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Game on January 11, 2025 at 05:28, 6 players
1. 641 pts fatcat
2. 354 pts sunshine12
3. 282 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehilrv   H8    82    82   shrivel
 2. aaegimz  10F    42   124   ziram
 3. adeissx  15C   102   226   axises
 4. aeilott  12H    74   300   volitate
 5. aabdelt   O5    83   383   dealbate
 6. ?addeir   8A    80   463   diedrals
 7. ajlnotw  N10    54   517   jato
 8. aeiknou  14B    43   560   enoki
 9. aehnsst   K4    87   647   hastens
10. eggioru   L2    29   676   grego
11. efiotvw  M11    38   714   vawte
12. cdemory   N2    54   768   decoy
13. eiiopwy  15K    42   810   weepy
14. aeimnnr   2E    65   875   enarming
15. bfginoo   H1    36   911   frib
16. innopqu   1A    59   970   quipo
17. cfnortu   B1    34  1004   unturf
18. glnoouu  11C    21  1025   logo

Remaining tiles: cnruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6337 Filefatcat      2 15:09  -384  641     1.7034 sunshine12  2 10:03  -671  354 
  2.7034 Filesunshine12  2 10:03  -671  354     2.7226 Chelsea     3  9:50  -743  282 
  3.7226 FileChelsea     3  9:50  -743  282     3.7340 GLOBEMAN    0  3:09  -916  109 
  4.7340 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:09  -916  109     4.7565 lazy.lion   1  1:38 -1004   21 
  5.7565 Filelazy.lion   1  1:38 -1004   21     5.7972 bumpkin     0  0:40 -1008   17 
  6.7972 Filebumpkin     0  0:40 -1008   17            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6337 fatcat      2 15:09  -384  641 

On 1st draw, (S)HRIVEL H8 82 --- SHRIVEL to contract into wrinkles [v]
Other tops: (C)HERVIL H3 82, (C)HERVIL H8 82, (S)HRIVEL H3 82
Other moves: (C)HERVIL H2 76, (C)HERVIL H6 76, (C)HERVIL H7 76, (S)HRIVEL H2 76, (S)HRIVEL H6 76
HIVER H4 30 fatcat

On 2nd draw, ZIRAM 10F 42 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: AGRIZE 10F 38, MAZER 10D 36, GAZAL 14D 35, GAZAR 10D 35, GAZER 10D 35
GLAZE 14G 35 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AXISES 15C 102 --- AXIS a straight line about which a body rotates [n]
Other moves: AXISED 15E 81, AXISES 15E 78, SAXES 15D 78, SAXES 15H 78, SIXES 15D 78
SIXES 15D 78 fatcat

On 4th draw, VOLITATE 12H 74 --- VOLITATE to flutter [v]
Other moves: TOTALIZE F4 69, ETIOLATE 13A 68, ETIOLATE 13H 68, TOTALI(S)E 8B 58, TELIAL 14C 27
TOTAL 14A 23 fatcat

On 5th draw, DEALBATE O5 83 --- DEALBATE whitened [adj]
Other tops: DATEABLE O5 83
Other moves: DATEABLE 13A 74, DEALBATE 13A 74, DATABLE G2 63, ABATED 11J 40, BLADE 14B 38
TABLED O8 27 fatcat

On 6th draw, DIEDRA(L)(S) 8A 80 --- DIEDRAL the angle between two planes [n]
Other tops: DIE(H)ARD N1 80, R(E)ADIED N1 80, (M)ARDIED N1 80, (T)ARDIED N1 80
Other moves: DAI(K)ERED 13B 79, DIA(P)ERED 13B 79, RADI(O)ED N1 79, DERAI(L)ED 13B 77, REDIA(L)ED 13B 77
DRIED N2 32 fatcat

On 7th draw, JATO N10 54 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: AJOWAN M8 48, JAWAN M9 46, JOWL N4 40, JATO 14C 37, JAW N4 37
JATO N10 54 fatcat

On 8th draw, ENOKI 14B 43 --- ENOKI a small white edible mushroom [n]
Other moves: KIAAT 11K 34, AKE 11J 33, OAKEN M11 33, OKA 11J 33, OKE 11J 33
NUKE 14A 31 fatcat, sunshine12

On 9th draw, HASTENS K4 87 --- HASTEN to hurry [v]
Other tops: SNATHES K4 87, SNEATHS K4 87
HEATS 14J 56 fatcat
AHS 13C 38 sunshine12

On 10th draw, GREGO L2 29 --- GREGO a hooded coat [n]
Other moves: GOIER L1 28, GOUGER N1 27, GUIRO L2 26, GREGO 11B 25, GRIG L2 25
ERGO 11C 21 fatcat
GOX D13 11 sunshine12

On 11th draw, VAWTE M11 38 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: VIEW M1 36, WEFT N4 36, WIFE N4 36, FAW M11 34, FOGIE 2J 34
FAW M11 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
VAW M11 34 fatcat
VOW N4 33 Chelsea

On 12th draw, DECOY N2 54 --- DECOY to lure into a trap [v]
Other moves: COREY N2 52, COMEDY 15J 51, COMEDY N2 51, REMEDY 15J 45, CYDER J4 42
DECOY N2 54 Chelsea
YERD 15L 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
YEED 15L 36 fatcat

On 13th draw, WEEPY 15K 42 --- WEEPY tending to weep [adj]
Other moves: WEEP 15L 39, WEY M1 35, PEEOY 15K 33, PIOYE 7C 33, PIOY 7C 29
WEEPY 15K 42 Chelsea
WEEP 15L 39 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, ENARMING 2E 65 --- ENARM to arm [v]
Other tops: RENAMING 2E 65
Other moves: NEMN 13A 34, MAN 13B 30, MEAN 13A 30, MANOR I9 26, REAN 13A 26
MEAN 13A 30 Chelsea, sunshine12
RAM O1 22 fatcat

On 15th draw, FRIB H1 36 --- FRIB heavy wool removed in woolclassing [n]
Other tops: FINO 1E 36
Other moves: GONIF 1A 35, GONOF 1A 35, FROING H1 33, BINGO 1A 32, BONGO 1A 32
FRIB H1 36 sunshine12
FROG H1 30 fatcat
BOO 1G 29 Chelsea

On 16th draw, QUIPO 1A 59 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUINO 1A 47, QUOIN 1A 47, QUIPO 11B 43, QUINO 11B 39, QUEP 13F 38
QUIPO 1A 59 sunshine12, fatcat, Chelsea

On 17th draw, UNTURF B1 34 --- UNTURF to strip of turf [v]
Other moves: OUTFOX D10 32, COFT 14J 25, CONI 11E 25, FOU 7C 24, TREF 13F 24
FOR O1 23 sunshine12
COUNTER C3 22 fatcat
OF I12 18 Chelsea

On 18th draw, LOGO 11C 21 --- LOGO an identifying symbol [n]
Other tops: GOOLD A4 21
Other moves: GOO 11D 19, NOLO 11C 19, GOO A4 18, FUGU 1H 17, GIO 3G 17
LOGO 11C 21 lazy.lion
GON O1 17 sunshine12, bumpkin
GIO 3G 17 Chelsea
LUNG 4A 12 fatcat

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