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Game on January 5, 2025 at 21:57, 8 players
1. 441 pts LongJump22
2. 318 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 193 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. gnoopru   H4    24    24   progun
 2. deinouy   5E    32    56   dourine
 3. ?deipyy   6B    39    95   pikey
 4. eenostu   A3    84   179   outseen
 5. aeghnrs   B8    92   271   rehangs
 6. afhiotw   4K    41   312   fowth
 7. ?diioor   O3    83   395   chorioid
 8. aenoqry  11A    36   431   yaqona
 9. eeijmst  11J    38   469   eejits
10. ailotvw  12H    46   515   volta
11. acegstv  13I    34   549   stage
12. adeelmn   D8    76   625   lemonade
13. adeimrt  15C    83   708   remediat
14. abbeflv  14F    36   744   fab
15. aeirvxz  10D    68   812   maze
16. abccirx  12D    32   844   nix
17. acillrw  10I    28   872   aw
18. ciklruv   4C    24   896   vril
19. cciklru  N11    23   919   turk

Remaining tiles: bccil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5802 FileLongJump22  6  9:10  -478  441     1.7337 VVVVVV1112  3  5:19  -601  318 
  2.7337 FileVVVVVV1112  3  5:19  -601  318     2.7640 queen66     3  7:48  -726  193 
  3.7640 Filequeen66     3  7:48  -726  193     3.7610 HollyIvy    3  2:56  -758  161 
  4.5467 FileNNNNNN1112  2  8:24  -736  183            Group: novice
  5.5535 FileOOOOOO1112  2 10:18  -745  174     1.5802 LongJump22  6  9:10  -478  441 
  6.7610 FileHollyIvy    3  2:56  -758  161     2.5467 NNNNNN1112  2  8:24  -736  183 
  7.5690 FileLLLLLL1112  2 11:28  -759  160     3.5535 OOOOOO1112  2 10:18  -745  174 
  8.5618 FileMMMMMM1112  1  8:12  -796  123     4.5690 LLLLLL1112  2 11:28  -759  160 
                                             5.5618 MMMMMM1112  1  8:12  -796  123 

On 1st draw, PROGUN H4 24 --- PROGUN favoring the right to own guns without restrictions [adj]
Other moves: GROUP H8 22, PONGO H4 22, PRONG H4 22, GROUP H4 20, PORNO H4 20
PROGUN H4 24 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, queen66

On 2nd draw, DOURINE 5E 32 --- DOURINE a disease of horses [n]
Other tops: NEUROID 5E 32
Other moves: ONY I7 26, NYED I8 23, PIONEY 4H 22, PYNED 4H 22, PYOID 4H 22
PYNED 4H 22 LongJump22, queen66

On 3rd draw, PI(K)EY 6B 39 --- PIKEY derogatory word for a gypsy or vagrant [n]
Other tops: DY(K)*Y 6B 39, PI(N)EY 6B 39
Other moves: D(O)PEY 6B 38, YIP(P)Y 4K 37, YI(P)PY 4K 37, DI(C)EY 6B 36, D*k*Y 6B 36
DY(K)*Y 6B 39 LongJump22, queen66

On 4th draw, OUTSEEN A3 84 --- OUTSEE to see beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTSEEN L2 75, OUTSEEN G8 64, OUTSEEN G9 62, OUTSEEN I9 62, OUTSEE A3 31
OUTSEEN L2 75 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
OUTSEEN L2 25 queen66

On 5th draw, REHANGS B8 92 --- REHANG to hang again [v]
Other moves: GNASHER L2 83, HANGERS B8 83, HEARINGS C2 78, HEARSING C1 76, SHEARING C1 76
REHANGS B8 92 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
REHANGS B8 42 queen66, NNNNNN1112

On 6th draw, FOWTH 4K 41 --- FOWTH abundance [n]
Other moves: FAITH 4K 35, WHIFT 4K 35, FAH C9 33, FAW C9 33, FOH C9 33
FOWTH 4K 41 LongJump22, queen66, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 7th draw, (C)HORIOID O3 83 --- CHORIOID a membrane of the eye [n]
Other moves: SORI(C)OID 14B 58, HOODI(E)R O4 30, O(C)HROID O2 30, RHI(Z)OID O3 30, (C)HOROID O3 30
(C)HORIOID O3 83 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 8th draw, YAQONA 11A 36 --- YAQONA the Fijian name for kava [n]
Other moves: YEAN 6J 34, YEAR 6J 34, YEA 6J 33, YEN 6J 33, YE 6J 32
ONERY 12A 18 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 9th draw, EEJITS 11J 38 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other moves: JETES 11K 36, EEJITS N10 35, JEWIES M2 34, EEJIT N10 33, MEES G8 33
EEJITS 11J 38 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112

On 10th draw, VOLTA 12H 46 --- VOLTA a turning [n]
Other moves: WILJA L8 38, WILTJA L7 34, LATI 12K 32, LOTA 12K 32, LOTI 12K 32
TWO 10I 29 MMMMMM1112
WO 10J 28 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
(K)A D6 1 LongJump22

On 11th draw, STAGE 13I 34 --- STAGE to produce for public viewing [v]
Other moves: ACTIVE C3 33, CAGIEST C3 31, GAES G8 31, GATS G8 31, GETS G8 31
GAVE 13L 27 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
(K)A D6 1 LongJump22

On 12th draw, LEMONADE D8 76 --- LEMONADE a soft drink made from lemons [n]
Other moves: EMAILED C3 35, AMEN 14L 28, DAME 10D 28, DAMN 10D 28, DEME 10D 28
DAM 10D 27 MMMMMM1112
(K)A D6 1 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 13th draw, REMEDIAT 15C 83 --- REMEDIAT remedial [adj]
Other moves: TAMED 14K 36, TAMER 14K 34, TAME 14K 32, AMID 14L 30, DEMERIT 15C 30
OE 3A 2 LongJump22
UT 4A 2 NNNNNN1112
OI 3A 2 OOOOOO1112
AI 7N 2 LLLLLL1112
IO 8N 2 MMMMMM1112

On 14th draw, FAB 14F 36 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other moves: DEF 14D 32, ABB 10I 31, EBB 10I 31, FA 14F 29, FE 14F 29
FAB 14F 36 HollyIvy
OE 3A 2 LongJump22

On 15th draw, MAZE 10D 68 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other moves: MIZ 10D 67, ZA 10F 62, ZAX B1 47, ZEX B1 47, VARIX C3 46
MAZE 10D 68 HollyIvy, VVVVVV1112
IO L3 2 LongJump22

On 16th draw, NIX 12D 32 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: AX 14L 30, AX A14 29, RAX B1 29, CRIB 4C 28, AX B2 27
RAX B1 29 HollyIvy

On 17th draw, AW 10I 28 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: URACIL 4A 26, ARC 14L 24, LAIC 4C 24, WAIL 4C 24, ARIL 14L 22
AW 10I 28 HollyIvy

On 18th draw, VRIL 4C 24 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other tops: URIC 4C 24
Other moves: TURK N11 23, CIVIL C3 22, KID 10M 20, KIT N9 20, KIR B2 18

On 19th draw, TURK N11 23 --- TURK a usually young dynamic person, eager for change [n]
Other moves: KID 10M 20, KIT N9 20, URIC 6J 18, WICK M4 18, RUC N13 17

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