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Game on January 12, 2025 at 23:17, 5 players
1. 265 pts sunshine12
2. 128 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 122 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ciirtu   H4    72    72   circuit
 2. eeiknos  11B    81   153   eikones
 3. ?addelw   C6    80   233   waddlier
 4. eginrrt   5E    86   319   retiring
 5. abdeors  13C    63   382   reboards
 6. aegimqt   8A    45   427   qadi
 7. acehnnt  14J    49   476   hance
 8. aiopsty  O12    47   523   posy
 9. aaelorv   7H    62   585   cavalero
10. deflmoo   8K    47   632   lomed
11. abehipt  15G    41   673   bathe
12. afinost  14D    33   706   sif
13. eginotv  15A    28   734   vint
14. imnotux   G8    36   770   ox
15. egjltuy   4A    48   818   juglet
16. afgiort   A1    36   854   rioja
17. aginoty   4J    29   883   goaty
18. eimnpuz   3L    48   931   zine
19. efmnuuw   6F    30   961   fer

Remaining tiles: mnpuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7053 Filesunshine12  4  5:06  -696  265     1.7053 sunshine12  4  5:06  -696  265 
  2.7304 FileGLOBEMAN    2  2:50  -833  128     2.7304 GLOBEMAN    2  2:50  -833  128 
  3.7697 Fileroocatcher  2  5:22  -839  122     3.7697 roocatcher  2  5:22  -839  122 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  0:22  -933   28            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:58  -955    6     1.  -  chunk88     1  0:22  -933   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:58  -955    6 

On 1st draw, CIR(C)UIT H4 72 --- CIRCUIT to move around [v]
Other moves: CIR(C)UIT H2 68, CIR(C)UIT H3 68, CIR(C)UIT H6 68, CIR(C)UIT H7 68, CIR(C)UIT H8 68

On 2nd draw, EIKONES 11B 81 --- EIKON an icon [n]
Other moves: KEROSINE 6F 74, EIKONS 11C 29, ENOKIS 11C 29, KEENOS 11C 29, KEENOS G9 29

On 3rd draw, WADDLIE(R) C6 80 --- WADDLY having or being a waddling gait [adj]
Other moves: DECLAW(E)D 4F 78, D(E)CLAWED 4F 78, WADDLIE(R) 5C 74, DE(C)LAWED B5 72, WADDLER(S) 6B 72

On 4th draw, RETIRING 5E 86 --- RETIRE to go away or withdraw [v] --- RETIRING shy [adj]
Other moves: RETIRING 9E 61, GREIN 12A 32, IGNITER 5E 32, NIDGET 8A 30, RIDGER 8A 30

On 5th draw, (R)EBOARDS 13C 63 --- REBOARD to board again [v]
Other moves: BRO(C)ADES 7E 62, ADSORBER E1 61, BANDORES K3 61, BOARDERS E2 61, SEABED 12B 41

On 6th draw, QADI 8A 45 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: MIDGET 8A 36, MADGE 8A 33, MIDGE 8A 33, QATS J10 33, AMIE 14E 30

On 7th draw, HANCE 14J 49 --- HANCE a side of an arch [n]
Other moves: HENNA 14J 45, KEECH D11 40, NAH 14D 33, AHENT 14I 32, HARE 6F 32
NAH 14D 33 sunshine12

On 8th draw, POSY O12 47 --- POSY a small bunch of flowers [n] --- POSY also POSEY [n] --- POSY adopting poses for effects [adj]
Other moves: PATSY O11 44, POTSY O11 44, TIPSY O11 44, PIOYS 15G 41, ATOPY 15F 39
POSY O12 47 sunshine12

On 9th draw, (C)AVALERO 7H 62 --- CAVALERO a horseman [n]
Other moves: AVALE 15H 38, LARVAE 15F 35, LARVAE 15E 33, LEEAR 12A 33, ARVAL 15G 32
LOVER 15G 32 sunshine12

On 10th draw, LOMED 8K 47 --- LOME to cover with loam [v]
Other moves: FEM 8M 43, DEF 8M 41, FLOOD O4 39, FOOLED 15F 39, FED 8M 37
FOOLED 15F 39 sunshine12

On 11th draw, BATHE 15G 41 --- BATHE to wash [v]
Other moves: EMPATHIC M7 40, EMPHATIC M7 40, BAITH 15F 39, BEATH 15F 39, BAHT 15H 38

On 12th draw, SIF 14D 33 --- SIF disgusting (syphilitic) (S African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FANONS L10 32, FAINS L11 30, FOINS L11 30, IF 14E 30, OF 14E 30
SIF 14D 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, VINT 15A 28 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other tops: VENT 15A 28, VOGIE 4A 28
Other moves: GOETIC 4C 24, GOV 9L 24, NOTICE 4D 24, GONE 9L 23, TOGE 9L 23
VINT 15A 28 chunk88
REV N7 6 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, OX G8 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: MIXTURE N2 36
Other moves: MIXUP 12K 32, OXIME F1 30, TUX 9L 30, TOXIC M10 28, TOXIN 10H 28
OX G8 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, JUGLET 4A 48 --- JUGLET a small jug [n]
Other moves: JEU N10 30, UGLY 4L 30, JULEP 12K 28, GEY 6M 27, GUY 6M 27
JEU N10 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 16th draw, RIOJA A1 36 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: FAR 6F 30, FIR 6F 30, FOR 6F 30, FROG 9K 28, FAG 6M 27
FOR 6F 30 roocatcher

On 17th draw, GOATY 4J 29 --- GOATY like a goat [adj]
Other tops: YOGA 9L 29
Other moves: GORY 6F 28, GAY 6M 27, G*Y 6M 27, AWING 6B 26, OWING 6B 26
GOATY 4J 29 roocatcher

On 18th draw, ZINE 3L 48 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other moves: ZIN 3L 46, ENZYM N1 38, ZITE F2 33, MIZEN L10 32, UNZIP 12K 32
ZINE 3L 48 sunshine12

On 19th draw, FER 6F 30 --- FER for [prep]
Other tops: EF 6E 30
Other moves: FEM 6M 29, FUM 6M 29, WEM 6M 29, WEM 9L 26, FEN 6M 25
EF 6E 30 sunshine12

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