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Game on January 12, 2025 at 20:08, 5 players
1. 339 pts LongJump22
2. 249 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 101 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeenrtw   H4    26    26   weaner
 2. abdemtu   9G    67    93   drumbeat
 3. acelpty   5D   110   203   clypeate
 4. ??efgno   O3    90   293   fungoes
 5. lnopstu   L7    72   365   pleuston
 6. eginory  10J    36   401   your
 7. eiiorsx  15G    54   455   orexis
 8. aeinosz  14A    88   543   aziones
 9. deinoor  15A    50   593   ronde
10. aadelru   M1    73   666   radulae
11. eefghis   1H    42   708   heifers
12. aahloru  13A    39   747   lah
13. agijnor   2F    34   781   join
14. cdemorw  11J    39   820   cosed
15. agimqtv  10F    34   854   qi
16. aagirtw  11D    32   886   twig
17. agikmtu   D1    30   916   umiack
18. abiirtv   D8    24   940   vitta

Remaining tiles: bgirtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5825 FileLongJump22  4  3:37  -601  339     1.7469 VVVVVV1112  3  4:10  -691  249 
  2.7469 FileVVVVVV1112  3  4:10  -691  249     2.7897 moonmonkey  0  3:06  -839  101 
  3.7897 Filemoonmonkey  0  3:06  -839  101     3.7723 Mycophot    0  2:55  -859   81 
  4.7723 FileMycophot    0  2:55  -859   81     4.7716 Muincunx    1  0:24  -914   26 
  5.7716 FileMuincunx    1  0:24  -914   26            Group: novice
                                             1.5825 LongJump22  4  3:37  -601  339 

On 1st draw, WEANER H4 26 --- WEANER one that weans [n]
Other tops: WANTER H4 26
Other moves: RENEW H8 24, WATER H4 24, WRATE H4 24, ATWEEN H3 20, ATWEEN H4 20
WANTER H4 26 Muincunx

On 2nd draw, DRUMBEAT 9G 67 --- DRUMBEAT the sound of a drum [n]
Other tops: UMBRATED 9E 67
Other moves: BEMAD G6 26, BEMUD G6 26, DAUBE G5 25, BEDMATE 5B 24, BEDMATE 5G 24
UMBRATED 9E 67 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, CLYPEATE 5D 110 --- CLYPEATE buckler-shaped [adj] --- CLYPEUS a shield-like structure [adj]
Other moves: CLYPEATE L5 86, CLYPEATE L2 82, CLYPEATE 5A 80, EUCALYPT I8 71, TYPABLE K5 56
CLYPEATE 5D 110 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
CLYPEATE 5D 60 moonmonkey

On 4th draw, F(U)NGOE(S) O3 90 --- FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n]
Other moves: (S)ONGFE(S)T N2 86, F(U)NGOE(S) 10B 81, FO(R)GE(M)AN M3 72, FLE(X)(A)GON E4 70, FLO(R)(I)GEN E4 70
F(U)NGOE(S) O3 90 LongJump22
F(U)NGOE(S) O3 40 Mycophot

On 5th draw, PLEUSTON L7 72 --- PLEUSTON aquatic vegetation [n]
Other moves: OUTPLANS M4 63, POST 10F 27, SCULPT D4 26, PENULTS L8 24, POS 10F 24
PLEUSTON L7 72 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 6th draw, YOUR 10J 36 --- YOUR a possessive form of the pronoun you [adj] --- YOUR belonging to you [pron]
Other tops: TYEING N9 36, TYRING N9 36
Other moves: YONNIE 14J 34, YOU 10J 33, GOARY I3 31, NY 10I 30, YOGIC D1 30

On 7th draw, OREXIS 15G 54 --- OREXIS appetite [n]
Other moves: OXERS 15H 51, OXER M12 44, OXES M12 44, XERIC D1 44, EXO M12 42

On 8th draw, AZIONES 14A 88 --- AZIONE a musical composition [n]
Other moves: AZIONES 10B 83, AZIONE 14E 54, NAZES 10D 47, NAZIS 10D 47, ZAS 10F 45
ZOEA 14G 41 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 9th draw, RONDE 15A 50 --- RONDE a script printing type [n]
Other tops: RONDO 15A 50
Other moves: RODEO 15A 46, ROOD 15A 45, DONE 15A 43, DOON 15A 43, DOOR 15A 43

On 10th draw, RADULAE M1 73 --- RADULA a tonguelike organ of molluscs [n]
Other moves: RADULAE 10A 65, RADULATE 12F 61, ALDEA 13B 40, ALDER 13B 40, ARLED 13B 40

On 11th draw, HEIFERS 1H 42 --- HEIFER a young cow [n]
Other moves: FISHER 1H 39, HEIFER 1H 39, SHERIF 1J 39, FR*G 1L 36, GHEE 13C 36

On 12th draw, LAH 13A 39 --- LAH the sixth note of the scale [n]
Other moves: AAH 13B 37, AH 13B 34, AAL 13B 28, AHA 13C 28, RHO 13C 28

On 13th draw, JOIN 2F 34 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JARGOON 13H 32, GAJO 10D 31, JAI 2F 31, RIOJA 10C 31, JARGON 13H 30

On 14th draw, COSED 11J 39 --- COSE to make oneself cosy [v]
Other moves: WORMED 12C 38, CROWED 12C 37, DECOS 11H 36, COSE 11J 35, CROMED 12C 35

On 15th draw, QI 10F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SMIT N1 29, VATIC D1 28, SAIM N1 27, STIM N1 27, MAGIC D1 26

On 16th draw, TWIG 11D 32 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other tops: WARAGI 12C 32
Other moves: AWAIT 11C 31, WARAGI 11A 31, TAWAI 3C 30, WIG 11E 30, WAIT 11D 29

On 17th draw, UMIACK D1 30 --- UMIACK an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: SMIT N1 29, KAM 3E 28, KATTI D8 28, SAIM N1 27, STIM N1 27

On 18th draw, VITTA D8 24 --- VITTA a streak or bank of colour [n]
Other moves: AB 3F 23, RIVA 3C 23, VITA 3C 23, BA 14I 21, RIBA 3C 21

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