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Game on January 11, 2025 at 23:02, 5 players
1. 49 pts sunshine12
2. 26 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 22 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ailprr   H4    20    20   prial
 2. adellmn   G5    26    46   admen
 3. deinotz   5D   126   172   notarized
 4. eeioprt   L1    80   252   peridote
 5. acgilrt   1I    33   285   clipart
 6. cegnosu   I3    31   316   coigns
 7. adeemos   M7    81   397   oedemas
 8. ?dejklu  L12    58   455   jerk
 9. aeruwwy  15H    36   491   wreak
10. abehlnu   F9    68   559   unhable
11. ?dginou   N1    82   641   rigaudon
12. abilttv  15A    42   683   viable
13. aersttx  15H    45   728   wreakers
14. aeghruw  N10    47   775   haw
15. foostuv  14H    34   809   oof
16. eirsuvy  11E    64   873   shivery
17. efinotu   4A    30   903   fouet
18. aginqtu  12A    52   955   quinta

Remaining tiles: agitxy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7036 Filesunshine12  0  1:49  -906   49     1.7036 sunshine12  0  1:49  -906   49 
  2.7360 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:27  -929   26     2.7360 GLOBEMAN    0  1:27  -929   26 
  3.7653 Fileroocatcher  0  0:19  -933   22     3.7653 roocatcher  0  0:19  -933   22 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:48  -933   22            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:24  -933   22     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:48  -933   22 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:24  -933   22 

On 1st draw, PRIAL H4 20 --- PRIAL a set of three [n]
Other tops: LARR(U)P H7 20, PAIR(E)R H4 20, PALI(E)R H4 20, PARI(A)L H4 20, PARL(O)R H4 20, PARR(A)L H4 20, PARR(E)L H4 20, PILAR H4 20, PIL(L)AR H4 20, PI(L)LAR H4 20, PRIAL(S) H4 20, PRI(M)AL H4 20, P(A)RIAL H4 20, P(A)RRAL H4 20, RI(P)RAP H7 20, (S)PIRAL H3 20
Other moves: A(T)RIP H8 18, PAIL(S) H4 18, PAIR(E) H4 18, PAIR(S) H4 18, PAL(E)R H4 18

On 2nd draw, ADMEN G5 26 --- ADMAN a man employed in the advertising business [n]
Other moves: AMEND G6 23, ALME G5 22, MALLED G7 22, MALLED I7 22, MEDAL G7 22

On 3rd draw, NOTARIZED 5D 126 --- NOTARIZE to certify through a notary [v]
Other moves: NOTARIZE 5D 68, DIZEN F8 41, DOZEN F8 41, DOZE F8 40, TOZED F8 40

On 4th draw, PERIDOTE L1 80 --- PERIDOTE a green mineral [n]
Other moves: EDITOR 6F 32, PERIDOT L1 26, PETER 4K 26, PETRE 4K 26, PIERT 4K 26

On 5th draw, CLIPART 1I 33 --- CLIPART graphical pieces that can be pasted into documents electronically [n]
Other moves: CRAIG 4A 29, CITAL 4A 26, CLEAR 2J 26, CLEAT 2J 26, ALGETIC 2I 24

On 6th draw, COIGNS I3 31 --- COIGN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: COIGN I3 27, CONES 4A 26, CONUS 4A 26, SCUNGE M8 26, COINS I3 25

On 7th draw, OEDEMAS M7 81 --- OEDEMA edema [n]
Other moves: OEDEMAS J7 72, OEDEMAS K8 72, OEDEMAS M6 70, OEDEMAS F9 66, ADEEMS 4A 30

On 8th draw, JE(R)K L12 58 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other tops: JU(N)K L12 58
Other moves: JUKED 4A 57, J(A)UK L12 57, J(O)UK L12 57, J(O)KED 4A 55, J(O)KED N6 55

On 9th draw, WREAK 15H 36 --- WREAK to inflict [v]
Other moves: AREW N9 33, KYAR 15L 33, RUNWAY D3 32, WAWE 4A 32, WAWE 4C 31

On 10th draw, UNHABLE F9 68 --- UNHABLE unable [adj]
Other moves: BELAH N6 46, HUB N10 45, BELAH 4A 35, LAH N8 33, NAH N8 33

On 11th draw, RIG(A)UDON N1 82 --- RIGAUDON a lively dance [n]
Other moves: DOUB(L)ING 13C 74, DOUB(T)ING 13C 74, DOU(C)HING 11B 74, UN(B)ODING D4 72, (R)IGAUDON 12C 72

On 12th draw, VIABLE 15A 42 --- VIABLE capable of living [adj]
Other moves: VITAL 4A 30, VITTAE 15A 30, VITTLE 15A 30, ALBITE 15A 27, BATTLE 15A 27

On 13th draw, WREAKERS 15H 45 --- WREAKER one that wreaks [n]
Other moves: SHATTER 11E 40, THREATS 11E 40, EARST N10 35, TARTS N10 35, TERTS N10 35

On 14th draw, HAW N10 47 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other tops: HEW N10 47
Other moves: HAG N10 43, HUG N10 43, HER N10 41, WHAE E8 38, HEGARI B10 36

On 15th draw, OOF 14H 34 --- OOF money [n]
Other tops: FOOT E9 34, FUST E9 34, TOFUS E7 34
Other moves: UFOS E8 32, UFO E11 31, FOU E9 30, OOF E10 29, OF 14I 28

On 16th draw, SHIVERY 11E 64 --- SHIVERY shivering [adj]
Other moves: VINERY D3 32, VIRES E7 31, VIRUS E7 31, VIRES 4A 30, VIRUS 4A 30
SEYS O12 23 sunshine12

On 17th draw, FOUET 4A 30 --- FOUET a leek [n]
Other tops: FUTON 4A 30
Other moves: FENI 4A 26, FINE 4A 26, FINO 4A 26, FONE 4A 26, FUTON D1 24
FONE 4A 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, QUINTA 12A 52 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other tops: QUANTA 12A 52
Other moves: QUOTING B2 38, FAUTING A4 33, NIQAB 13B 32, QUOIN B2 32, QUOIT B2 32
QI B14 22 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen

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