Game on January 8, 2025 at 01:10, 5 players
1. 420 pts sunshine12
2. 28 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 28 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 76 76
2. 8C 64 140
3. 5E 82 222
4. 11B 75 297
5. A8 38 335
6. C2 78 413
7. K8 22 435
8. D1 33 468
9. 12K 40 508
10. N7 76 584
11. 15J 45 629
12. 8M 42 671
13. 13L 30 701
14. 1D 39 740
15. 4L 40 780
16. 3K 36 816
17. 2N 30 846
18. 10E 52 898
19. D10 28 926
20. B9 30 956
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7103 sunshine12 4 11:04 -536 420 1.7103 sunshine12 4 11:04 -536 420
2.7229 GLOBEMAN 0 1:04 -928 28 2.7229 GLOBEMAN 0 1:04 -928 28
3.7590 roocatcher 0 1:32 -928 28 3.7590 roocatcher 0 1:32 -928 28
4. - chunk88 0 1:57 -928 28 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:26 -941 15 1. - chunk88 0 1:57 -928 28
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:26 -941 15
On 1st draw, MUNDANE H4 76 --- MUNDANE ordinary, banal [adj]
Other tops: UNNAMED H8 76
Other moves: UNNAMED H6 74, MUNDANE H2 72, MUNDANE H3 72, MUNDANE H6 72, MUNDANE H7 72
MANNED H4 24 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, SUB(S)PACE 8C 64 --- SUBSPACE a subset of a mathematical space [n]
Other tops: (S)UBSPACE 8C 64
Other moves: B(L)UECAPS 8C 63, CUPU(L)ES 5E 40, CUBE(R)S 11D 28, SP(R)UCE 11F 28, SUPE(R)B 11D 28
On 3rd draw, AIGUI(L)LE 5E 82 --- AIGUILLE a sharp, pointed mountain peak [n]
Other tops: AIGUIL(L)E 5E 82
Other moves: EMAILI(N)G 4G 70, (O)LIGEMIA 4C 70, (R)EMIGIAL 4F 70, AIGUIL(L)E D5 66, AIGUI(L)LE D5 66
(S)ILAGE K8 25 sunshine12
On 4th draw, TILLIER 11B 75 --- TILLY clayey [adj]
Other moves: STILLIER C8 68, (S)TILLIER F8 61, RILLET 11H 23, TILLER 11C 23, ILLER 11D 21
RELIT 6B 15 sunshine12
On 5th draw, FOYS A8 38 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: FLORY 4A 35, SOILY A11 35, FINO 6F 33, FINS 6F 33, FONS 6F 33
On 6th draw, FETIDEST C2 78 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other moves: FETTED B9 36, FIND 6F 35, FETTED 4A 33, FITTED 4A 33, DEIF 6C 31
On 7th draw, SOLA K8 22 --- SOLA a spongewood [n] --- SOLUM a soil layer [n]
Other tops: LEAS B1 22, SALE K8 22, SEAL K8 22, SLAE K8 22, SLOE K8 22, SOLE K8 22
Other moves: ATLAS B10 21, LASE D1 21, SALE D1 21, EAS B2 20, OES B2 20
On 8th draw, VARA D1 33 --- VARA a Spanish unit of length [n]
Other tops: VARE D1 33, VASA D1 33, VASE D1 33, VERA D1 33
Other moves: BEAVERS L1 30, BARE D1 29, BASE D1 29, BRAVAS 12J 29, BRAVES 12J 29
On 9th draw, HIJRA 12K 40 --- HIJRA an exodus [n]
Other tops: HAJI 4L 40, HEJRA 12K 40
Other moves: HEJRA L11 37, HIJRA L11 37, HAJ 4L 36, HAJI 12K 36, VAHINE 1D 36
JIN F10 26 sunshine12
On 10th draw, VERATRIN N7 76 --- VERATRIN a poisonous mixture of alkaloids [n]
Other moves: VERVAIN 1D 39, VARIER N10 34, VIRENT N10 34, VARVE 1D 33, VIVAT 1D 33
TAE 13L 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 11th draw, GRIPED 15J 45 --- GRIPE to keep on complaining [v]
Other moves: PIED 15L 42, PIER 15L 39, PRIED 15K 39, RIPED 15K 39, DREG 15L 36
QI F10 31 sunshine12
GED 8M 15 BadBoyBen
On 12th draw, BEZ 8M 42 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: BOZOS M1 41, ZHOS M2 41, ZOBOS M1 41, BONZES L1 40, BOOZES L1 40
ZOONS M1 37 sunshine12
On 13th draw, TAIN 13L 30 --- TAIN a thin plate [n]
Other tops: ARCH 4L 30, HAEN 10F 30, HAET 10F 30, HOER 10F 30, NACH 4L 30, NOIR 13L 30, RACH 4L 30, ROCH 4L 30, TACH 4L 30
Other moves: HAE 10F 29, HOE 10F 29, TANH 9F 29, AH 10E 28, ANCHO 4K 28
HAET 10F 30 sunshine12
On 14th draw, VOWING 1D 39 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: MEOW 4L 34, VINEW 1D 33, EMONG 4K 30, VENOM 1D 30, VIMEN 1D 30
VOWING 1D 39 sunshine12
On 15th draw, YODH 4L 40 --- YODH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: HYED 10F 37, HYES 10F 36, HYE 10F 35, YODHS M1 33, AHOY 4K 32
HYED 10F 37 sunshine12
On 16th draw, ROMEO 3K 36 --- ROMEO a male lover [n]
Other moves: EMEU 3L 34, EME 3L 27, EMEER 10E 27, EMO 3L 27, MEE 3M 26
ROOM 3J 26 sunshine12
On 17th draw, WO 2N 30 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: OUTACT B9 30
Other moves: OUTATE B9 26, OUTEAT B9 26, COTEAU 14F 23, WATE B9 22, WATT B9 22
WO 2N 30 sunshine12
On 18th draw, EX 10E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX 10E 52
Other moves: FAXES 2C 35, ZEX O8 30, NIXE(S) F4 27, SIXE(S) F4 27, XU 2J 27
AX 10E 52 sunshine12
On 19th draw, SLEEK D10 28 --- SLEEK smooth and glossy [adj] --- SLEEK to make smooth or glossy [v]
Other moves: OUTSEE B9 26, SOUK 2G 25, EKE B4 23, UKE B4 23, EUK 2H 22
On 20th draw, OUTACT B9 30 --- OUTACT to surpass in acting [v]
Other moves: CAUK 14A 20, CONK 14A 20, NOCK 14A 20, ORA 9M 20, TACK 14A 20
CAUK 14A 20 sunshine12
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