Game on January 6, 2025 at 04:45, 1 player
1. 423 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 32 32
2. 11H 72 104
3. O4 101 205
4. 13B 79 284
5. 7F 65 349
6. B10 66 415
7. N10 27 442
8. 12A 34 476
9. E9 25 501
10. D3 78 579
11. F1 67 646
12. 1F 33 679
13. L11 42 721
14. 15H 33 754
15. 3B 32 786
16. 4H 39 825
17. C9 26 851
18. 2B 46 897
19. C5 27 924
20. 6I 20 944
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6315 fatcat 4 9:09 -521 423 1.6315 fatcat 4 9:09 -521 423
On 1st draw, BENDAY H7 32 --- BENDAY to reproduce using a certain process [v]
Other moves: BANDY H8 30, BEADY H8 30, BENDAY H4 30, BENDY H8 30, BANDY H4 28
On 2nd draw, ANGIOMAS 11H 72 --- ANGIOMA a tumor composed of blood or lymph vessels [n]
Other tops: ANGIOMAS 11B 72
On 3rd draw, KEEL(A)GES O4 101 --- KEELAGE the amount paid to keep a boat in a harbor [n]
Other tops: KEGELE(R)S O4 101
Other moves: GEEL(B)EKS O4 92, KEELAGE(S) N7 78, GLEEKE(D) I2 69, KEGELE(R) I2 69, KEEL(A)GE I1 68
On 4th draw, LOUSERS 13B 79 --- LOUSER an unpleasant person [n]
Other moves: LOUSERS 13E 72, ROSESLUG J4 63, EUSOLS 13C 27, LOSERS 13C 27, LOURES 13C 27
On 5th draw, RABATTED 7F 65 --- RABATTE to rotate into coincidence with another plane [v]
Other moves: TARTANED 9C 62, DATER N10 27, DEAR 12K 23, DRAT 12K 23, TEAD 12K 23
DARK 4L 18 fatcat
On 6th draw, ZI(L)LS B10 66 --- ZILL one of a pair of finger cymbals [n]
Other moves: WAZIRS N10 65, WAZIR N10 63, WAZIR(S) N10 63, WAZI(R)S N10 63, WAZ(I)RS N10 63
WIZ(A)RDS M2 38 fatcat
On 7th draw, DATTO N10 27 --- DATTO a Philippine tribal chief [n]
Other moves: DOAT 12K 23, DOIT 12K 23, TOAD 12K 23, DIT 12L 20, DOT 12L 20
TOOK 4L 16 fatcat
On 8th draw, F(L)IM 12A 34 --- FLIM a five pound note [n]
Other moves: HUMF D12 32, LEHAIM 8G 32, HIM 14D 31, AH N5 28, ALMEH L4 28
AH N5 28 fatcat
On 9th draw, ROUPS E9 25 --- ROUP to auction [v]
Other tops: RURPS E9 25
Other moves: APSO E11 23, OUPS E10 23, PODIA 10F 23, RAPS E10 23, RIPS E10 23
PARK 4L 20 fatcat
On 10th draw, CHOANAE D3 78 --- CHOANA a funnel-shaped opening [n]
Other tops: CHOANAE 6A 78
Other moves: COMAE M9 34, CHOANAE L1 30, AH N5 28, CANEH L4 28, CHANK 4K 28
HOCK 4L 26 fatcat
On 11th draw, CAREWORN F1 67 --- CAREWORN showing signs of stress [adj]
Other moves: CONCREW 3A 36, ACCREW 3B 34, COMAE M9 34, AWN F9 32, CRACOWE 3A 30
CROWNED M1 26 fatcat
On 12th draw, COVED 1F 33 --- COVE to curve over or inward [v]
Other moves: COVET 1F 30, DOUCET 1C 30, COVE 1F 27, VOGUED L10 26, VOGUED L3 26
COVED 1F 33 fatcat
On 13th draw, OXBOW L11 42 --- OXBOW a U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n]
Other moves: OX 12K 38, AX 8K 36, OX 8K 36, BOXCAR 3A 34, WAXEN L4 32
OX 12K 38 fatcat
On 14th draw, THREW 15H 33 --- THROW to propel through the air with a movement of the arm [v]
Other moves: EH N5 28, HE 14F 28, EH M13 26, ETH C7 26, UH M13 26
THREW 15H 33 fatcat
On 15th draw, INCURVE 3B 32 --- INCURVE to curve inward [v]
Other moves: UVEA 8A 21, VENA 8A 21, VINA 8A 21, ENVIED M2 20, INVITEE K3 20
DIVE J1 10 fatcat
On 16th draw, FITLY 4H 39 --- FITLY in a more fitting manner [adv]
Other tops: FELTY 4H 39, FLYTE 4H 39
Other moves: FITLY B2 38, FETIDLY M3 36, FY N5 34, FILET 4H 33, FLITE 4H 33
JETTY K5 30 fatcat
On 17th draw, PA C9 26 --- PA a father [n]
Other moves: LEAP C6 25, ALP C7 22, PAIGLE B1 22, AGILE 2J 21, APE O13 21
APE O13 21 fatcat
On 18th draw, QI 2B 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JAI 6I 27, JAI 2A 26, JAI C5 25, JA 6I 24, JA 2A 22
QI 2B 46 fatcat
On 19th draw, GJU C5 27 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other tops: JAI 6I 27
Other moves: JAI C5 25, JA 6I 24, ARGULI 2J 23, JA C6 22, JILL K2 22
JAI 6I 27 fatcat
On 20th draw, LIANE 6I 20 --- LIANE a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: ALIEN 2J 19, ALINE 2J 19, ANILE 2J 19, ELAIN 2J 19, AINE 6J 17
ANE O13 13 fatcat
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