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Game on January 10, 2025 at 05:24, 5 players
1. 422 pts sunshine12
2. 309 pts Chelsea
3. 178 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degprsu   H4    26    26   purged
 2. acdersw   4C    82   108   scrawped
 3. ?delorv   8H    89   197   evildoer
 4. abdeiry   3I    40   237   yerba
 5. eegnptu   2G    31   268   geep
 6. eimnoot   E4    90   358   remotion
 7. aorstuw   D7    86   444   outwars
 8. ahkottz   7M    53   497   zho
 9. aadeinu   1D    33   530   naiad
10. befnosy  F10    47   577   fynbos
11. aegiitv  15D    98   675   vestigia
12. ?aiinsx  14J    82   757   xenias
13. eemnotu   K5    36   793   moulten
14. aeijoqt  O12    57   850   jest
15. aeeflln   4L    32   882   alef
16. aeiklnr   1J    52   934   alkine
17. chiioqt  J10    31   965   hic
18. iilortu   9K    27   992   tilt

Remaining tiles: ioqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7043 Filesunshine12  1 13:02  -570  422     1.7043 sunshine12  1 13:02  -570  422 
  2.7178 FileChelsea     3  8:03  -683  309     2.7178 Chelsea     3  8:03  -683  309 
  3.7255 FileGLOBEMAN    2  4:53  -814  178     3.7255 GLOBEMAN    2  4:53  -814  178 
  4.6340 Filefatcat      1  2:19  -903   89            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:56  -963   29     1.6340 fatcat      1  2:19  -903   89 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:56  -963   29 

On 1st draw, PURGED H4 26 --- PURGE to purify [v]
Other tops: PUDGES H4 26
Other moves: PERDUS H4 24, PRUDES H4 24, PUDGE H4 24, PURGED H7 24, PURGES H4 24
PURGED H4 26 fatcat

On 2nd draw, SCRAWPED 4C 82 --- SCRAWP (English dialect) to scratch an itch [v]
Other moves: SCAURED 5E 40, SCRAWP 4C 26, REDCAPS 4C 24, SCARPED 4D 24, SCRAPED 4D 24
SPACED 4G 22 fatcat

On 3rd draw, EV(I)LDOER 8H 89 --- EVILDOER one who commits evil [n]
Other moves: OVERL(A)DE 8A 86, OVER(I)DLE 8A 86, RESOLV(E)D C2 84, R(E)SOLVED C2 84, OVERL(A)RD E1 72
DROVER E3 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, YERBA 3I 40 --- YERBA a South American beverage resembling tea [n]
Other tops: BEARDY 3I 40, RAILBED K5 40
Other moves: BARDY 3I 38, BAYED 3I 38, BEADY 3I 38, YAIRD 3I 38, YEARD 3I 38
BAY 3I 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, GEEP 2G 31 --- GEEP an artificial cross of a sheep and a goat [n]
Other moves: NEEP 2G 30, NEP 2H 29, UNPEG 2F 29, TENGE 2G 27, PUNG 2G 26
GEEP 2G 31 sunshine12

On 6th draw, REMOTION E4 90 --- REMOTION the act of removing [n]
Other moves: MOTIONER O1 83, REMOTION O8 83, DEMOTION L8 74, REMOTION 6H 68, EMOTION G9 65
MOBIE L1 24 sunshine12

On 7th draw, OUTWARS D7 86 --- OUTWAR to surpass in warring [v]
Other moves: OUTDRAWS L5 74, OUTWARS G9 66, OUTWEARS N4 65, OUTSAW 1C 48, STRAW 1D 45
WORTS 12A 35 sunshine12

On 8th draw, ZHO 7M 53 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: AZO 7L 48, AZO C6 47, ZOA 7M 47, ZO C7 46, ZA 7M 44
AZO C6 47 sunshine12

On 9th draw, NAIAD 1D 33 --- NAIAD a water nymph [n]
Other moves: INDUE 1D 30, AND 9M 28, ANA 9M 26, ANE 9M 26, EAN 9L 26
DAN 1F 21 sunshine12

On 10th draw, FYNBOS F10 47 --- FYNBOS a type of biome in South Africa [n]
Other moves: FY F10 39, FEYS F10 38, OBEY 4L 38, FEY F10 37, YEBO 4L 36
FY F10 39 sunshine12
FEYS F10 38 Chelsea

On 11th draw, VESTIGIA 15D 98 --- VESTIGIA vestiges [n] --- VESTIGIUM a vestige [n]
Other moves: LIGATIVE K8 74, VISAGE 15D 42, VISITE 15D 39, VESTA 15D 36, VISIE 15D 36
VISAGE 15D 42 sunshine12
VISTA 15D 36 Chelsea

On 12th draw, X(E)NIAS 14J 82 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: X(E)NIA 14J 80, SIXAIN 1J 70, A(U)XINS 1J 67, SIXAI(N) 1J 67, SIXA(I)N 1J 67
SAX(E) 14H 57 sunshine12
SAX 14H 56 Chelsea

On 13th draw, MOULTEN K5 36 --- MOULTEN having moulted [adj]
Other moves: MEET C11 27, MEOU C11 27, MESE O12 27, MOSE O12 27, MOST O12 27
MUSE O12 27 sunshine12

On 14th draw, JEST O12 57 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other moves: JIBE L1 42, JOBE L1 42, JOIST O11 39, JOTA 6J 39, JAI 2M 29
JEST O12 57 Chelsea, GLOBEMAN
JIBE L1 42 sunshine12

On 15th draw, ALEF 4L 32 --- ALEF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FABLE L1 32
Other moves: N(I)EF J7 31, FAE J10 29, FAN J10 29, FEE J10 29, FEN J10 29
FABLE L1 32 Chelsea
N(I)EF J7 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
FEE J10 29 chunk88

On 16th draw, ALKINE 1J 52 --- ALKINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: KNIFE O1 36, KAIF O1 33, KERF O1 33, KIEF O1 33, AKEE 13L 32
KIEF O1 33 Chelsea, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, HIC J10 31 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other tops: HOC J10 31
Other moves: CHOUT 8A 30, HIT J10 29, HOI J10 29, HOT J10 29, HI J10 28
HIC J10 31 GLOBEMAN, Chelsea

On 18th draw, TILT 9K 27 --- TILT to cause to slant [v]
Other tops: TOLT 9K 27
Other moves: ORT 9M 26, OR 9M 22, TIL 9K 20, ALIT F4 17, OUR 5G 15
ORT 9M 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, Chelsea

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