Game on January 10, 2025 at 06:08, 2 players
1. 480 pts Chelsea
2. 376 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 40 40
2. 8A 80 120
3. E4 90 210
4. 4H 38 248
5. 5J 49 297
6. A8 80 377
7. F2 46 423
8. 3K 35 458
9. O1 48 506
10. D1 31 537
11. 2H 33 570
12. 1G 34 604
13. B13 38 642
14. C2 37 679
15. C12 29 708
16. 2A 28 736
17. J4 68 804
18. G8 69 873
19. 14F 35 908
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7175 Chelsea 3 16:04 -428 480 1.7175 Chelsea 3 16:04 -428 480
2.7045 sunshine12 5 11:50 -532 376 2.7045 sunshine12 5 11:50 -532 376
On 1st draw, JOULE H4 40 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOULE H8 26, JOULE H5 24, JOULE H6 24, JOULE H7 24, JEON H5 22
On 2nd draw, ROBUR(I)TE 8A 80 --- ROBURITE a flameless explosive [n]
Other tops: BOURTR(E)E 8A 80
Other moves: BURR(I)TO G8 64, TROUBL(E)R 7C 63, ROBU(S)TER 8B 62, T(A)BOURER 8B 62, BOURTRE(E) 8B 60
On 3rd draw, ARMORIST E4 90 --- ARMORIST a person skilled in heraldry [n]
Other moves: ARMORIST E7 70, TRITOMAS G8 64, ARMORIST A4 61, ARMORIST A7 61, AMORIST E5 36
On 4th draw, JACKET 4H 38 --- JACKET to provide with a jacket (a short coat) [v]
Other tops: CALK D1 38
Other moves: ALECK D11 34, CAKE D2 34, LACK D1 34, LATKE D1 34, TACK D1 34
On 5th draw, HYTE 5J 49 --- HYTE insane [adj]
Other moves: HEFTY F10 45, HYE 5J 45, YEAH 5K 42, THEY F3 40, AYAH D3 39
HATE 5J 37 Chelsea
On 6th draw, RU(N)AGATE A8 80 --- RUNAGATE a deserter [n]
Other moves: GRA(D)UATE A7 59, (F)RAUTAGE A7 59, AGERATU(M) A5 58, AGITA(S) 9C 32, AUA 6J 28
GATE(S) 12A 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, FOLEY F2 46 --- FOLEY a process for creating sounds for films [n]
Other moves: FLEY D1 38, FLEY F3 37, LINEY F2 37, FELONY B5 36, FOYLE D1 36
FOLEY F2 46 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SPANE 3K 35 --- SPANE to wean [v]
Other moves: PAS 3I 33, PES 3I 33, SPAE 3K 33, SPAN 3K 33, APES N1 32
PANS N1 32 Chelsea
NEAP D1 24 sunshine12
On 9th draw, MIEVED O1 48 --- MIEVE to move [v]
Other moves: EMOVED O3 45, MIEVE O1 42, DEEVE O1 39, DEEV O1 36, VIED D1 32
DEEVE O1 39 Chelsea
VOID D1 32 sunshine12
On 10th draw, DODGE D1 31 --- DODGE to evade [v]
Other moves: DOLED B11 29, GLODE D1 29, NIDED 9D 29, LODGE D1 27, DONGED 9H 26
DODGE D1 31 Chelsea, sunshine12
On 11th draw, RIVES 2H 33 --- RIVE to tear apart [v]
Other moves: ERS 6J 32, GIVES 12A 29, USER 6H 27, VENDS 1A 27, VINES 2H 27
GIVES 12A 29 Chelsea
VENDS 1A 27 sunshine12
On 12th draw, WAP 1G 34 --- WAP to wrap [v]
Other moves: GAWPS 12A 33, GNAWS 12A 29, PINAS 9D 29, WASP 12C 29, WISP 12C 29
WAP 1G 34 sunshine12, Chelsea
On 13th draw, GOX B13 38 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: NOX B13 35, SOX B13 35, OX B14 31, GOX B11 26, GONGS 12A 25
GOX B13 38 sunshine12
GONGS 12A 25 Chelsea
On 14th draw, HAED C2 37 --- HAE to have [v]
Other moves: BANDHS C8 34, HADES F10 34, HAES C2 34, HANDS F10 34, HEADS F10 34
HANDS F10 34 Chelsea, sunshine12
On 15th draw, LENO C12 29 --- LENO a style of weaving [n]
Other moves: ONO C13 27, BLOOIE C8 26, BOLINE C8 26, LIEN C11 19, LION C11 19
LENO C12 29 sunshine12
ONO C13 27 Chelsea
On 16th draw, BEHOOF 2A 28 --- BEHOOF use, advantage, or benefit [n]
Other moves: BOT B1 26, OB B2 26, BIOTA B6 20, BO B1 20, BOHO 2A 18
OB B2 26 sunshine12, Chelsea
On 17th draw, CHRISTIAN J4 68 --- CHRISTIAN
Other moves: IRITIS 9C 32, ABRINS A1 27, ABRIN A1 24, ABRIS A1 24, ABSIT A1 24
AT 1A 20 Chelsea
STRAIN 12E 18 sunshine12
On 18th draw, TRANQUIL G8 69 --- TRANQUIL free from disturbance [adj]
Other moves: SQUAIL 8J 48, QUALIA 11H 30, QUAIL 11H 28, QUAIR 11H 28, AQUA 11J 26
SQUAIL 8J 48 Chelsea, sunshine12
On 19th draw, ZINC 14F 35 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: FIZ I11 32, ZIN 14F 32, ZINC I11 29, CAZ 11I 28, FLIC 15F 27
ZINC 14F 35 sunshine12
CAZ 11I 28 Chelsea
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