Game on January 7, 2025 at 06:23, 1 player
1. 295 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 24 24
2. 5E 102 126
3. 4L 24 150
4. 3J 33 183
5. O4 77 260
6. N10 51 311
7. M11 47 358
8. L8 46 404
9. 7C 63 467
10. 2K 34 501
11. 1H 44 545
12. 8A 32 577
13. 1N 32 609
14. 9C 32 641
15. O14 34 675
16. 10B 32 707
17. M6 25 732
18. 11E 23 755
19. 12A 26 781
20. G11 22 803
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6314 fatcat 2 11:25 -508 295 1.6314 fatcat 2 11:25 -508 295
On 1st draw, IMPUT(E) H3 24 --- IMPUTE to credit to a person or a cause [v]
Other tops: UPTIM(E) H3 24, UPTIM(E) H8 24
Other moves: MI(X)UP H4 22, MI(X)UP H8 22, PIUM(S) H4 22, PI(L)UM H4 22, PI(L)UM H8 22
On 2nd draw, (J)EOPARDY 5E 102 --- JEOPARDY risk of loss or injury [n]
Other moves: AERODY(N)(E) 8A 83, PYODER(M)A 5H 76, (C)OPYREAD 5F 76, (P)YODERMA 4B 76, (F)EODARY 9C 75
On 3rd draw, AULD 4L 24 --- AULD old [adj]
Other tops: CAULDS 9C 24
Other moves: CAUDAL 9E 22, CAULDS 9D 22, SAUCY L1 22, SCALY L1 22, AALS 4K 21
On 4th draw, FAWN 3J 33 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: WOF 6D 31, DEAFEN O4 30, DEEWAN O4 30, FEU 6F 29, FOU 6F 29
On 5th draw, DENTARIA O4 77 --- DENTARIA a flower with toothed roots [n]
On 6th draw, HERIED N10 51 --- HERY to praise [v]
Other tops: HEIRED N10 51
Other moves: HEDER N10 49, HEROE N10 47, DOH N8 33, EHED N9 33, OHED N9 33
On 7th draw, LUXE M11 47 --- LUXE luxury [n]
Other moves: XI O14 45, LEX M11 43, LUX M11 43, SEX M11 43, EX M12 38
On 8th draw, WHIPS L8 46 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other moves: WHIP L9 38, PHONIES G3 37, PHEONS G2 34, PEHS 2I 33, PHONE G3 33
WISH 9F 25 fatcat
On 9th draw, ACETATES 7C 63 --- ACETATE a salt of acetic acid [n]
Other moves: CEAS 2I 27, CEES 2I 27, SCATHE 9H 25, SEAT 2I 25, SETA 2I 25
CASTE 9F 19 fatcat
On 10th draw, BAGIE 2K 34 --- BAGIE (Northumbrian dialect) a turnip [n]
Other moves: ABUNE 6F 29, OBA 2J 28, BONA 2I 27, GENA 2I 26, EINA 2I 25
BAG 8A 21 fatcat
On 11th draw, ZERO 1H 44 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: ZOS 8A 38, GROSZE 9E 37, CROZES D7 36, GROSZ 9E 36, TREZ F7 33
TREZ F7 33 fatcat
On 12th draw, JAR 8A 32 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: UREAS 6H 29, JA 6B 27, JANE F2 27, JAI 10J 26, EAS 6J 24
JAR 8A 32 fatcat
On 13th draw, OF 1N 32 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: EF 6E 29, OF 6E 29, FOOTGEAR C1 24, EFT 9B 22, FOE M7 22
OF 1N 32 fatcat
On 14th draw, CITIED 9C 32 --- CITIED having cities [adj]
Other moves: ARCTIID C7 26, EVICTED E7 26, DITCH 9H 23, DUCE 6G 23, VICED 9D 23
DITCH 9H 23 fatcat
On 15th draw, KO O14 34 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other moves: KON 10B 25, KUNE 6G 25, NOM M7 24, EM M8 22, FORKS J3 22
QI 3G 21 fatcat
On 16th draw, YONIS 10B 32 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other moves: BONES 10B 29, BESOIN 10A 26, YONI 10B 25, EOSIN 10B 23, BONE 10B 22
TOYS E9 14 fatcat
On 17th draw, LOOM M6 25 --- LOOM to appear in an enlarged and indistinct form [v]
Other moves: OOM M7 24, MIMEO 4F 23, EM M8 22, OM M8 22, EMO 11E 21
QI 3G 21 fatcat
On 18th draw, NOSING 11E 23 --- NOSING a projecting edge [n]
Other moves: SNOG 11D 22, GONS 11E 21, NONGS 11E 21, YOGINS B10 20, GON 11E 19
TINNING E9 16 fatcat
On 19th draw, BEGET 12A 26 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other tops: BUGLE 12A 26, BULGE 12A 26
Other moves: BLUET 12A 24, BUTLE 12A 24, GLEBE 12A 24, BUTE 6G 21, GLEET 12A 20
BEG 12C 17 fatcat
On 20th draw, SUQ G11 22 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QI 3G 21, BLUR A12 18, BRUT A12 18, BUNT A12 18, BURL A12 18
QI 3G 21 fatcat
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