Game on January 12, 2025 at 05:02, 5 players
1. 408 pts sunshine12
2. 250 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 245 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 24 24
2. 6B 68 92
3. C2 30 122
4. 8A 42 164
5. 4F 72 236
6. N2 86 322
7. O8 63 385
8. 2A 36 421
9. F8 62 483
10. 9A 30 513
11. 15A 84 597
12. 11D 118 715
13. 12D 28 743
14. L7 36 779
15. 5E 40 819
16. 1G 63 882
17. M3 21 903
18. 13E 26 929
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7045 sunshine12 2 11:37 -521 408 1.7045 sunshine12 2 11:37 -521 408
2.7376 GLOBEMAN 0 8:27 -679 250 2.7376 GLOBEMAN 0 8:27 -679 250
3.7773 roocatcher 0 10:16 -684 245 3.7773 roocatcher 0 10:16 -684 245
4. - chunk88 0 1:00 -915 14 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:39 -915 14 1. - chunk88 0 1:00 -915 14
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:39 -915 14
On 1st draw, EMOTED H3 24 --- EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v]
Other tops: MEOUED H4 24
Other moves: DEMOTE H4 22, EMOTED H7 22, MEOUED H7 22, METED H4 22, MOTED H4 22
EMOTED H3 24 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, BRAUNITE 6B 68 --- BRAUNITE an ore of manganese [n]
Other moves: URBANITE 6B 64, BUNIA G3 29, RUBINE G3 29, RUBINE I3 29, URBANE G1 26
BANE G3 24 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, INFORCE C2 30 --- INFORCE to compel [v]
Other moves: FIANCE D4 28, FENCE 7G 27, FENI G3 26, FINE I3 26, FONE I3 26
FENCE 7G 27 sunshine12
On 4th draw, EYEBAR 8A 42 --- EYEBAR a metal bar with a loop at one or both ends [n]
Other moves: BREY 8A 39, TAYRA D2 38, YABA D3 37, EYRA D3 34, YEBO 5E 34
BREY 8A 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 5th draw, DOMINATE 4F 72 --- DOMINATE to control [v]
Other tops: NEMATOID 4F 72
Other moves: RATIONED F8 63, ADIT 9B 34, EDIT 9B 34, NODE 9A 34, NODI 9A 34
DAFT 4A 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, COSMIN(E) N2 86 --- COSMINE a hard substance in fish scales [n]
Other tops: COSMIN(S) N2 86, MISCO(I)N N2 86, M(A)SONIC N2 86, M(E)SONIC N2 86, M(I)SCOIN N2 86, (A)NOSMIC N1 86
Other moves: CO(S)MINS N2 85, (G)ENOMICS M3 84, NONC(R)IMES 3A 79, CEN(T)IMOS M3 76, C(R)EMOSIN M2 76
C(O)SMIN N2 34 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 7th draw, FOW(T)H O8 63 --- FOWTH abundance [n]
Other tops: HOW(F)F O8 63
Other moves: FO(R)HOW O8 57, FOU(T)H O8 54, HOU(F)F O8 54, HOWF O8 51, HOWF(E)(D) 8J 51
HOWF O8 51 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 8th draw, QUINELA 2A 36 --- QUINELA quinella [n]
Other moves: WEAL M3 30, WEEL M3 30, AQUAE E8 28, AQUAE K1 28, AQUAE K4 28
QUINE 2A 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 9th draw, ROTURIER F8 62 --- ROTURIER a commoner [n]
Other moves: TROUTIER L4 59, RETOUR 1E 24, TOURER 1G 23, TOURIE 1G 23, RETRO 1E 21
On 10th draw, TOSA 9A 30 --- TOSA a dog [n]
Other tops: TOSE 9A 30
Other moves: OSE 9B 27, AAS 9A 25, EAS 9A 25, TAS 9A 25, TEASE M3 25
TEAS 13L 22 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, PATZERS 15A 84 --- PATZER an inept chess player [n]
Other moves: PATZER 15A 81, ZERDAS 15D 78, ZERDA 15D 75, DAZES 1E 61, DAZE 1E 58
RAZED 15F 45 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 12th draw, SHUNPIKE 11D 118 --- SHUNPIKE to travel on side roads to avoid expressways [v]
Other moves: PUNKISH 11E 64, H*NK**SHUNKIES 11E 56, PUNKIES 11E 52, PEKINS 1E 48, PEKIN 1E 45
KI 14B 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, TERAI 12D 28 --- TERAI a sun hat with a wide brim [n]
Other moves: GAITER 12A 27, GOITER 12A 27, AIGLET 1G 26, LATIGO 1G 26, LEGATO 1G 26
GI 5K 14 chunk88, BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, AGLARE L7 36 --- AGLARE glaring [adj]
Other tops: AWARE L8 36
Other moves: GLARE L8 34, GREW L10 34, AW 10A 33, WALER 1E 33, AREW L10 32
ALEW 1G 23 sunshine12
On 15th draw, XI 5E 40 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: EXUL 3H 40, XU 5E 40
Other moves: EXO I6 38, OX 5J 38, XI 5K 38, EXO 3H 37, EXO 7H 35
OX 5J 38 sunshine12
On 16th draw, JOWLY 1G 63 --- JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj]
Other moves: JUDY 1G 54, JOWL 1G 51, JOW 1G 48, JOY 1G 48, JUDO 1G 45
JOWLY 1G 63 sunshine12
On 17th draw, LEUD M3 21 --- LEUD a feudal vassal [n]
Other tops: VALID K3 21
Other moves: LIDO 3K 20, LUDO 3K 20, AVID K4 19, DERV 7G 19, DURO 3K 19
On 18th draw, RIGG 13E 26 --- RIGG the dogfish [n]
Other moves: VIVDA B11 24, VIVA B12 20, AVID K4 19, DERV 7G 19, IGG 13F 19
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