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Game on January 6, 2025 at 00:59, 5 players
1. 434 pts sunshine12
2. 259 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 214 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bcelost   H4    26    26   cobles
 2. acddenp   5C    26    52   decapod
 3. aginpst   J3    76   128   pasting
 4. aahiiry   6D    39   167   rhy
 5. ?aamouz   3I    38   205   apozem
 6. aeginov   8J    39   244   novena
 7. aehiruy   4J    51   295   ayah
 8. ?iloouw   O1    33   328   wus
 9. alnnost   O5    59   387   sonantal
10. eeinrtu   G8    64   451   reunite
11. degioqr  11E    36   487   ignored
12. adeeent   N8    82   569   neatened
13. aeoqrsu  13C    86   655   equators
14. efgimrw   4D    47   702   few
15. begiilm  15K    33   735   imide
16. aiklorr  15D    50   785   karri
17. bfgiluv  12J    25   810   fib
18. ilootvx  14A    35   845   vox
19. gijllot   2F    29   874   jilt

Remaining tiles: gilotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7063 Filesunshine12  4 16:05  -440  434     1.7063 sunshine12  4 16:05  -440  434 
  2.7135 FileGLOBEMAN    1  7:51  -615  259     2.7135 GLOBEMAN    1  7:51  -615  259 
  3.7662 Fileroocatcher  1  5:58  -660  214     3.7662 roocatcher  1  5:58  -660  214 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:09  -842   32            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:58  -842   32     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:09  -842   32 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:58  -842   32 

On 1st draw, COBLES H4 26 --- COBLE a small fishing boat [n]
Other moves: BLOCS H4 24, COBLE H4 24, BOTELS H4 22, CLOSET H4 22, CLOTES H4 22

On 2nd draw, DECAPOD 5C 26 --- DECAPOD a ten-legged crustacean [n]
Other moves: ACCEND 4G 22, PEACOD 5D 22, PONCED 5G 22, CAPED 4H 20, COPED 5G 20

On 3rd draw, PASTING J3 76 --- PASTE to fasten with a sticky mixture [v] --- PASTING a beating [n]
Other moves: PAGANIST F2 69, PASTING G8 69, PAGANIST F4 67, PLATINGS 7G 67, STAPLING 7D 65
PIGS J2 27 sunshine12

On 4th draw, RHY 6D 39 --- RHY a grass [n]
Other moves: HABIT 6F 38, AYAH 4A 35, HAY 4B 31, YAH 4B 31, HAAR 4A 29
RHY 6D 39 sunshine12

On 5th draw, APOZ(E)M 3I 38 --- APOZEM a medicine obtained by boiling [n]
Other tops: MAZ(I)ER D1 38, MA(M)ZER D1 38, MO(M)ZER D1 38
Other moves: TO(P)AZ 6J 33, AMAZO(N) 4J 32, MAZER D2 32, MAZER(S) D2 32, MAZ(E)D C1 32
(S)UM 10J 14 sunshine12

On 6th draw, NOVENA 8J 39 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other moves: AEON 4L 37, ONIE 4L 37, GAZON L1 34, AEON 4J 33, ANE 4L 33
ANA 4J 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, AYAH 4J 51 --- AYAH a native maid or nurse in India [n]
Other moves: HAY 4D 47, HEY 4D 47, HAZY L1 46, HAZIER L1 44, YEAH 4A 43
AHA 4J 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 8th draw, WU(S) O1 33 --- WUS a term for a pal [n]
Other tops: WI(S) O1 33, WO(S) O1 33
Other moves: (H)OW 4D 31, (P)OW 4D 31, (S)OW 4D 31, WOO(F) 4A 27, WOO(S) 4A 27
WI(S) O1 33 roocatcher
WO(S) O1 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 9th draw, SONANTAL O5 59 --- SONANT a sound uttered with vibration of the vocal cords [adj] --- SONANTAL pertaining to a sonant [adj]
Other moves: SAL 4D 26, SAN 4D 26, SAT 4D 26, SOL 4D 26, SON 4D 26
NONAS 7B 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 10th draw, REUNITE G8 64 --- REUNITE to come together again [v] --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [v]
Other tops: NEURITE G8 64, RETINUE G8 64
Other moves: UTERINE G9 62, NEURITE 2C 61, RETINUE 2C 61, REUNITE 2C 61, UTERINE 2C 61

On 11th draw, IGNORED 11E 36 --- IGNORE to intentionally disregard [v]
Other tops: GRIDE 15D 36
Other moves: GEOID F10 35, DERIG 15G 30, DERO H12 30, DIRE H12 30, DIRGE 15G 30
GRIDE 15F 29 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, NEATENED N8 82 --- NEATEN to make neat [v]
Other moves: ATTENDEE 13F 70, EDENTATE 13C 70, EDENTATE 13A 68, ATTENDEE 13E 60, TEADE 15D 30
TEADE 15D 30 roocatcher

On 13th draw, EQUATORS 13C 86 --- EQUATOR an imaginary circle round the middle of the earth [n]
Other tops: QUAESTOR 13B 86
Other moves: SQUARE 15C 83, QUARE 15D 80, ROQUES 15G 56, SQUARE 15G 56, SQUARED 15H 54
SQUARE 15C 83 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, FEW 4D 47 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: EMIGRE 14B 44, FEM 4D 44, WIFE 4B 43, FEG 4D 41, FIG 4D 41
GREW 15F 32 sunshine12

On 15th draw, IMIDE 15K 33 --- IMIDE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: GLIM 14B 31, BIDE 15L 30, BIDI 15L 30, GIBE M10 30, MIDI 15L 30
GLIM 14B 31 sunshine12

On 16th draw, KARRI 15D 50 --- KARRI a type of Australian gum tree [n]
Other moves: KORARI 15C 41, KARRI 15E 35, KORAI 15E 35, KARO 15E 32, KORA 15E 32
LARK 15E 32 chunk88
LIRK 15E 32 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, FIB 12J 25 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other moves: FIG 12J 23, FIB M10 22, FUB M10 22, LIEF M6 22, FIL 12J 21
VEG M7 19 sunshine12

On 18th draw, VOX 14A 35 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: LOX 14A 29, TIX 14A 29, OX 14B 27, OXO 6M 26, VOX 10C 22
VOX 14A 35 sunshine12

On 19th draw, JILT 2F 29 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other tops: JILL 10B 29, JILL 2F 29, JILT 10B 29, JOLL 10B 29, JOLL 2F 29, JOLT 10B 29, JOLT 2F 29
Other moves: JOL 12A 28, JOT 12A 28, JO 6N 25, JET M7 23, JIGOT 10A 17
JILT 2F 29 sunshine12

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