Game on January 10, 2025 at 17:19, 12 players
1. 210 pts Pacific
2. 209 pts LongJump22
3. 208 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. I7 26 54
3. 4E 74 128
4. H11 37 165
5. J6 26 191
6. K8 29 220
7. E4 90 310
8. I3 21 331
9. 8A 24 355
10. 15D 67 422
11. A1 83 505
12. B5 52 557
13. C1 34 591
14. 14J 53 644
15. O10 42 686
16. N5 73 759
17. J2 43 802
18. O6 41 843
19. 10B 35 878
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9196 Pacific 2 5:58 -668 210 1.9196 Pacific 2 5:58 -668 210
2.5490 LongJump22 2 2:35 -669 209 Group: advanced
3.7001 ArcticFox 2 6:37 -670 208 1.7001 ArcticFox 2 6:37 -670 208
4.7399 VVVVVV1112 1 1:51 -721 157 2.7399 VVVVVV1112 1 1:51 -721 157
5.7648 moonmonkey 1 3:40 -774 104 3.7648 moonmonkey 1 3:40 -774 104
6.7693 Mycophot 1 4:49 -774 104 4.7693 Mycophot 1 4:49 -774 104
7. - JJJJJJ2025 1 1:58 -843 35 5.7593 queen66 1 0:39 -857 21
8.5455 MMMMMM1112 1 1:09 -850 28 Group: novice
9.5481 NNNNNN1112 1 1:32 -850 28 1.5490 LongJump22 2 2:35 -669 209
10.5754 OOOOOO1112 1 1:53 -850 28 2.5455 MMMMMM1112 1 1:09 -850 28
11.5622 LLLLLL1112 0 1:25 -854 24 3.5481 NNNNNN1112 1 1:32 -850 28
12.7593 queen66 1 0:39 -857 21 4.5754 OOOOOO1112 1 1:53 -850 28
5.5622 LLLLLL1112 0 1:25 -854 24
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ2025 1 1:58 -843 35
On 1st draw, FEEBS H4 28 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other tops: FRABS H4 28
Other moves: BARFS H4 26, BEEFS H4 26, FEARES H4 26, FARES H4 24, FARSE H4 24
FEEBS H4 28 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
BEEFS H4 26 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, YOUSE I7 26 --- YOUSE you collectively [pron]
Other tops: YONIS I7 26
Other moves: SEY I5 25, SNY I5 25, YINS I7 25, YONI I7 25, YOUS I7 25
FOYNES 4H 24 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
On 3rd draw, OUTFINDS 4E 74 --- OUTFIND to surpass in finding [v]
Other moves: ODIST H11 26, DINOS H11 24, DINTS H11 24, DOITS H11 24, DONUT H11 24
OUTFINDS 4E 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, BEVOR H11 37 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other moves: BORIC H11 34, VOICER 5A 28, BEVOR 5B 26, CODRIVE K2 26, COVER 5B 26
BEVOR H11 37 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 5th draw, LENTO J6 26 --- LENTO a slow musical movement [n]
Other moves: VELLET 13H 20, VELLON 13H 20, VOTEEN 13H 20, LENT J6 19, LEONE 3C 19
On 6th draw, GAPER K8 29 --- GAPER one that gapes [n]
Other moves: APOGEE 5C 27, GAPE K8 27, GAPO K8 27, RECAP 5A 26, CAPER 5B 24
On 7th draw, OUTCRIES E4 90 --- OUTCRY to cry louder than [v]
Other moves: CRUSTIER 15A 83, RECRUITS 15H 83, CERUSITE 12A 76, CURVIEST 13E 74, OUTCRIES 14H 74
RECRUITS 15H 83 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
CRUSTIER 15A 83 Pacific
RECRUITS 15H 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 8th draw, QI I3 21 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TOEA G4 19, TORA G4 19, LEARN L11 18, LOANER D9 18, LONER 8A 18
QI I3 21 queen66
On 9th draw, DETORT 8A 24 --- DETORT to distort [v]
Other tops: OLDIE D8 24
Other moves: DOTTEL F10 22, DOTTLE F10 22, TILTED D10 22, TITLED D10 22, TOILED D10 22
On 10th draw, FEVEROU(S) 15D 67 --- FEVEROUS feverish [adj]
Other moves: QUO(I)F 3I 38, FOVE(A)E F10 34, FOVE(A) F10 33, QUEE(N) 3I 33, QUEE(R) 3I 33
FOVE(A)E F10 34 moonmonkey, Mycophot
QUEE(N) 3I 33 Pacific
On 11th draw, AC(T)INOID A1 83 --- ACTINOID any of a series of radioactive elements [n]
Other tops: DAI(M)ONIC A8 83, DIA(T)ONIC A8 83, (P)INACOID A1 83
Other moves: ACTINOI(D) C6 76, ACONITI(C) C3 72, A(C)ONITIC C3 72, A(M)NIOTIC C3 72, CATIONI(C) C6 72
Q(U)OIN 3I 32 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, AX B5 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX B5 52, XI F10 52
Other moves: XI 14J 51, RELAX 12K 40, EXILER 10A 31, LAXER 14A 31, AXILE 10A 28
XI F10 52 ArcticFox, Pacific
On 13th draw, LITANY C1 34 --- LITANY a ceremonial form of prayer [n]
Other moves: LAITY C2 32, LINTY C2 32, TONY 14G 32, LINY C3 30, TINY C3 30
YA 14J 27 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, MAWKIN 14J 53 --- MAWKIN a scarecrow [n]
Other moves: MANDI 14J 39, MAWK D10 32, MAWK 14J 30, AKIN J1 29, DAWK D10 29
KIN J2 28 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, NEWING O10 42 --- NEW to renew [v]
Other tops: LOWING O10 42
Other moves: ALLOWING 1A 39, GWINE O11 39, OWING O11 39, LOWNING O9 36, WING O12 36
LOWING O10 42 Pacific
On 16th draw, RAGHEAD N5 73 --- RAGHEAD an Arab [n]
Other moves: RENEWING O8 36, AHA B1 33, AH B1 29, AHEAD 5K 29, CHIDER 2A 28
On 17th draw, ZIN J2 43 --- ZIN a dry, red table wine [n]
Other moves: DJIN J1 39, JIN J2 37, AZIDE 10A 35, L*ZLEZ 10D 32, ADZ 3L 28
ZIN J2 43 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, HOA O6 41 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other tops: HOI O6 41
Other moves: ROJAK M10 39, HAJI D10 35, AHA B1 33, AHI B1 33, HAJ D10 33
On 19th draw, JAPED 10B 35 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAUP F2 33, JAPER 10B 32, JAPE 10B 29, JADE 10B 28, JAK M12 28
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