Game on January 11, 2025 at 06:12, 1 player
1. 310 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. I7 30 54
3. 5E 98 152
4. M1 29 181
5. 11B 78 259
6. H11 42 301
7. 10B 40 341
8. 2H 76 417
9. J8 43 460
10. 1B 101 561
11. O1 81 642
12. L4 26 668
13. 15G 61 729
14. B1 22 751
15. A5 30 781
16. N10 58 839
17. O8 42 881
18. 14J 25 906
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7234 Chelsea 0 5:57 -596 310 1.7234 Chelsea 0 5:57 -596 310
On 1st draw, FREET H4 24 --- FREET an omen [n]
Other tops: FETOR H4 24, FIERE H4 24, FORTE H4 24, FREIT H4 24, TREIF H8 24
Other moves: FETOR H8 18, FIERE H8 18, FORTE H8 18, FREET H8 18, FREIT H8 18
On 2nd draw, FAWNS I7 30 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: FAWNS G7 30
Other moves: FAWN G7 29, FAWN I7 29, FAWS G7 29, FAWS I7 29, FAW G7 28
On 3rd draw, OVERBI(T)E 5E 98 --- OVERBITE a faulty closure of the teeth [n]
Other moves: OVERBE(D) 5E 44, OVERBE(T) 5E 44, OVERBI(D) 5E 44, OVERBI(G) 5E 44, (A)BOVE H11 37
On 4th draw, WINOS M1 29 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: FOLIOS 4H 29, LOWNS M1 29, NOWLS M1 29, SWOLN 4K 29, SWOON 4K 29, WOOLS M1 29, WOONS M1 29
Other moves: WOOLENS L1 28, FOLIO 4H 27, LOWS M2 27, NOWS M2 27, OWLS M2 27
On 5th draw, EN(D)EIXIS 11B 78 --- ENDEIXIS in medicine, an indication [n]
Other moves: EXINE H11 62, EXIE(S) H11 59, EXIN(E) H11 59, EXIN(G) H11 59, EXI(L)E H11 59
WEX 1M 39 Chelsea
On 6th draw, IHRAM H11 42 --- IHRAM the dress worn of Muslim pilgrims [n]
Other tops: MHO 10E 42
Other moves: HERMAI B10 38, RHO 10E 38, HARIM 2J 36, HEMAL B10 36, HEMIOLA L4 36
HA 10F 35 Chelsea
On 7th draw, POOED 10B 40 --- POO to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v]
Other moves: APODE L1 36, PAWED 1K 36, APE 10E 32, APO 10E 32, OPE 10E 32
PAWED 1K 36 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SLEEPING 2H 76 --- SLEEPING the act of one that sleeps [n]
Other tops: SPEELING 2H 76
Other moves: PEELS 12B 35, PEENS 12B 35, NGWEE 1K 33, SPEEL 12A 33, EN(D)EIXISES 11B 32
PEELS 12B 35 Chelsea
On 9th draw, KEY J8 43 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v]
Other moves: YORK 4L 42, YOUK 4L 42, KAURY 4A 39, KAYO 4J 39, KYNE 1E 39
UNRAKE 1C 39 Chelsea
On 10th draw, OUVRAGE 1B 101 --- OUVRAGE work [n]
Other moves: AVOURE 1C 45, VAGUE 1D 45, VOGUE 1D 45, VOUGE 1D 45, VAGUER 1E 40
VOUGE 1D 45 Chelsea
On 11th draw, AGAZED O1 81 --- AGAZED struck with amazement [adj]
Other moves: AGAZE O1 75, PUZEL L2 56, ZONULAE C9 52, AZONAL C8 50, ZONDA C9 50
On 12th draw, BETOIL L4 26 --- BETOIL to weary with toil [v]
Other tops: BITONAL C7 26, ORBITAL 13G 26
Other moves: BOLTONIA C6 24, BONIATO C9 24, ALB 12D 23, BALOO 4A 22, BALTI 4A 22
On 13th draw, AMIANTUS 15G 61 --- AMIANTUS the finest fibrous asbestos [n]
Other moves: ISTANA K9 25, ASTUN K9 23, ANSA 12A 22, SANT 12C 22, ISNA K9 21
On 14th draw, OUTRIG B1 22 --- OUTRIG to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats) [v]
Other tops: GAITTS N10 22, GRATIS N10 22, GUTTAS N10 22
Other moves: GAITT 9A 21, GUITARS N9 20, AIRT 9B 19, AGUTIS N10 18, GAITT 4A 18
On 15th draw, DARIC A5 30 --- DARIC an ancient Persian coin [n]
Other tops: CAIRDS N10 30, CARDIS N10 30, CAULDS N10 30, DUCAL A5 30
Other moves: LUCID A5 29, LUDIC A5 29, CAULIS N10 28, CURIAS N10 28, DUCI A5 27
LUDIC A5 29 Chelsea
On 16th draw, JOTUNS N10 58 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other tops: JUNTOS N10 58
Other moves: JO 14J 52, JA J14 25, JOTUN K11 24, JOURS N11 24, JOE G3 23
JO 14J 52 Chelsea
On 17th draw, CHAD O8 42 --- CHAD a scrap of paper [n]
Other moves: CHAI O8 38, CHAR O8 38, CHONDRI C8 34, CHA O8 33, THAR O8 32
On 18th draw, MOI 14J 25 --- MOI used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: MONITOR C9 24, QI 4D 24, RIM M11 24, MI 14J 22, MO 14J 22
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