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Game on January 8, 2025 at 13:14, 18 players
1. 316 pts Chelsea
2. 227 pts LongJump22
3. 168 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adelouw   H4    28    28   wauled
 2. ?adilnt   5E    82   110   dilatant
 3. adglrtu   6J    26   136   guard
 4. afhiinp   6C    31   167   naif
 5. demnoop   L5    32   199   tamponed
 6. ilorsuv  11E    94   293   rivulose
 7. aeelotu   8J    24   317   tupelo
 8. ehiiosy  10J    43   360   honeys
 9. agiortz   C1    38   398   toazing
10. bcegist   4A    36   434   bize
11. aaeijns   A4    48   482   basenji
12. eefnotv  O10    39   521   soften
13. ?aaeimn   1A   140   661   metanoia
14. beehors   2H    83   744   herbose
15. cegikrw   1L    54   798   kier
16. aegrvxy   2C    61   859   oryx
17. acioptw  14J    38   897   cowpie
18. acegrtv  12A    28   925   carve

Remaining tiles: gqtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7170 FileChelsea     1  8:27  -609  316     1.9196 Pacific     0  0:41  -869   56 
  2.5470 FileLongJump22  3  2:14  -698  227            Group: advanced
  3.7347 FileVVVVVV1112  1  2:17  -757  168     1.7170 Chelsea     1  8:27  -609  316 
  4.7641 Filemoonmonkey  1  5:33  -769  156     2.7347 VVVVVV1112  1  2:17  -757  168 
  5.  -  FileDiscus22    2  6:03  -781  144     3.7641 moonmonkey  1  5:33  -769  156 
  6.6972 FileArcticFox   0  3:34  -839   86     4.7622 queen66     1  1:39  -889   36 
  7.5542 FileMMMMMM1112  2  2:29  -868   57     5.7700 Mycophot    1  1:56  -889   36 
  8.5403 FileNNNNNN1112  2  3:14  -868   57            Group: intermediate
  9.9196 FilePacific     0  0:41  -869   56     1.6972 ArcticFox   0  3:34  -839   86 
 10.  -  FileJJJJJJ2025  1  1:59  -877   48     2.6801 Javelin22   0  0:56  -892   33 
 11.7622 Filequeen66     1  1:39  -889   36     3.6654 Hammer22    0  1:12  -892   33 
 12.7700 FileMycophot    1  1:56  -889   36     4.6652 ShotPut22   0  1:32  -892   33 
 13.5764 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:59  -889   36     5.6587 BBBBBB1112  0  1:57  -892   33 
 14.6801 FileJavelin22   0  0:56  -892   33            Group: novice
 15.6654 FileHammer22    0  1:12  -892   33     1.5470 LongJump22  3  2:14  -698  227 
 16.6652 FileShotPut22   0  1:32  -892   33     2.5542 MMMMMM1112  2  2:29  -868   57 
 17.6587 FileBBBBBB1112  0  1:57  -892   33     3.5403 NNNNNN1112  2  3:14  -868   57 
 18.5670 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:48  -894   31     4.5764 LLLLLL1112  0  1:59  -889   36 
                                             5.5670 OOOOOO1112  1  1:48  -894   31 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Discus22    2  6:03  -781  144 
                                             2.  -  JJJJJJ2025  1  1:59  -877   48 

On 1st draw, WAULED H4 28 --- WAUL to cry like a cat [v]
Other moves: WALDO H4 26, WALED H4 26, WEALD H4 26, WOALD H4 26, WOULD H4 26
WAULED H4 28 LongJump22
WOULD H4 26 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, DILA(T)ANT 5E 82 --- DILATANT something that enlarges [n]
Other tops: DILATAN(T) 5E 82, D(E)NTALIA 5D 82
Other moves: ENTAIL(E)D 8H 77, DAT(E)LINE 8A 74, TAILW(I)ND 4D 72, TA(I)LWIND 4D 72, DILATAN(T) 5C 66
DILATAN(T) 5E 82 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
DILATAN(T) 5E 32 moonmonkey

On 3rd draw, GUARD 6J 26 --- GUARD to protect [v]
Other moves: DAULT 4J 21, DUAL 6J 20, DUAR 6J 20, GLAD 6C 20, GRAD 6C 20

On 4th draw, NAIF 6C 31 --- NAIF a naive person [n] --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other moves: IF 6E 29, FAH 4D 26, PAH 4D 24, FAP 4D 23, HAP 4D 23
NAIF 6C 31 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 5th draw, TAMPONED L5 32 --- TAMPON to plug with a cotton pad [v]
Other moves: MOOPED G8 22, MOOPED I8 22, MOOPED N1 22, DOOMED N1 20, MOONED C3 20
TAMPONED L5 32 moonmonkey, Discus22

On 6th draw, RIVULOSE 11E 94 --- RIVULOSE having narrow, winding lines [adj]
Other moves: RIVULOSE 8A 86, VISOR O4 44, LIVORS O1 38, VIROUS O1 38, SOV O6 26
RIVULOSE 8A 86 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
RIVULOSE 8A 36 moonmonkey, LLLLLL1112

On 7th draw, TUPELO 8J 24 --- TUPELO a softwood tree [n]
Other moves: ELANET 10I 18, PALE 8L 18, PATE 8L 18, PATU 8L 18, PAUL 8L 18
POLE 8L 18 Chelsea
PLOT 8L 18 Discus22

On 8th draw, HONEYS 10J 43 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: HONEY 10J 42, HONES 10J 33, YONIS 10J 33, YEH 10D 32, HENS 10J 30
HONEYS 10J 43 Discus22
YEH 10D 32 ArcticFox, Chelsea

On 9th draw, TOAZING C1 38 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: RAZING C2 36, TOZING C2 36, ROZIT F8 34, ZIG F10 33, ZITI F10 33
ZITI F10 33 Chelsea, Javelin22
ZIG F10 33 Hammer22, ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112
ZIT F10 32 Discus22

On 10th draw, BIZE 4A 36 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: GIBED 12H 29, SIZE 4A 28, TICED 12H 25, BITES 1A 24, BITTE 1A 24
BIZE 4A 36 Chelsea, queen66, Mycophot
BI F10 10 Discus22

On 11th draw, BASENJI A4 48 --- BASENJI a barkless dog [n]
Other moves: BAJANS A4 45, TAJINES 1C 45, TINAJAS 1C 45, BAJAN A4 42, TAJINE 1C 42
JAI B2 40 Chelsea

On 12th draw, SOFTEN O10 39 --- SOFTEN to make soft [v]
Other moves: OFTEN B9 38, OFT B9 36, OF B9 35, OVEN 9L 30, STEVEN O10 30
FONT B10 28 ArcticFox
JO 9A 9 Discus22

On 13th draw, METAN(O)IA 1A 140 --- METANOIA repentance [n]
Other tops: ANTIMA(L)E 1A 140
Other moves: ANT(H)EMIA 1A 131, ANAEMI(A) B9 83, ANAEMI(C) B9 83, ANEMIA(S) B9 83, ANIMA(T)E B9 83
TEAMIN(G) 1C 27 Chelsea

On 14th draw, HERBOSE 2H 83 --- HERBOSE abounding with herbs [adj]
Other moves: HOBOES 2B 47, HOBOS 2B 43, HEROES O1 38, HOSER 2B 37, BOREES O1 35
HORE 2B 28 Chelsea

On 15th draw, KIER 1L 54 --- KIER a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics [n]
Other moves: WIRE 1L 46, EWK 1M 37, CIERGE 14J 30, OKE 9L 30, KIR 1L 27
WIRE 1L 46 Chelsea

On 16th draw, ORYX 2C 61 --- ORYX an African antelope [n]
Other moves: VEX 10D 56, YEX 10D 56, GREX 10C 55, RAX 10D 53, REX 10D 53
VEX 10D 56 Chelsea
YEX 10D 56 Pacific, moonmonkey

On 17th draw, COWPIE 14J 38 --- COWPIE a dropping of cow dung [n]
Other moves: ATOPIC B9 37, CAPOTE 14J 32, PICOTE 14J 32, APO 3K 29, PAW 12H 29

On 18th draw, CARVE 12A 28 --- CARVE to form by cutting [v]
Other tops: CRAVE 12A 28
Other moves: GEAT B7 27, OVA 9L 26, GATED 12H 25, RACED 12H 25, GRAVE 12A 24

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