Game on January 7, 2025 at 20:46, 14 players
1. 236 pts Pacific
2. 224 pts LongJump22
3. 203 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 26 26
2. 11F 70 96
3. L8 48 144
4. 6F 80 224
5. 10B 75 299
6. D7 32 331
7. 8J 54 385
8. 13I 41 426
9. 14D 76 502
10. C1 73 575
11. 1A 149 724
12. 15G 61 785
13. 2F 35 820
14. 1J 62 882
15. 15A 30 912
16. 7G 27 939
17. 2M 45 984
18. 3K 36 1020
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9196 Pacific 1 4:07 -784 236 1.9196 Pacific 1 4:07 -784 236
2.5559 LongJump22 4 2:56 -796 224 Group: advanced
3.7603 Mycophot 4 5:46 -817 203 1.7603 Mycophot 4 5:46 -817 203
4.7607 moonmonkey 3 4:26 -843 177 2.7607 moonmonkey 3 4:26 -843 177
5.6955 ArcticFox 1 6:06 -864 156 3.7312 VVVVVV1112 2 2:20 -870 150
6.7312 VVVVVV1112 2 2:20 -870 150 Group: intermediate
7.5448 NNNNNN1112 1 3:29 -938 82 1.6955 ArcticFox 1 6:06 -864 156
8.5583 OOOOOO1112 1 1:57 -944 76 2.6801 Javelin22 0 0:37 -981 39
9.6801 Javelin22 0 0:37 -981 39 3.6633 Discus22 0 0:58 -981 39
10.6633 Discus22 0 0:58 -981 39 4.6654 Hammer22 0 1:18 -981 39
11.6654 Hammer22 0 1:18 -981 39 5.6652 ShotPut22 0 1:38 -981 39
12.6652 ShotPut22 0 1:38 -981 39 Group: novice
13.5682 LLLLLL1112 0 1:22 -994 26 1.5559 LongJump22 4 2:56 -796 224
14.5592 MMMMMM1112 0 1:42 -994 26 2.5448 NNNNNN1112 1 3:29 -938 82
3.5583 OOOOOO1112 1 1:57 -944 76
4.5682 LLLLLL1112 0 1:22 -994 26
5.5592 MMMMMM1112 0 1:42 -994 26
On 1st draw, EGEN(C)Y H7 26 --- EGENCY egence [n]
Other tops: AGEN(C)Y H7 26, ANE(R)GY H7 26, ENE(R)GY H7 26, EYE(I)NG H3 26, GAN(S)EY H7 26, GYNAE(S) H3 26, GY(R)ENE H3 26, G(R)EENY H7 26, (L)YNAGE H3 26, (M)ANGEY H7 26
Other moves: AG(L)EY H8 24, AG(O)NY H8 24, ANG(R)Y H8 24, E(L)EGY H8 24, GAN(D)Y H8 24
AGEN(C)Y H7 26 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, Mycophot
(R)ANGY H8 24 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, AC(C)OSTED 11F 70 --- ACCOST to approach and speak to first [v]
Other tops: A(C)COSTED 11G 70
Other moves: COASTED G1 68, COASTED I1 68, TACNODES 10E 67, ENDOCAST 10G 65, COA(C)TED 11E 36
AC(C)OSTED 11F 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
COASTED I1 68 Pacific
On 3rd draw, QUEEN L8 48 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: QUINE 10B 40, QUOIN 10B 40, QUINES J6 37, QUINOA F6 37, QUINOS J6 37
QUEEN L8 48 Pacific, LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, VARIOLE 6F 80 --- VARIOLE a small fovea [n]
Other moves: OVERSAIL J7 65, VALORISE J5 65, VARIOLE G1 65, VARIOLE I1 65, VARIOLES J4 65
VARIOLE 6F 80 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, W(O)OTZ 10B 75 --- WOOTZ steel made in India [n]
Other tops: WO(O)TZ 10B 75
Other moves: W(I)Z 10D 65, GE(E)Z 10C 64, G(E)EZ 10C 64, O(Y)EZ 10C 63, T(R)EZ 10C 63
W(O)OTZ 10B 75 moonmonkey
WO(O)TZ 10B 75 Mycophot
W(I)Z 10D 65 Pacific
On 6th draw, THROVE D7 32 --- THRIVE to grow vigorously [v]
Other moves: HIRED M7 30, VIRED M7 30, H(O)VEL C9 28, H(O)VER C9 28, HETE 7G 26
On 7th draw, FAQUIR 8J 54 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: EQUID 8K 45, QADI 8L 42, QAID 8L 42, QUAD 8L 42, QUID 8L 42
FAQUIR 8J 54 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, PATSY 13I 41 --- PATSY a person who is easily fooled [n]
Other moves: PITHY 8A 39, PYATS 13K 38, TIPSY 13I 37, PAYS 13J 36, PYAS 13K 36
PITHY 8A 39 Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22, ArcticFox, ShotPut22
On 9th draw, DIPOLAR 14D 76 --- DIPOLAR pertaining to dipole [adj] --- DIPOLE a pair of equal and opposite electric charges [adj]
Other moves: PLAID 14F 29, OPAH 8A 27, PADRI 5J 27, PARDI 5J 26, PADI 5J 25
On 10th draw, MANNITE C1 73 --- MANNITE an alcohol [n]
Other moves: ANTIMINE N3 64, TRAINMEN O7 63, ETAMIN 15D 52, TAMINE 15E 48, MANENT 15G 45
On 11th draw, SIMOLEON 1A 149 --- SIMOLEON a dollar [n]
Other moves: ELSHIN 8A 37, SOLEIN 15G 37, ENOLS 15F 35, INSOLE 15H 35, OLEINS 15H 35
On 12th draw, MORKIN 15G 61 --- MORKIN an animal that dies by accident [n]
Other moves: MIKRON 15J 56, MILKO 15G 55, MILK 15G 52, MINK 15G 52, MIRK 15G 52
MILKO 15G 55 Pacific
On 13th draw, FEARE 2F 35 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other tops: FEUAR 2F 35
Other moves: FEEB 2F 34, FRAB 2F 34, FEAR 2F 32, FEER 2F 32, FRAE 2F 32
On 14th draw, HADJES 1J 62 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other tops: HODJAS 1J 62
Other moves: JOSHED 8A 61, JEHAD 15A 58, HAJES 15A 54, JEHADS 5J 52, JOSH 8A 52
JADES 15A 48 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, CULET 15A 30 --- CULET a piece of armour for the lower back [n]
Other moves: JUICE M1 28, JUCO M1 26, CITE 15A 25, CITO 15A 25, CLUE 15A 25
On 16th draw, WED 7G 27 --- WED to marry [v]
Other tops: WUD 13E 27
Other moves: BOWR 9A 26, JOW M1 26, WONGI 4A 26, BOD 13E 25, BUD 13E 25
On 17th draw, OX 2M 45 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 2M 45
Other moves: XI 2N 38, UNBOX 4B 28, JUBA M1 26, BOA E5 24, DIXI L1 24
OX 2M 45 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, GIB 3K 36 --- GIB to fasten with a wedge of wood or metal [v]
Other tops: GAB 3K 36, GUB 3K 36
Other moves: BAG 3K 34, BIG 3K 34, BUG 3K 34, AB 3L 32, GAG 3K 32
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