Game on January 7, 2025 at 22:58, 5 players
1. 147 pts LongJump22
2. 81 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 74 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 30 30
2. 11H 22 52
3. 13C 24 76
4. M7 76 152
5. 15I 111 263
6. 8L 39 302
7. 14D 30 332
8. 15A 37 369
9. O4 61 430
10. K2 77 507
11. N2 29 536
12. 14J 64 600
13. G3 81 681
14. 4A 80 761
15. 12A 43 804
16. A1 39 843
17. 2A 34 877
18. O1 35 912
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5510 LongJump22 2 3:58 -765 147 1.7312 VVVVVV1112 1 3:08 -831 81
2.7312 VVVVVV1112 1 3:08 -831 81 2.7633 Mycophot 2 2:46 -838 74
3.7633 Mycophot 2 2:46 -838 74 3.7607 moonmonkey 1 2:30 -846 66
4.7607 moonmonkey 1 2:30 -846 66 4.7648 sicilianc5 0 1:37 -881 31
5.7648 sicilianc5 0 1:37 -881 31 Group: novice
1.5510 LongJump22 2 3:58 -765 147
On 1st draw, LAICHS H8 30 --- LAICH a lowland [n]
Other tops: CHAINS H3 30, CHINAS H3 30
Other moves: CHAINS H4 28, CHINAS H4 28, CLASH H8 28, LAICH H8 28, LANCH H8 28
On 2nd draw, CLAVIE 11H 22 --- CLAVIE a tar barrel burnt for luck [n]
Other tops: ALCOVE 11F 22, ALEVINS 13B 22, CLOVEN 11H 22, COEVAL 11H 22, HALVE 12H 22, HAVEN 12H 22, HOVEA 12H 22, HOVEL 12H 22, HOVEN 12H 22, INCAVE 11F 22, INCAVO 11F 22, NOVICE 11D 22, VALINES 13B 22
Other moves: ANVILS 13C 20, AVIONS 13C 20, CALVE 11H 20, CAVEL 11H 20, CAVIE 11H 20
On 3rd draw, GETUPS 13C 24 --- GETUP a costume [n]
Other moves: GAPO G7 23, POTAGES 13B 22, TEPA G7 21, GAP G7 20, PATIO L8 20
On 4th draw, CANNE(L)ON M7 76 --- CANNELON a stuffed roll [n]
Other moves: CANNON(S) N5 73, ANNO(U)NCE D6 70, CANNONE(D) D7 70, NONAN(O)IC L5 70, NON(D)ANCE D6 70
On 5th draw, FAUVIST 15I 111 --- FAUVIST a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FAUVIST 15H 102, FIAT 15L 43, FIST 15L 43, FITS 15L 43, VIAS 15L 43
On 6th draw, KART 8L 39 --- KART a small motor vehicle [n]
Other tops: KANE 8L 39, KANT 8L 39, KAON 8L 39, KARN 8L 39, KARO 8L 39
Other moves: KO 14J 34, KOTARE 8J 33, KNOTTER D8 32, KETONE D8 30, TRANK 8K 30
On 7th draw, TEME 14D 30 --- TEME a team [n]
Other moves: MUTER 14B 29, EME 14E 27, EM 14I 25, EMURE 12A 25, REM 14D 25
On 8th draw, GOWAN 15A 37 --- GOWAN a daisy [n]
Other moves: GNAW 12A 35, WAG 12D 35, SEWAN 15A 34, WAS 12D 32, SNAW 12A 31
On 9th draw, GELATION O4 61 --- GELATION the process of gelling [n]
Other moves: LEGATION O4 60, GEL 12D 27, AGE 12C 25, LOHAN 12F 22, LAG 12B 21
On 10th draw, TAUIW(I)S K2 77 --- TAUIWI (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand [n]
Other tops: TAU(I)WIS K2 77
Other moves: TAU(I)WIS I3 70, TAUIW(I)S I3 69, (L)AWSUIT I3 66, AW(E)S 12C 37, T(H)AWS 12A 37
On 11th draw, LOUPE N2 29 --- LOUPE a small magnifying glass [n]
Other moves: LEEP L1 26, NEEP L1 26, PEEN L1 26, OP 14I 25, PO 14J 22
On 12th draw, ZO 14J 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FEZ M1 54, OYEZ G6 53, BEZ M1 52, FEZ G7 52, BEZ G7 50
On 13th draw, DEBRIEF G3 81 --- DEBRIEF to question after a mission [v]
Other moves: BRIEFED G3 79, FIBERED G3 77, DEBRIEF 10D 42, BRIEF 10F 39, FER 12D 35
On 14th draw, BEARDIER 4A 80 --- BEARDY having a beard [adj]
Other moves: BRAIRDED 3B 78, BRIARED I2 66, ABIDE H1 42, BRIDE H1 42, IRADE H1 36
On 15th draw, EXAM 12A 43 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: BOXEN A4 42, HAMBONE A1 42, BONHAM A4 39, HAEM L1 38, HAME 12B 37
BOXEN A4 42 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 16th draw, HOTBEDS A1 39 --- HOTBED a place favourable to rapid growth [n]
Other moves: DHOLE I8 37, BENTHOS A4 36, HOTBED A1 36, THOLE I8 35, DOETH B2 34
HOTBEDS A1 39 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, Mycophot
On 17th draw, ORNERY 2A 34 --- ORNERY stubborn and mean spirited [adj]
Other moves: DIENE B2 31, NERDY I5 31, RINDY I5 31, YEED B2 31, YIRR L1 30
YEED B2 31 LongJump22, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 18th draw, QI O1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JAY J10 29, JO O1 29, JOY L1 28, DOY 11A 26, JAI J10 26
QI O1 35 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey
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