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Game on January 11, 2025 at 03:14, 5 players
1. 263 pts sunshine12
2. 202 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 147 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeilpr   H4    72    72   peloria
 2. deeffrt   5E    56   128   effered
 3. adehinw   K2    66   194   headwind
 4. eknorrw   G7    44   238   woken
 5. ainortu   8A    27   265   urinator
 6. degrsux   8K    39   304   nexus
 7. eegjnot   L1    53   357   jong
 8. ?egiltv   C3    82   439   ligative
 9. aadeity   M1    37   476   aide
10. aceirtv   N7    80   556   curative
11. bceiort   E3    76   632   iceboater
12. egirstu  14H    61   693   guerites
13. ahnnoos  15L    58   751   nosh
14. aaadmnp  B10    42   793   padma
15. abeilot  15D    39   832   balti
16. aelmoyy  A11    48   880   yealm
17. nooqsyz   1L    69   949   jazy
18. noooqsu  12K    30   979   quoin

Remaining tiles: ooos

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7042 Filesunshine12  1  8:06  -716  263     1.7042 sunshine12  1  8:06  -716  263 
  2.7283 FileGLOBEMAN    1  5:42  -777  202     2.7283 GLOBEMAN    1  5:42  -777  202 
  3.7631 Fileroocatcher  1  3:54  -832  147     3.7631 roocatcher  1  3:54  -832  147 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:17  -947   32            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:09  -964   15     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:17  -947   32 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:09  -964   15 

On 1st draw, PEL(O)RIA H4 72 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [n]
Other tops: AP(P)ERIL H3 72, AP(P)LIER H3 72, ARI(P)PLE H8 72, A(P)PERIL H2 72, A(P)PLIER H2 72, I(M)PALER H2 72, I(M)PEARL H2 72, LIPREA(D) H2 72, PAL(L)IER H4 72, PAL(M)IER H4 72, PAL(S)IER H4 72, PARLIE(S) H4 72, PA(L)LIER H4 72, PEARLI(N) H4 72, PERIL(L)A H4 72, PERI(L)LA H4 72, PE(D)RAIL H4 72, PLAI(N)ER H4 72, PLAI(T)ER H4 72, PLA(T)IER H4 72, PRALI(N)E H4 72, PRE(D)IAL H4 72, PRE(V)AIL H4 72, REPLI(C)A H2 72, (C)ALIPER H8 72, (H)ARELIP H6 72
Other moves: AP(P)ERIL H4 68, AP(P)ERIL H6 68, AP(P)ERIL H7 68, AP(P)ERIL H8 68, AP(P)LIER H4 68
PRAI(S)E H4 20 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, EFFERED 5E 56 --- EFFERE to be suitable [v]
Other moves: DEFTER I7 33, DEFER I7 32, DEFT I7 31, FETED I7 29, REFED I7 29
FED I7 28 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, HEADWIND K2 66 --- HEADWIND an oncoming wind [n]
Other moves: HAWED 6J 40, WAHINE 4A 39, HAINED 6J 36, HAWED 4A 35, WHINED 11E 35
HEWN 6J 34 sunshine12

On 4th draw, WOKEN G7 44 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: WOKE G7 43, KNOWER 8J 42, WOK G7 40, WHORE 2J 38, KERN L1 37
KERN G9 26 sunshine12

On 5th draw, URINATOR 8A 27 --- URINATOR one that urinates [n]
Other moves: ROTAN I5 26, TARN I7 26, ORTHIAN 2H 24, NAT I7 22, OAR I7 22
HAINT 2K 16 sunshine12

On 6th draw, NEXUS 8K 39 --- NEXUS a connection or link [n]
Other moves: EX L3 38, EX 7B 36, XU 7C 36, REDUX 9A 35, GREXES 3I 32
EX L3 38 sunshine12

On 7th draw, JONG L1 53 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: JETE L1 49, JETON 4A 42, JENNET 11E 35, JEUNE N6 30, JEON 6B 29
JETE 4C 29 sunshine12

On 8th draw, LIG(A)TIVE C3 82 --- LIGATION the act of ligating [adj] --- LIGATIVE pertaining to ligation [adj]
Other moves: LIG(A)TIVE C7 78, VALETI(N)G E7 72, VERLIGT(E) B6 71, V(E)RLIGTE B6 71, (O)VERGILT B5 71

On 9th draw, AIDE M1 37 --- AIDE an assistant [n]
Other moves: AYE M1 36, JADE 1L 36, JEDI 1L 36, YEAD M2 35, DAY B4 33

On 10th draw, CURATIVE N7 80 --- CURATIVE something that cures [n]
Other moves: CURATIVE A7 64, JAVA 1L 42, CHOIR 2J 32, ACTIVE B10 30, EVICT B10 28

On 11th draw, ICEBOATER E3 76 --- ICEBOATER [n]
Other moves: BORIC B10 40, BITER B10 36, BOITE B10 36, JATO 1L 33, CHOIR 2J 32

On 12th draw, GUERITES 14H 61 --- GUERITE a turret [n]
Other moves: JAGS 1L 36, GEIST 15K 35, GEST 15L 35, GIST 15L 35, GIUST 15K 35
JAGS 1L 36 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, NOSH 15L 58 --- NOSH to eat snacks between meals [v]
Other moves: ASH 15M 49, HONANS B10 47, HONAN B10 45, HOONS B10 45, SH 15N 44
NOH 15G 32 chunk88
SH O14 15 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, PADMA B10 42 --- PADMA the sacred lotus [n]
Other tops: PANAMA B10 42
Other moves: PANADA B10 40, JAAP 1L 39, PANDA B10 38, DAMAN B2 32, DAMAN B10 31
JAAP 1L 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 15th draw, BALTI 15D 39 --- BALTI (Urdu) a spicy Indian dish [n]
Other moves: ALBEIT 15D 38, BIOTA A11 38, ALBITE 15E 37, BOLETI 15C 36, BIOTA 15F 34

On 16th draw, YEALM A11 48 --- YEALM to prepare straw for thatching [v]
Other moves: LOAMY A11 47, MEALY A11 47, AMYL A12 45, L(A)MBY 6B 37, LAYER B4 35

On 17th draw, JAZY 1L 69 --- JAZY a wig [n]
Other moves: JASY 1L 42, JAYS 1L 42, ZINCO 4B 37, ZOOTY 11K 34, ZO F2 33
JAYS 1L 42 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 18th draw, QUOIN 12K 30 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUIN 12L 28, QUOIN L11 28, QUIN L12 26, SUQ I9 24, ROOS I5 22
QUOIN 12K 30 roocatcher, sunshine12

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