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Game on January 9, 2025 at 06:39, 2 players
1. 533 pts fatcat
2. 87 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeesstv   H4    26    26   vestas
 2. ?aefrrs   5E    90   116   rarefies
 3. ?aeefhr   L5    78   194   sheafier
 4. adelnou   E4    68   262   urodelan
 5. aeilnpv   8A    39   301   leaven
 6. adjmoty   D1    42   343   jato
 7. bdgimou   1D    48   391   jumbo
 8. celopsw  12A    40   431   cowps
 9. agiilnu  A10    27   458   lacing
10. eilmnrt   2B    40   498   enarm
11. dgilnoy   2H    87   585   yodling
12. adeenpr   J4    64   649   pindaree
13. abktuyz   1L    51   700   bauk
14. deiiotw   F4    37   737   dawen
15. eiiiotz   1A    35   772   zo
16. ehiittu   M7    28   800   hie
17. eiiirtt   N9    22   822   tiriti
18. eiiotxy   O6    40   862   exit
19. cgiooty  K11    36   898   yogic

Remaining tiles: ioqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6321 Filefatcat      4 14:10  -365  533     1.7170 Chelsea     1  3:13  -811   87 
  2.7170 FileChelsea     1  3:13  -811   87            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6321 fatcat      4 14:10  -365  533 

On 1st draw, VESTAS H4 26 --- VESTA a short friction match [n]
Other moves: VASES H4 24, VASTS H4 24, VESTA H4 24, VESTS H4 24, STAVES H3 20

On 2nd draw, RAREF(I)ES 5E 90 --- RAREFY to make less dense [v]
Other moves: A(I)RFARES 8H 83, FAV(O)RERS 4F 76, FERRA(T)ES 5B 70, FERRA(T)ES 5G 70, RAREF(I)ES 5B 70
VERS(E) 4H 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, SHEAF(I)ER L5 78 --- SHEAFY like sheafs [adj]
Other moves: FEA(T)HER G8 72, FATHERE(D) 7F 68, FEATHER(S) 7E 68, FEATHER(Y) 7E 68, (T)EREFAH G8 68
FA(T)HER 6J 36 fatcat

On 4th draw, URODELAN E4 68 --- URODELAN a tailed Amphibia e.g. newts and salamanders [n]
Other moves: UNLOADER 12E 60, LOADEN K8 30, LOANED K8 28, ANODE K7 27, ODEA M6 26
DEAL K11 18 fatcat

On 5th draw, LEAVEN 8A 39 --- LEAVEN to produce fermentation in [v]
Other moves: ALIVE 8A 36, LEAVE 8A 36, LIEVE 8A 36, NAEVE 8A 36, NAIVE 8A 36
PAVE K11 28 fatcat

On 6th draw, JATO D1 42 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: ATOMY K7 42
Other moves: DOMY K8 41, JOTA K8 41, MATY M6 38, MAYAN F4 38, MAYO M7 38
JOEY 11J 28 fatcat

On 7th draw, JUMBO 1D 48 --- JUMBO a very large specimen of its kind [n]
Other moves: JUDOGI 1D 45, OMBU K9 34, DUMBO C2 32, DUMB C2 30, GAMBO 8K 30
JUMBO 1D 48 fatcat

On 8th draw, COWPS 12A 40 --- COWP to overturn [v]
Other moves: CLEWS 12A 36, CLOWS 12A 36, COWLS 12A 36, PLEWS 12A 36, PLOWS 12A 36
COPES 12A 34 fatcat

On 9th draw, LACING A10 27 --- LACING a contrasting marginal band of colour [n]
Other tops: ALIGN K7 27
Other moves: IGUANA 2A 26, ACING A11 24, GUANA 2B 24, ICING A11 24, UNCIAL A10 24
LACING A10 27 fatcat

On 10th draw, ENARM 2B 40 --- ENARM to arm [v]
Other tops: INARM 2B 40
Other moves: MERLIN 2F 34, MINTER 2F 34, MEINT 2F 33, MERIL 2F 33, MERIT 2F 33
TAMER 8K 21 fatcat

On 11th draw, YODLING 2H 87 --- YODLE to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other moves: YODLING I8 72, YOLDRING 12H 69, DOGY K8 38, IDLY M6 38, OLDY M6 36
DAY F4 32 fatcat

On 12th draw, P(I)NDAREE J4 64 --- PINDAREE an Indian mercenary [n]
Other moves: PANDERER 12G 62, PEAN 1L 39, PEAR 1L 39, NEAPED K8 36, PEANED K8 34
PEAR 1L 39 fatcat

On 13th draw, BAUK 1L 51 --- BAUK to refrain from proceeding [v]
Other moves: YUTZ K11 46, BUAT 1L 39, HAZY 6L 39, KAY F4 38, KAY K11 36
ZA 1A 35 fatcat

On 14th draw, DAWEN F4 37 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: ENOW F7 33, DAW F4 32, OWES 6E 30, TAW F4 30, WEID K11 30
OWES 6E 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, ZO 1A 35 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: TOAZE 10C 34, TOWZE C10 34, TOZIE B4 34, ZOWIE C10 34, AZO 10E 32
AZO 10E 32 fatcat

On 16th draw, HIE M7 28 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: HE F10 28
Other moves: HIVE D6 25, HOTE B11 25, THE 3M 25, TEWHIT C10 24, EH 3M 23
HE F10 28 fatcat

On 17th draw, TIRITI N9 22 --- TIRITI Maori word for treaty, especially the treaty of Waitangi [n]
Other tops: RIVET D6 22
Other moves: RIVE D6 19, IRE 13A 18, NITRITE 14A 18, NITTIER 14A 18, ROTE B11 16
RIVET D6 22 Chelsea
WIRE C12 14 fatcat

On 18th draw, EXIT O6 40 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other tops: YEX K11 40
Other moves: EX 9B 36, EXO M13 33, EX M13 31, YITIE O5 31, OXEYE 11H 30
YEX K11 40 fatcat
EX 9B 36 Chelsea

On 19th draw, YOGIC K11 36 --- YOGIC pertaining to yoga [adj]
Other moves: YOGI K11 30, COY N4 29, ICY N4 29, G*Y N4 28, YO F10 28
COY N4 29 Chelsea, fatcat

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