Game on January 7, 2025 at 01:07, 5 players
1. 203 pts sunshine12
2. 42 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 42 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 20 20
2. G7 35 55
3. 13C 89 144
4. 11E 47 191
5. 14I 79 270
6. 15D 33 303
7. O12 39 342
8. M7 74 416
9. 8L 42 458
10. K3 37 495
11. 3H 38 533
12. H1 36 569
13. J10 32 601
14. O3 61 662
15. 15K 21 683
16. 1H 89 772
17. 12A 35 807
18. 2L 38 845
19. A10 42 887
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7094 sunshine12 2 5:30 -684 203 1.7094 sunshine12 2 5:30 -684 203
2.7210 GLOBEMAN 1 0:47 -845 42 2.7210 GLOBEMAN 1 0:47 -845 42
3.7695 roocatcher 1 1:11 -845 42 3.7695 roocatcher 1 1:11 -845 42
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:15 -863 24 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:34 -878 9 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:15 -863 24
2. - chunk88 0 1:34 -878 9
On 1st draw, SIRUP H8 20 --- SIRUP syrup [n] --- SIRUP to make into syrup [v]
Other tops: DRIPS H4 20, PURIS H4 20
Other moves: DRIPS H8 18, WISP H5 18, WISP H6 18, WISP H7 18, WISP H8 18
On 2nd draw, JOBE G7 35 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOB(E) G7 33, J(I)BE G7 33, J(O)BE G7 33, J(U)BE G7 33, JERBO(A) 10F 32
On 3rd draw, WAI(F)I(S)H 13C 89 --- WAIFISH like a waif [adj]
Other moves: WHIP(T)AI(L) 12E 78, HA(N)IW(A) F10 40, H(A)(N)IWA F10 40, HAW(K)I(E) F10 34, HAW(K)I(T) F10 34
On 4th draw, UNDULAR 11E 47 --- UNDULAR undulating [adj]
Other moves: DURGAN 11G 31, GLAND 12A 30, GRAND 12A 30, UNDUG 11E 29, DURAL 11G 27
On 5th draw, ERGOTIC 14I 79 --- ERGOT a fungus [adj] --- ERGOTIC pertaining to ergot [adj]
Other moves: EROTIC 14I 25, CEORL I7 23, GROT 12A 23, CROG 14A 22, TERCIO 12J 22
On 6th draw, DEANER 15D 33 --- DEANER a shilling [n]
Other moves: ENDEAR 15D 30, REDONE 15E 29, RONDE 14B 29, DACE O12 27, DANCE O11 27
On 7th draw, FICE O12 39 --- FICE a small dog of mixed breed [n] --- FICE a small fart, detected by the nose rather than the ears [n]
Other tops: FICO O12 39, FOCI O12 39
Other moves: FENCE O11 33, FEEN 10J 30, FENI 10J 30, FOEN 10J 30, FOIN 10J 30
On 8th draw, SEATBELT M7 74 --- SEATBELT an arrangement of straps to keep a person steady in a seat [n]
Other moves: BELATES I3 73, BLEATERS K5 70, BASTLE 10J 28, BELATE 10J 28, BETELS 10J 28
On 9th draw, HEWN 8L 42 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: HWAN 12A 37, WHOA 12A 37, WEAN 8L 33, WENA 8L 33, NOAH 12A 31
HEWN 8L 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
HE 8L 9 chunk88
On 10th draw, FLIMPS K3 37 --- FLIMP to rob while diverted by an accomplice [v]
Other moves: FELTS 10J 33, IFS 15K 33, FILMS K4 31, FLIMS K4 31, FLIPS K4 31
FELTS 10J 33 sunshine12
PEST 10J 24 BadBoyBen
On 11th draw, CARFOX 3H 38 --- CARFOX a place where four roads meet [n]
Other moves: OX 15K 37, COAX J2 35, AXE J1 31, EXO J1 31, OXER 14A 31
OX 15K 37 sunshine12
On 12th draw, DECAY H1 36 --- DECAY to decompose [v]
Other tops: DECOY H1 36
Other moves: YEAD 12A 35, YAY 12B 33, YENTA 10J 33, YAY 2L 32, YEAN 12A 31
YONT 10J 30 sunshine12
On 13th draw, QAT J10 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: NOTE 2L 19, OONT 2L 19, OOR N10 19, ROON 12A 19, ROOT 12A 19
QAT J10 32 sunshine12
On 14th draw, NOUMENAL O3 61 --- NOUMENAL pertaining to noumenon [adj] --- NOUMENON an object of intellectual intuition [adj]
Other moves: AMU J5 29, LOUMA 4K 29, REAM J3 28, LEAM 12A 27, LOAM 12A 27
AMU J5 29 sunshine12
On 15th draw, OOS 15K 21 --- OO wool [n]
Other tops: IOS 15K 21, OES 15K 21, STIME 6H 21
Other moves: SOOM 6H 20, SOOTE L2 20, STEM 6H 20, STIM 6H 20, TOISE L2 20
On 16th draw, DEVIATOR 1H 89 --- DEVIATOR one that deviates [n]
Other moves: VIAE 12A 31, VROT 12A 31, VARIETY 5B 26, EVIRATE 2B 24, OVERATE 2B 24
On 17th draw, KNOT 12A 35 --- KNOT to tie in a knot (a closed loop) [v]
Other moves: GEN 2L 26, GEO 2L 26, KEG I7 26, VEG I7 24, KEN 14B 23
On 18th draw, GEY 2L 38 --- GEY great [adj] --- GEY very [adv]
Other tops: DEY 2L 38
Other moves: KYTE A12 33, GED 2L 30, GID 2L 30, GYTE 14A 27, DEI 2L 26
On 19th draw, VIKING A10 42 --- VIKING a Scandinavian pirate [n]
Other moves: DEKING A10 36, DIKING A10 36, EIKING A10 33, VINED 14A 33, EKING A11 30
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