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Game on January 12, 2025 at 22:28, 8 players
1. 221 pts VVVVVV1112
2. 170 pts LongJump22
3. 140 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdfnow   H4    26    26   fonda
 2. bbeiors   6G    70    96   snobbier
 3. ?deiisv   L1    78   174   divinise
 4. ehmnnot   1G    36   210   method
 5. instuwy   1G    45   255   methodist
 6. noortwy   7E    29   284   woody
 7. aeegrtx   8K    36   320   retax
 8. cenotuy   8A    35   355   ounce
 9. ?aadelt   A8    77   432   oxalated
10. aeiknnq   2F    35   467   qi
11. adeenuw   C7    84   551   unweaned
12. aeiopsz   J8    51   602   pizes
13. acegoty  D11    34   636   gyte
14. aaeinrr  K10    25   661   aria
15. agiloor  L10    34   695   gari
16. aiklmru   3A    35   730   rumaki
17. egjnoru   A1    39   769   juror
18. elnnopt   2K    26   795   pinto
19. eefghln   D1    28   823   flange
20. ceehlnv  E10    26   849   vee

Remaining tiles: chlln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7469 FileVVVVVV1112  2  3:53  -628  221     1.7469 VVVVVV1112  2  3:53  -628  221 
  2.5825 FileLongJump22  2  2:40  -679  170     2.7897 moonmonkey  3  4:42  -709  140 
  3.7897 Filemoonmonkey  3  4:42  -709  140     3.7671 sicilianc5  3  4:42  -709  140 
  4.7671 Filesicilianc5  3  4:42  -709  140            Group: novice
  5.5640 FileMMMMMM1112  2  2:37  -787   62     1.5825 LongJump22  2  2:40  -679  170 
  6.5679 FileNNNNNN1112  1  2:37  -790   59     2.5640 MMMMMM1112  2  2:37  -787   62 
  7.5510 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:38  -816   33     3.5679 NNNNNN1112  1  2:37  -790   59 
  8.5473 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:41  -823   26     4.5510 LLLLLL1112  0  1:38  -816   33 
                                             5.5473 OOOOOO1112  1  1:41  -823   26 

On 1st draw, FONDA H4 26 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: DOWF H5 22, DOWF H6 22, DOWF H7 22, DOWF H8 22, DOWNA H4 22
FONDA H4 26 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 2nd draw, SNOBBIER 6G 70 --- SNOBBY snobbish [adj]
Other moves: FIBBERS 4H 28, BEROBS 9C 26, FIBBER 4H 26, BRIBES 9C 24, FIBROSE 4H 24
SNOBBIER 6G 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, DIVI(N)ISE L1 78 --- DIVINISE to treat as divine [v]
Other tops: DIVISI(V)E L1 78, DI(V)ISIVE L1 78
Other moves: DIVISI(V)E L3 74, DIVISI(V)E L5 74, DIVI(N)ISE L3 74, DIVI(N)ISE L5 74, DI(V)ISIVE L3 74
DIVI(N)ISE L5 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, METHOD 1G 36 --- METHOD a means of procedure [n]
Other tops: HODMEN 1J 36, MOTHED 1G 36
Other moves: HOMED 1H 33, MEITH 2J 32, METHO 8K 30, BENTHON K6 28, MONETH M8 28
HODMEN 1J 36 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, MMMMMM1112

On 5th draw, METHODIST 1G 45 --- METHODIST [n]
Other moves: NEWSY 8K 33, UNTIDY 7D 27, WYN 2F 26, WYNS 9I 26, YWIS 9I 26
NEWSY 8K 33 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, NNNNNN1112, LLLLLL1112

On 6th draw, WOODY 7E 29 --- WOODY a wood-panelled station wagon [n] --- WOODY containing or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: WYN 2F 26, NOWY 2D 25, TODY 7F 25, TOWY 2D 25, WINO 2K 25

On 7th draw, RETAX 8K 36 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: TAXER 2D 34, TREEWAX E3 34, EXTRA 6A 33, EXIT 2J 31, AXE 2E 30
RETAX 8K 36 sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 8th draw, OUNCE 8A 35 --- OUNCE a unit of weight [n]
Other moves: CONVEY 3I 34, COUNTY 2B 33, CENTO 8A 29, CONTE 8A 29, COVYNE 3J 28

On 9th draw, O(X)ALATED A8 77 --- OXALATE to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v]
Other moves: A(B)LATED 2B 75, LA(N)ATED 2B 75, (P)ALATED 2B 75, (P)ALATED J8 75, CLA(V)ATED D8 74

On 10th draw, QI 2F 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: KNAVE 3I 34, KNIVE 3I 34, KEBAR K4 32, BARKEN K6 26, BIRKEN K6 26
QI 2F 35 moonmonkey, sicilianc5

On 11th draw, UNWEANED C7 84 --- UNWEANED not weaned [adj] --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [adj]
Other moves: UNWEANED C3 78, WANED B10 59, DAWEN B10 46, WADE B10 36, WANE B10 34

On 12th draw, PIZES J8 51 --- PIZE a pest\v (Yorkshire) to strike somebody [n]
Other moves: PIZE J8 50, POZ J8 49, TOPAZES M8 38, DIAZOES 14C 37, EPIZOA 10C 37

On 13th draw, GYTE D11 34 --- GYTE a child [n]
Other moves: YE B10 30, ATOC K10 29, STAGEY 12J 28, STOGEY 12J 28, YATE D11 28

On 14th draw, ARIA K10 25 --- ARIA an elaborate melody for a single voice [n]
Other moves: ANI K10 23, RIA B13 23, RAINWEAR E3 22, AIR 3E 21, A(N)EAR 5K 20

On 15th draw, GARI L10 34 --- GARI pickled ginger, served with sushi [n]
Other moves: ARGIL 3C 31, GLAIR 3C 31, GRAIL 3C 31, GAR L10 30, ARGIL L11 26

On 16th draw, RUMAKI 3A 35 --- RUMAKI chicken liver wrapped together with water chestnuts in a bacon slice [n]
Other tops: KUMARI 3A 35
Other moves: KAIM 3D 34, ARMIL 3C 33, AUMIL 3C 33, KAMI 3C 31, MAKI 3C 31

On 17th draw, JUROR A1 39 --- JUROR a member of a jury [n]
Other moves: JEAN D1 38, JURE A1 36, ERUGO 4A 35, JOE E10 34, JOR A1 30

On 18th draw, PINTO 2K 26 --- PINTO a spotted horse [n]
Other moves: OPEN 4A 24, PINT 2K 22, PLANET D1 22, PLATEN D1 22, PLANE D1 20

On 19th draw, FLANGE D1 28 --- FLANGE to provide with a protecting rim [v]
Other moves: UGH 2A 27, FEE E10 26, WENGE E7 26, EEVN 3J 25, WHEEL 9C 25

On 20th draw, VEE E10 26 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other moves: EEVN 3J 25, WHEEL 9C 25, WHEEN 9C 25, CEE E10 24, HUE B2 24

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