   fankle
11. efiloru  14D    35   498   life
12. degmort   N8    33   531   dom
13. ahiiosy  15A    66   597   shy
14. abnoott   O5    42   639   taboo
15. adeiovw   N1    43   682   waived
16. aehnotu   1L    42   724   howe
17. aiinost  15L    24   748   os
18. aaegijr   A1    48   796   jaga
19. diinrtu   L1    22   818   hirudin

Remaining tiles: adeqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5802 FileLongJump22  4  4:02  -619  199     1.7697 sicilianc5  2  2:30  -733   85 
  2.7697 Filesicilianc5  2  2:30  -733   85            Group: novice
  3.5535 FileOOOOOO1112  1  0:31  -779   39     1.5802 LongJump22  4  4:02  -619  199 
  4.5690 FileLLLLLL1112  1  0:55  -779   39     2.5535 OOOOOO1112  1  0:31  -779   39 
  5.5618 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:20  -779   39     3.5690 LLLLLL1112  1  0:55  -779   39 
  6.5467 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:45  -779   39     4.5618 MMMMMM1112  1  1:20  -779   39 
                                             5.5467 NNNNNN1112  1  1:45  -779   39 

On 1st draw, CA(L)IX H8 42 --- CALIX a cup [n]
Other moves: CA(L)IX H4 32, CA(L)IX H5 26, CA(L)IX H6 26, CA(L)IX H7 26, CA(L)X H5 24
CA(L)IX H8 42 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, REVIEW(S) 11E 48 --- REVIEW to view again [v]
Other moves: REGIVE(N) 11E 40, REGIVE(S) 11E 40, VE(L)IGER 11E 40, VER(T)EX 12C 30, REW(A)X 12D 28
REVIEW(S) 11E 48 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, OILNUT 12J 20 --- OILNUT a North American butter nut [n]
Other moves: LIEU I9 18, OILNUT 10J 18, VOLTI G11 18, VOLT G11 17, OILNUT 10A 16

On 4th draw, GURNEY 10A 35 --- GURNEY a wheeled cot [n]
Other tops: YEVEN G9 35
Other moves: RENEY 10B 33, YEVE G9 33, GREY 10C 31, GEY 10D 30, GUY 10D 30
GURNEY 10A 35 LongJump22

On 5th draw, PIGBOAT A8 39 --- PIGBOAT a submarine [n]
Other moves: BAGUIO A8 30, PIGOUT A8 30, INPUT D9 29, BIOTA 13K 28, OBIA 13J 28

On 6th draw, LIGNOSE B2 74 --- LIGNOSE a constituent of lignin [n]
Other moves: ELOIGNERS E4 70, SINGLE 15A 66, SOIGNE 15A 66, GASOLINE 9G 63, LIGNEOUS N6 63
LIGNOSE B2 74 LongJump22

On 7th draw, ZARNEC M9 54 --- ZARNEC sulphide of arsenic [n]
Other moves: ZED A1 44, CRAZED C9 42, ZEA A1 40, TREZ O12 39, TZAR O12 39

On 8th draw, STUNTMEN D3 76 --- STUNTMAN a person who substitutes for an actor in scenes involving dangerous activities [n]
Other moves: MINUTEST 3A 72, STEM 15A 66, STUM 15A 66, SMUT 15A 60, STENT 15A 57

On 9th draw, PRICER 14J 32 --- PRICER one that prices [n]
Other moves: TEPA A1 31, PERAI N6 30, PETAR N6 30, PRICE 14J 30, PRATER C9 29

On 10th draw, FANKLE 15E 43 --- FANKLE to entangle [v]
Other moves: FAH N8 41, FRANK C9 41, FREAK C9 41, FLAKE 15F 40, ANKH 12C 38

On 11th draw, LIFE 14D 35 --- LIFE the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter [n]
Other tops: RIFE 14D 35
Other moves: FLUOR N6 33, FRIER C9 33, FRORE C9 33, FUROL N6 33, LIEF 14C 33

On 12th draw, DOM N8 33 --- DOM a title given to certain monks [n]
Other moves: ROM N8 32, T*M N8 32, OM N9 31, GEMOT N6 29, MOD N8 28

On 13th draw, SHY 15A 66 --- SHY bashful [adj] --- SHY to move suddenly back or aside, as in fear [v]
Other moves: SAY 15A 57, SHA 15A 57, SOH 15A 57, SOY 15A 57, HOYAS O5 54

On 14th draw, TABOO O5 42 --- TABOO to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: BOA O7 36, BOO O7 36, TABOO O4 33, NOO O7 30, TAO O7 30

On 15th draw, WAIVED N1 43 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other tops: AVOWED N1 43
Other moves: VOWED N2 41, WAVED N2 41, WIVED N2 41, AVOID N2 35, WRIED C9 35
WAIVED N1 43 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, HOWE 1L 42 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other tops: HEWN 1L 42
Other moves: EH O1 35, OH O1 35, THANE E2 29, EAN O1 28, EAT O1 28
HOWE 1L 42 sicilianc5

On 17th draw, OS 15L 24 --- OS an orifice [n] --- OS a narrow ridge of gravel and sand [n] --- OS a bone [n]
Other moves: ST 15M 22, IOTA C1 20, NAOI C1 20, NAOI E5 20, NOTA C1 20

On 18th draw, JAGA A1 48 --- JAGA a watchman (Indonesia) [n] --- JAGA to guard [v]
Other moves: JAG A1 38, JAGA 12C 34, HEJIRA L1 32, JAG 13C 31, JAI 2J 31

On 19th draw, HIRUDIN L1 22 --- HIRUDIN an anticoagulant [n]
Other moves: DINT 12C 19, DIRT 12C 19, DUNT 12C 19, DURN 12C 19, RUTIN E1 18

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