Game on January 5, 2025 at 15:08, 9 players
1. 302 pts sicilianc5
2. 232 pts LongJump22
3. 181 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 9B 68 92
3. 10B 36 128
4. 6F 62 190
5. K4 110 300
6. D4 94 394
7. 8J 45 439
8. 12C 63 502
9. A6 23 525
10. B2 27 552
11. A1 35 587
12. C3 29 616
13. 13I 38 654
14. F1 71 725
15. 1D 39 764
16. 14L 35 799
17. 15G 47 846
18. 13B 28 874
19. 12M 27 901
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7697 sicilianc5 6 9:16 -599 302 1.7697 sicilianc5 6 9:16 -599 302
2.5802 LongJump22 4 3:44 -669 232 2.7061 sunshine12 2 6:28 -720 181
3.7061 sunshine12 2 6:28 -720 181 3.7637 queen66 2 4:12 -783 118
4.7637 queen66 2 4:12 -783 118 4.7064 Chelsea 0 1:05 -875 26
5.5618 MMMMMM1112 0 1:34 -841 60 Group: novice
6.5467 NNNNNN1112 0 1:40 -842 59 1.5802 LongJump22 4 3:44 -669 232
7.5535 OOOOOO1112 0 0:58 -866 35 2.5618 MMMMMM1112 0 1:34 -841 60
8.7064 Chelsea 0 1:05 -875 26 3.5467 NNNNNN1112 0 1:40 -842 59
9.5690 LLLLLL1112 0 1:37 -881 20 4.5535 OOOOOO1112 0 0:58 -866 35
5.5690 LLLLLL1112 0 1:37 -881 20
On 1st draw, FOSSA H4 24 --- FOSSA a anatomical depression [n] --- FOSSA a Madagascan animal resembling a civet [n]
Other tops: FAROS H4 24, FRASS H4 24
Other moves: SOFARS H3 20, SOFARS H4 20, SOFARS H7 20, SOFARS H8 20, AFROS H4 18
FOSSA H4 24 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, ANTARAS 9B 68 --- ANTARA a type of Pan-pipes [n]
Other moves: ANTARAS G7 65, ANTARAS G8 61, ANTARAS I8 61, SARAFAN 4D 20, AFARAS 4G 18
On 3rd draw, WEID 10B 36 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other moves: GEOID 8A 34, MEOW 10B 34, WENDIGO C7 32, WIFEDOM 4F 32, WONGIED C7 32
WEID 10B 36 LongJump22
On 4th draw, INSNARER 6F 62 --- INSNARER one that ensnares [n]
Other moves: INSNARER 7F 61, REFRAIN 4F 20, ANE 8A 18, ARE 8A 18, AWARER B9 18
INSNARER 6F 62 LongJump22
On 5th draw, VERBAL(L)Y K4 110 --- VERBALLY in a spoken manner [adv]
Other tops: VERBA(L)LY K4 110
Other moves: VENE(R)ABLY C7 90, VERBAL(L)Y M4 69, VERBA(L)LY M4 68, BRAVELY K5 60, BRAVE(L)Y K5 56
VERBAL(L)Y K4 110 LongJump22
On 6th draw, PARTITI(V)E D4 94 --- PARTITIVE [n]
Other tops: (B)IPARTITE D4 94
Other moves: PAIRE(S)T A3 85, PERIA(P)T A3 85, REPAI(N)T A3 85, (P)ERIAPT A3 85, APERIT(I)F 4A 76
On 7th draw, TAKINS 8J 45 --- TAKIN a goatlike mammal [n]
Other moves: OIKIST A4 41, OIKIST N2 35, SKINT A5 35, IKONS N2 33, KAINIT 8J 33
On 8th draw, DEPORTED 12C 63 --- DEPORT to expel from a country [v]
Other moves: DEPORT A4 41, DROID 8A 35, DEPOT A5 32, DROPT A5 32, DROIT 8A 31
On 9th draw, GOUT A6 23 --- GOUT a metabolic disease [n]
Other tops: GEIT A6 23
Other moves: GET A7 20, GIT A7 20, GOT A7 20, GUT A7 20, TOGUE 13I 20
TOGUE 13I 20 sicilianc5, LLLLLL1112
On 10th draw, GOODIE B2 27 --- GOODIE a desirable thing [n]
Other moves: DOGIE 13I 26, AGOOD E1 24, GEOID E1 24, AGOOD L11 23, AGED E2 22
GOODIE B2 27 sicilianc5
On 11th draw, HUH A1 35 --- HUH used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: HEH E3 32, HOH E3 32, JOHN G3 32, HOH C1 31, HUH C1 31
HUH A1 35 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, BO C3 29 --- BO a pal [n]
Other moves: GLOB E2 26, GO C3 25, BLOG E2 24, GOB E3 24, IGNOBLE M8 24
BO C3 29 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, FELTER 13I 38 --- FELTER to mat together like felt [v]
Other moves: FETOR 13I 36, FOREL 13I 36, FORTE 13I 36, LEFTOVER 4F 28, REEF 13F 28
FELTER 13I 38 sicilianc5
FEE 13A 18 sunshine12
On 14th draw, EULOGIZER F1 71 --- EULOGIZER [n]
Other moves: OOZE F12 33, OUZO F12 33, L*ZLEZ 14M 30, ZEE 13A 30, DOZE C12 28
OOZE F12 33 sicilianc5
ZEE 13A 30 sunshine12
On 15th draw, WIENIE 1D 39 --- WIENIE a frankfurter [n]
Other moves: WAIN 14J 36, WAE 14J 33, WAI 14J 33, ANEW 12L 30, ENMEW 1F 30
WAIN 14J 36 sicilianc5, sunshine12, queen66
On 16th draw, AXE 14L 35 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: YAE 14J 33, YEARN N10 32, DEXY J12 31, DEXY C12 30, YA 14J 30
AXE 14L 35 sunshine12, sicilianc5, queen66
On 17th draw, CONIUM 15G 47 --- CONIUM a poisonous herb [n]
Other moves: IONIUM 15G 41, ONIUM 15H 38, CUMIN 15H 34, MUCIN 15H 34, MOC 15L 33
CONIUM 15G 47 sicilianc5, queen66
CUMIN 15H 34 sunshine12
On 18th draw, QI 13B 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VIM 12M 27, YAM 12M 27, MY 15N 26, LAV 12M 23, LAY 12M 23
QI 13B 28 sunshine12
(L)I 10K 1 sicilianc5
On 19th draw, YAM 12M 27 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other tops: VAC 12M 27
Other moves: MY 15N 26, CYMAR M2 24, LAV 12M 23, LAY 12M 23, CA(L)MLY 10I 22
MY 15N 26 Chelsea
(L)A 10K 1 sicilianc5
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