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Game on January 8, 2025 at 00:26, 5 players
1. 357 pts sunshine12
2. 38 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 38 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeillx   H3    92    92   axillae
 2. eegirsy   G2    30   122   eyes
 3. addeegu   4G    30   152   exuded
 4. eeinnrt   I7    68   220   interne
 5. aaginos  14E    72   292   agnosia
 6. ?dklouz  15A    67   359   zouks
 7. afiqrsu   L8   105   464   faquirs
 8. abeinor   M7    33   497   rabi
 9. aceemnr   N2    92   589   menacer
10. ahoopst   O7    71   660   potash
11. aaenowy   O1    57   717   wany
12. deghiot  15G    32   749   eh
13. deiinow   J2    29   778   indowed
14. aefilou  J10    31   809   feu
15. eioprtv   F5    71   880   pivoter
16. adilotv   2B    36   916   dative
17. gilmoot   1A    29   945   moti
18. glloort   8A    21   966   rotolo

Remaining tiles: bcggjl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7137 Filesunshine12  1 11:48  -609  357     1.7137 sunshine12  1 11:48  -609  357 
  2.7216 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:16  -928   38     2.7216 GLOBEMAN    0  1:16  -928   38 
  3.7599 Fileroocatcher  0  1:56  -928   38     3.7599 roocatcher  0  1:56  -928   38 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  0:43  -935   31            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:21  -938   28     1.  -  chunk88     1  0:43  -935   31 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:21  -938   28 

On 1st draw, (A)XILLAE H3 92 --- AXILLA the arm pit [n]
Other tops: AXILL(A)E H3 92, LEXI(C)AL H2 92, (V)EXILLA H2 92
Other moves: AXILL(A)E H2 78, AXILL(A)E H4 78, AXILL(A)E H6 78, AXILL(A)E H8 78, LEXI(C)AL H3 78
(R)ELAX H8 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 2nd draw, EYES G2 30 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other tops: RYES G2 30
Other moves: YES G3 29, EYE G2 27, RYE G2 27, SYE G2 27, YE G3 26
YES G3 29 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, EXUDED 4G 30 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other moves: ADD G7 19, ADD I7 19, GAUDED I8 18, AGED I7 17, EDGED G8 17
EXED 4G 12 sunshine12

On 4th draw, INTERNE I7 68 --- INTERNE a recent medical school graduate on a hospital staff [n]
Other moves: INTERNEE K1 66, RETINENE K3 66, INTERNE I8 64, INDENTER J2 63, INTERNEE 9B 61
INERT 5J 20 sunshine12

On 5th draw, AGNOSIA 14E 72 --- AGNOSIA loss of ability to recognize familiar objects [n]
Other moves: ANGORAS 11E 32, IGNAROS 11E 32, NAGARIS 11E 32, SANGRIA 11E 32, AINGA H11 28
SANGA 14I 16 sunshine12

On 6th draw, ZOUK(S) 15A 67 --- ZOUK a dance music of the French West Indies [n]
Other moves: K(U)DZU 13B 50, KUDZ(U) 13B 49, K(U)ZU 13C 46, KLU(T)Z 13A 45, KUZ(U) 13C 45
(M)OZ H13 34 sunshine12

On 7th draw, FAQUIRS L8 105 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQIRS 15J 91, FAQUIR 15J 91, FAQIR 5K 47, FAQIRS L9 45, FAQIR 3K 42
SQUARE 2B 34 sunshine12

On 8th draw, RABI M7 33 --- RABI the spring grain harvest [n]
Other moves: BIRO M9 31, BANI M7 29, BENI M7 29, AEROBE 2B 28, BIN M9 28
BIN M9 28 sunshine12

On 9th draw, MENACER N2 92 --- MENACER one that menaces [n]
Other moves: CASIMERE 5E 62, RENAME J6 37, AMERCE 5J 34, AMERCE N2 34, CAREME N2 34
FAME 8L 27 sunshine12

On 10th draw, POTASH O7 71 --- POTASH an alkaline compound [n] --- POTASH to treat with an alkali [v]
Other moves: STAPH O8 63, POTHOS O7 62, HOOPS O6 61, HOOP O6 58, HOOPS O7 57

On 11th draw, WANY O1 57 --- WANY waning in some parts [adj]
Other moves: WANEY O1 50, WYE O1 36, WYN O1 36, WANE O1 33, WENA O1 33

On 12th draw, EH 15G 32 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: OH 15G 32
Other moves: HE J10 28, DHOTI G8 27, HETERO 13H 27, EH F1 26, HOD H13 26

On 13th draw, INDOWED J2 29 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: DWINE G8 27, OW F1 26, WIDEN 3K 26, DOWED J4 25, WIDDIE J2 24
OW F1 26 sunshine12

On 14th draw, FEU J10 31 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other moves: OAF M1 29, FE J10 28, EF F1 26, IF F1 26, OF F1 26
FEU J10 31 chunk88, sunshine12
FE J10 28 BadBoyBen

On 15th draw, PIVOTER F5 71 --- PIVOTER someone who makes pivots [n]
Other moves: VISITOR 5E 46, PRIEVE 2B 38, TOEIER K2 29, PROVINE G9 24, PERV 13B 23
PERV 13B 23 sunshine12

On 16th draw, DATIVE 2B 36 --- DATIVE a grammatical case [n]
Other moves: DIVA 13C 24, VIOLATE 2A 24, DITAL E8 23, TIDAL E8 23, VAT M1 23
AVID N12 21 sunshine12

On 17th draw, MOTI 1A 29 --- MOTI a fat girl (India) [n]
Other moves: OMIT 3B 27, LIMO 3A 25, TOMO 3A 25, LIMO E8 24, EMO K4 23
MO 14B 18 sunshine12

On 18th draw, ROTOLO 8A 21 --- ROTOLO a cake of unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: ROTOLO B10 16, LOLOG 13A 15, TROOZ A11 15, GO 14B 14, TOG E10 14

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