Game on January 5, 2025 at 22:43, 10 players
1. 136 pts sunshine12
2. 126 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 120 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 5E 94 118
3. 6A 24 142
4. A1 149 291
5. 9D 81 372
6. 1A 89 461
7. J8 62 523
8. 15G 48 571
9. 4D 29 600
10. 10E 64 664
11. 11D 40 704
12. 8J 36 740
13. 12A 46 786
14. B10 34 820
15. 3A 29 849
16. 4K 34 883
17. 13I 48 931
18. 11I 36 967
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7063 sunshine12 0 4:49 -831 136 1.7063 sunshine12 0 4:49 -831 136
2.7132 GLOBEMAN 0 4:26 -841 126 2.7132 GLOBEMAN 0 4:26 -841 126
3.7662 roocatcher 0 4:54 -847 120 3.7662 roocatcher 0 4:54 -847 120
4.5748 LongJump22 0 2:04 -888 79 Group: novice
5.5471 NNNNNN1112 0 0:56 -921 46 1.5748 LongJump22 0 2:04 -888 79
6.5515 OOOOOO1112 0 1:29 -921 46 2.5471 NNNNNN1112 0 0:56 -921 46
7.5638 LLLLLL1112 0 1:52 -921 46 3.5515 OOOOOO1112 0 1:29 -921 46
8. - BadBoyBen 0 0:13 -934 33 4.5638 LLLLLL1112 0 1:52 -921 46
9. - chunk88 0 1:34 -934 33 5.5617 MMMMMM1112 0 0:34 -945 22
10.5617 MMMMMM1112 0 0:34 -945 22 Group: not rated
1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:13 -934 33
2. - chunk88 0 1:34 -934 33
On 1st draw, HOO(D)IE H4 24 --- HOODIE a gray crow of Europe [n]
Other tops: HE(R)OIN H4 24, HE(R)OON H4 24, HOEIN(G) H4 24, HOI(D)EN H4 24, HONIE(D) H4 24, H*N(K)**HON(K)IE H4 24, HOO(L)IE H4 24, HOO(V)EN H4 24
Other moves: HE(L)IO H4 22, HE(M)IN H4 22, HE(R)ON H4 22, HIN(G)E H4 22, HI(Z)EN H4 22
On 2nd draw, PARODI(E)D 5E 94 --- PARODY to imitate a serious literary work for comic effect [v]
Other moves: DI(S)PRAD G6 77, DI(S)PRAD 10F 74, DI(S)PRAD 10D 73, DI(S)PRAD G9 68, DI(S)PRAD I9 68
On 3rd draw, TUTUED 6A 24 --- TUTU a short ballet skirt [adj] --- TUTUED wearing a tutu [adj]
Other moves: PUTTIED E5 20, TIED 6C 20, DEI 6J 19, TED 6D 19, TID 6D 19
On 4th draw, EBONITES A1 149 --- EBONITE a hard rubber [n]
Other moves: BETONIES A4 89, EBONIES 10B 72, EBONITES C1 72, EBONIES G7 71, EBONISE G7 71
On 5th draw, BRAZENED 9D 81 --- BRAZEN to face boldly [v]
Other moves: BRAZENED 9B 74, BRAZ(E)NED K1 69, BRAZED 4J 51, NERTZ C3 48, BRAZED 10G 47
On 6th draw, ELEMENTS 1A 89 --- ELEMENT a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means [n]
Other moves: ELEMENTS J7 68, MANTEELS F8 64, STEELMEN J7 64, TALESMEN F8 64, HELMETS 4H 38
On 7th draw, RELATION J8 62 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other tops: RATIONAL F8 62
Other moves: LORAN 10F 39, TORAN 10F 39, BONITA 2A 36, ORAL 10G 32, TARO 10F 32
On 8th draw, SWANNY 15G 48 --- SWANNY swan-like [adj] --- SWANNY to declare -- used only in the 1st person singular [v]
Other moves: WAS 10F 47, WANLY 15H 45, RAWINS 8J 42, RIYALS 8J 42, INYALAS 11E 40
On 9th draw, GALAH 4D 29 --- GALAH a cockatoo [n]
Other moves: LATAH 4D 27, LOTAH 4D 27, CATALOG 12H 26, GO 10F 25, ATOC 4L 24
On 10th draw, EXO 10E 64 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: REDOXES K7 56, EX 10E 52, REDOX K7 48, BOXER 2A 47, BOXES 2A 47
On 11th draw, AGES 11D 40 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other tops: GEOS 11E 40
Other moves: GEO 11E 38, GIES 11D 38, GOES 11D 38, EASY 2C 36, OES 11E 34
On 12th draw, RAMTIL 8J 36 --- RAMTIL a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: MOL 12D 34, MATLO 12A 29, BALM 2A 28, BIMA 2A 28, BOMA 2A 28
On 13th draw, KOPH 12A 46 --- KOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: HOOKUP 14I 46
Other moves: HOWK 4K 38, HOWF 4K 36, KOPH 14L 35, WOF K11 35, WHUP 7K 34
HUP I11 25 sunshine12
On 14th draw, FOOTIE B10 34 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other tops: FOVEA 4K 34
Other moves: FEAT 13B 33, FIAT 13B 33, KAIF A12 33, KIEF A12 33, KIVA A12 33
KIVA A12 33 sunshine12
On 15th draw, OURANG 3A 29 --- OURANG a large ape [n]
Other moves: RANG 3C 25, RUNG 3C 25, REIGN 15A 24, RENGA 15A 24, TAIG 13B 24
GAIN N6 9 roocatcher
On 16th draw, YOWIE 4K 34 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: QI 14F 33, OW A14 32, OY A14 32, YOWED L1 32, YOWE 4K 30
QI 14F 33 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 17th draw, JIVIER 13I 48 --- JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj] --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JIVER 13I 46, JIVER O1 45, JIVE O1 42, JUVE O1 42, JIRRE 13I 40
JIVER 13I 46 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
JIVER O1 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
JURE O1 33 BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, FAQUIR 11I 36 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 11I 34, FIVER O1 33, QI 14F 33, REIF 15A 33, FIVE O1 30
QI 14F 33 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
FIVER O1 33 LongJump22
QI L12 22 MMMMMM1112
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