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Game on January 9, 2025 at 01:25, 5 players
1. 368 pts sunshine12
2. 66 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 48 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeelnow   H4    26    26   weanel
 2. ?acestv   8H    89   115   evocates
 3. aeilnot   O1    77   192   elations
 4. dfgoops   2J    30   222   podsol
 5. aaeiotw   3I    34   256   tawai
 6. afhorrs   1G    47   303   frosh
 7. eeimoot   4J    41   344   teem
 8. ?aeiksu  10B    82   426   kauries
 9. aegnqrt   C9    48   474   qanat
10. acenrtu   2A    85   559   untrace
11. degnnou   D1    76   635   grounden
12. egijouy   N6    57   692   joey
13. deilruz   A1    75   767   durzi
14. aegilry   E4    35   802   gaily
15. eimorux  D12    44   846   roux
16. dfgiorr   M8    22   868   torrid
17. beehilm  15A    39   907   ibex
18. befgimp  L12    33   940   gimp
19. befhilv   F5    31   971   ef

Remaining tiles: behilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7093 Filesunshine12  1 15:16  -603  368     1.7093 sunshine12  1 15:16  -603  368 
  2.7246 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:55  -905   66     2.7246 GLOBEMAN    0  1:55  -905   66 
  3.7590 Fileroocatcher  0  1:12  -923   48     3.7590 roocatcher  0  1:12  -923   48 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:19  -951   20            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:59  -965    6     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:19  -951   20 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:59  -965    6 

On 1st draw, WEANEL H4 26 --- WEANEL a weanling [n]
Other moves: WANLE H4 24, WEANEL H3 20, WEANEL H7 20, WEANEL H8 20, ALOWE H4 18

On 2nd draw, EV(O)CATES 8H 89 --- EVOCATE to evoke [v]
Other moves: VES(I)CATE 8A 86, ACT(I)VES 10B 81, VAC(A)TES 10B 81, V(A)CATES 10B 81, A(D)VECTS 10B 79

On 3rd draw, ELATIONS O1 77 --- ELATION a feeling of great joy [n]
Other tops: TOENAILS O1 77
Other moves: TONALITE M2 70, TONALITE M8 68, ELATION G9 62, INSOLATE O6 59, LINEATE 5E 28

On 4th draw, PODSOL 2J 30 --- PODSOL an infertile soil [n]
Other moves: GOSPODA 3I 26, SPOOFED 5C 26, SOP N4 25, SPOOF G2 25, P**F G3 24

On 5th draw, TAWAI 3I 34 --- TAWAI (Maori) a New Zealand beech [n]
Other moves: AWEE N5 32, TWAE N5 32, TWEE N5 32, WEET N6 30, WAE N6 29

On 6th draw, FROSH 1G 47 --- FROSH a freshman [n]
Other moves: FASH 1H 44, FAHS 1G 35, FOHS 1G 35, RASH 1H 35, HOERS N6 33
HO 1K 20 sunshine12

On 7th draw, TEEM 4J 41 --- TEEM to be full to overflowing [v]
Other tops: MEET 4J 41
Other moves: MEE 4J 36, EM 4K 30, TEE 4J 30, EMIT 4L 25, WITE 4H 25
MEET N6 24 sunshine12

On 8th draw, KAU(R)IES 10B 82 --- KAURY a timber tree [n]
Other moves: AKE(N)ES 5F 47, KIE(V)ES 5F 47, EKES 5H 45, KE(X)ES 5G 45, (D)EKES 5G 45
KEE(N)S N6 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, QANAT C9 48 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 6F 36, EQUANT D8 32, ARGENT 11B 31, QUARTE D9 30, QUATRE D9 30
QUEAN D9 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, UNTRACE 2A 85 --- UNTRACE to loose from traces [v]
Other moves: UNCRATE 2A 77, ENACTURE N8 74, TRUNCATE M8 72, ENACTURE 5A 70, UNCREATE 5A 70
CRATE 12A 20 roocatcher, chunk88
RAT 12B 6 BadBoyBen

On 11th draw, GROUNDEN D1 76 --- GRIND to wear, smooth, or sharpen by friction [v]
Other moves: DUNGEON A1 33, GUNNED A1 27, NUDGE A1 27, ENDOGEN N8 26, GOE 1A 25
DUNGEON A1 33 sunshine12

On 12th draw, JOEY N6 57 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JEE N6 53, JOE N6 53, JIAO 12A 38, GOUGE 1A 36, JIG B12 33
JUG A1 33 sunshine12

On 13th draw, DURZI A1 75 --- DURZI a Hindu tailor [n]
Other moves: ZEAL 12A 46, ZULU A1 42, ZED B12 39, DUALIZE 12A 38, ZEL B12 37
ZEAL 12A 46 sunshine12

On 14th draw, GAILY E4 35 --- GAILY in a gay manner [adv]
Other moves: GYAL E4 34, RYAL E4 31, YALE E5 31, YARE E5 31, KILEY B10 30
YAGI D12 30 sunshine12

On 15th draw, ROUX D12 44 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other moves: XI D12 38, MIX D12 34, CIMEX K8 32, COMIX K8 32, OXIM B5 31
XI D12 38 sunshine12

On 16th draw, TORRID M8 22 --- TORRID extremely hot [adj]
Other moves: OF B4 21, FI(O)RD J6 20, GR(O)OF J6 20, FOG E12 19, COIF K8 18
DIF 6D 15 sunshine12

On 17th draw, IBEX 15A 39 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: HELM L12 37, HEM F4 36, HEME F5 34, H*B* L12 33, HEME L12 33
HELM L12 37 sunshine12

On 18th draw, GIMP L12 33 --- GIMP to limp [v]
Other moves: EF F5 31, EM F5 25, GIBE L12 25, MIB L12 25, FEM N12 24
PIG L12 23 sunshine12

On 19th draw, EF F5 31 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: FEH N12 29, PELF 15L 27, CHEF K8 24, CHIV K8 24, PLEB 15L 24
EF F5 31 sunshine12

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