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Game on January 11, 2025 at 02:30, 5 players
1. 192 pts sunshine12
2. 147 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 27 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dikorwz   H8    30    30   wiz
 2. ddeintv   I5    26    56   dived
 3. aloprst   H1    32    88   postal
 4. eflnors   8C    66   154   enflowers
 5. adeglst   6D    65   219   gladliest
 6. bdejnot   J8    32   251   rejon
 7. ??behor   5F    93   344   headboard
 8. einprtt   C7    26   370   pettier
 9. adenoru   B1    74   444   rondeau
10. aeiqrsv   O1    41   485   avers
11. aegikor   1A    45   530   grike
12. eeioquw   E8    34   564   fique
13. aaclnot  12H    78   642   cantonal
14. eimntuu  D12    26   668   mein
15. aefiory   A5    48   716   fayre
16. abchiow   O7    39   755   chibol
17. ainouwy   C3    40   795   yaw
18. aginoux  15A    42   837   guanxi

Remaining tiles: imnotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7044 Filesunshine12  0  4:35  -645  192     1.7044 sunshine12  0  4:35  -645  192 
  2.7288 FileGLOBEMAN    0  4:47  -690  147     2.7288 GLOBEMAN    0  4:47  -690  147 
  3.7631 Fileroocatcher  0  1:05  -810   27     3.7631 roocatcher  0  1:05  -810   27 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:38  -810   27            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:37  -816   21     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:38  -810   27 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:37  -816   21 

On 1st draw, WIZ H8 30 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other tops: WIZ H6 30, WIZ H7 30
Other moves: DZO H6 26, DZO H7 26, DZO H8 26, ZORI H5 26, ZORI H6 26
WORK H5 22 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, DIVED I5 26 --- DIVE to plunge headfirst into water [v]
Other moves: VINTED I4 23, TINDED I4 22, VINED I5 22, DINTED I4 21, DIZEN 10F 21
VINTED I4 23 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, POSTAL H1 32 --- POSTAL a postcard [n]
Other tops: PATROL H1 32, PORTAL H1 32, PORTAS H1 32, SPORAL H1 32
Other moves: ASPRO H1 27, PORTA H1 27, PSORA H1 27, SOPRA H1 27, SORTAL H1 26

On 4th draw, ENFLOWERS 8C 66 --- ENFLOWER to cover with flowers [v]
Other moves: NEF G7 28, REF G7 28, FELON J2 27, FREON J2 27, EF G8 26

On 5th draw, GLADLIEST 6D 65 --- GLADLIEST in a most glad manner [adv] --- GLADLY in a glad manner [adv]
Other moves: GELADAS 5E 36, GLASSED K5 36, GELATED C3 24, GELATED C7 24, LEGATED C3 24

On 6th draw, REJON J8 32 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other tops: OBJETS 3C 32
Other moves: OBJET 2H 30, OBJETS K1 30, JETONS 3C 28, JOBES K2 28, OBJET 4D 28

On 7th draw, HEADBO(A)R(D) 5F 93 --- HEADBOARD [n]
Other moves: PO(T)HERB(S) 1H 92, BEHO(L)(D)ER C7 86, BESHRO(U)(D) 3F 82, BE(T)RO(T)HS 3A 80, RO(S)EB(U)SH 3B 80
OH(O) K10 30 sunshine12

On 8th draw, PETTIER C7 26 --- PETTY insignificant [adj]
Other moves: PEIN 4L 25, PETIT K11 24, PETTI K11 24, SPITTEN 3H 24, SPITTER 3H 24
PEIN 4L 25 sunshine12

On 9th draw, RONDEAU B1 74 --- RONDEAU a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: UNA(D)ORED N2 70, ADORE K10 29, ADORN K10 29, AROUND K10 29, ANODE K10 27
ADORN K10 29 sunshine12

On 10th draw, AVERS O1 41 --- AVER to declare positively [v]
Other tops: RAVES O1 41, RIVAS O1 41, RIVES O1 41, VAIRS O1 41, VARES O1 41, VIERS O1 41, VIRES O1 41
Other moves: SAVER O5 38, SIVER O5 38, FAQIRS E8 36, SAVE O5 35, FAQIR E8 34
QAI(D)S N2 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, GRIKE 1A 45 --- GRIKE a ravine [n]
Other moves: GROK 1A 42, KORAI A6 38, OAKIER A7 38, GRIKE A7 36, AKE A1 35

On 12th draw, FIQUE E8 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: OWE K10 33, OW K10 29, EQU(A)TE L2 28, QUEER M1 28, OWE 4J 27

On 13th draw, CANTONAL 12H 78 --- CANTONAL pertaining to a canton [adj]
Other moves: CANOLA A7 34, CANTAL A7 34, CATALO A7 34, COLTAN A7 34, TACAN A5 32

On 14th draw, MEIN D12 26 --- MEIN to lament [v]
Other tops: MEANT N10 26, MENT D12 26, MENU D12 26, NEUM D12 26
Other moves: ITEM F10 25, MUNI 13L 24, MUTI 13L 24, MUTUEL O7 24, MUTULE O8 24

On 15th draw, FAYRE A5 48 --- FAYRE a large market [n]
Other tops: FAYER A5 48
Other moves: FORAY A6 43, FOYER A6 43, FORELAY O8 39, FOY A6 37, AFORE A5 36

On 16th draw, CHIBOL O7 39 --- CHIBOL a type of onion [n]
Other moves: CHAIR 4K 38, CHOIR 4K 38, CHAW H12 36, CHOW H12 36, OCH 4J 36
LOCH O12 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 17th draw, YAW C3 40 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other tops: YOW C3 40
Other moves: COWY H12 36, WYN 13L 35, NOWAY 15D 33, WAY 13L 32, YAW 13L 32
WAIN 15A 21 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, GUANXI 15A 42 --- GUANXI a Chinese social concept based on the exchange of favours [n]
Other moves: AXING 15A 39, AXON 13K 39, COAX H12 39, COXA H12 39, NOX 13L 35
AXON 15A 33 sunshine12

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