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Game on January 8, 2025 at 19:16, 11 players
1. 285 pts LongJump22
2. 251 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 170 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceegoor   H4    22    22   cerge
 2. akostwy   9B    81   103   towkays
 3. ?abeiln   E5   102   205   blankies
 4. diinost   8H    80   285   editions
 5. ?aefilo   O1    92   377   jeofails
 6. dejprsu  12A    42   419   jupes
 7. adilnor   M7    74   493   doornail
 8. eimostu  15G    90   583   timeous
 9. ailmstz   8A    55   638   miz
10. dehinou  A12    42   680   john
11. aagrrst   K5    28   708   tartars
12. adegltv  14A    34   742   halved
13. aabnnru   7A    28   770   aba
14. egnopry   J2    40   810   pogey
15. deehinu   N4    36   846   edh
16. eeinrru  10A    26   872   ren
17. inorttu   F2    20   892   turion
18. cegtuvx  12L    38   930   eaux
19. cefgitw  14J    54   984   wiglet

Remaining tiles: cfqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5470 FileLongJump22  4  2:53  -699  285     1.9196 Pacific     1  0:38  -942   42 
  2.7398 FileVVVVVV1112  2  4:29  -733  251            Group: advanced
  3.7555 Filemoonmonkey  1  4:13  -814  170     1.7398 VVVVVV1112  2  4:29  -733  251 
  4.7677 FileMycophot    1  5:12  -814  170     2.7555 moonmonkey  1  4:13  -814  170 
  5.5640 FileOOOOOO1112  2  4:12  -889   95     3.7677 Mycophot    1  5:12  -814  170 
  6.7047 FileArcticFox   1  3:07  -903   81     4.7047 ArcticFox   1  3:07  -903   81 
  7.5548 FileMMMMMM1112  2  3:19  -920   64     5.7581 queen66     0  1:10  -963   21 
  8.9196 FilePacific     1  0:38  -942   42            Group: novice
  9.5716 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:10  -948   36     1.5470 LongJump22  4  2:53  -699  285 
 10.5419 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:29  -948   36     2.5640 OOOOOO1112  2  4:12  -889   95 
 11.7581 Filequeen66     0  1:10  -963   21     3.5548 MMMMMM1112  2  3:19  -920   64 
                                             4.5716 LLLLLL1112  0  0:10  -948   36 
                                             5.5419 NNNNNN1112  0  0:29  -948   36 

On 1st draw, CERGE H4 22 --- CERGE a type of candle [n]
Other moves: COOEE H4 20, COOER H4 20, GRECE H4 20, CERGE H8 18, GRECE H8 18
CERGE H4 22 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112

On 2nd draw, TOWKAYS 9B 81 --- TOWKAY a Chinese salutation, sir, master [n]
Other moves: TOWKAYS G8 74, TOWKAYS I8 74, YAKOWS 9C 33, TOWSACK 4C 32, TWEAKY 5F 32
TOWKAYS 9B 81 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, BLANKIE(S) E5 102 --- BLANKY "damnation" expressed euphemistically [n]
Other moves: BA(S)ELINE 5E 86, LINEAB(L)E 5E 86, (F)INEABLE 5E 86, (L)INEABLE 5E 86, (M)INEABLE 5E 86
BLANKIE(S) E5 102 LongJump22
BLANKIE(S) E5 52 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 4th draw, EDITIONS 8H 80 --- EDITION the number of copies printed at the one time [n]
Other moves: DICTIONS 4F 72, EDITIONS 11E 68, EDITIONS 5H 68, SEDITION 11D 68, SEDITION 5G 68
EDITIONS 8H 80 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 5th draw, (J)EOFAILS O1 92 --- JEOFAIL the acknowledgement of a mistake [n]
Other moves: FLOATIE(R) K4 90, FOLIA(G)ES O1 83, FOLIA(T)ES O1 83, AE(R)OFOIL M3 80, FO(R)E(S)AIL 12A 78
FLOATIE(R) K4 40 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 6th draw, JUPE(S) 12A 42 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: JESU(S) 12A 38, JUD 8A 38, JUS 8A 34, JUPE F2 33, JUSTED B6 32
JUPE(S) 12A 42 Mycophot, moonmonkey, OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112

On 7th draw, DOORNAIL M7 74 --- DOORNAIL a large headed nail [n]
Other moves: DOORNAIL M6 72, TRINODAL K8 68, ADJOIN A10 42, JIRD A12 36, JAIL A12 33
JIRD A12 36 LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 8th draw, TIMEOUS 15G 90 --- TIMEOUS timely [adj]
Other moves: OUTSMILE 14G 74, TIMEOUTS K2 70, TIMEOUTS K8 70, TITMOUSE K6 70, TITMOUSE K8 70

On 9th draw, MIZ 8A 55 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other moves: SAZ 8A 49, ZA L12 46, MAJLIS A10 45, MILTZ B6 42, ZILA 14F 41

On 10th draw, JOHN A12 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other tops: JEHU A12 42
Other moves: OHED 13A 41, DHOLE 14J 40, EDH N4 36, HEND N6 36, HIED N2 36
JEHU A12 42 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 11th draw, TARTARS K5 28 --- TARTAR a crust on the teeth [n]
Other moves: AGA 7A 26, AGRASTE 2I 24, AGARS 14G 23, GAS 10A 23, RAGAS 7B 23
AA 10B 21 queen66

On 12th draw, HALVED 14A 34 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other tops: VALETE 2J 34, VELATE 2J 34
Other moves: LEWD D7 31, ALDEA 7A 30, GATED 14F 30, VALET 14F 30, ALEW D6 29

On 13th draw, ABA 7A 28 --- ABA a sleeveless garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other tops: ARABA 7A 28
Other moves: RUBAI J4 27, ANANA 7A 26, BAN N6 25, AB 14I 24, ANA 7A 24

On 14th draw, POGEY J2 40 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other moves: PONEY J2 39, YEW D7 37, YGOE N2 36, GEY 14H 35, G*Y 14H 35
PONEY J2 39 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, EDH N4 36 --- EDH an Old English letter [n]
Other tops: HEND N6 36, HIED N2 36
Other moves: DUH 14H 35, EHED N2 33, HEED N3 31, HEN N6 31, HEND N3 31

On 16th draw, REN 10A 26 --- REN to run [v]
Other tops: EEN 10A 26
Other moves: EN 10B 25, EINE 10D 20, UNI I2 17, PEERIE 2J 16, PRUINE 2J 16

On 17th draw, TURION F2 20 --- TURION a thick new growth on a plant [n]
Other tops: INTRO M1 20, NITRO M1 20
Other moves: INRO M2 18, INTO M2 18, OURN 14H 18, ROTI I1 18, TIRO M2 18

On 18th draw, EAUX 12L 38 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: VEXT M1 34, EX L12 31, COVET 3I 26, VEX K1 26, VOGUE 3I 26

On 19th draw, WIGLET 14J 54 --- WIGLET a small wig [n]
Other moves: EFT 14I 33, EWT 14I 33, TEF 14H 33, TEW 14H 33, EF 14I 30

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