Game on January 13, 2025 at 00:03, 5 players
1. 318 pts sunshine12
2. 146 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 48 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 8H 83 111
3. 7L 32 143
4. 3B 87 230
5. O1 95 325
6. 4C 38 363
7. 5B 36 399
8. H1 39 438
9. A4 47 485
10. L7 26 511
11. J1 68 579
12. K11 48 627
13. J10 39 666
14. 14H 27 693
15. B5 21 714
16. 6D 27 741
17. M11 31 772
18. 15F 62 834
19. F6 63 897
20. 12A 28 925
21. A12 30 955
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7068 sunshine12 3 8:40 -637 318 1.7068 sunshine12 3 8:40 -637 318
2.7326 GLOBEMAN 2 4:10 -809 146 2.7326 GLOBEMAN 2 4:10 -809 146
3.7689 roocatcher 1 1:27 -907 48 3.7689 roocatcher 1 1:27 -907 48
4. - chunk88 1 1:54 -907 48 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:23 -918 37 1. - chunk88 1 1:54 -907 48
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:23 -918 37
On 1st draw, WAGED H4 28 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: WADER H4 26, WAGER H4 26, WARED H4 26, ADWARE H3 24, WAGED H8 24
WAGED H4 28 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, DOGEATES 8H 83 --- DOGEATE the office of a doge [n]
Other moves: GOATEES 3B 79, EATAGES 5E 32, ETAGES 3C 27, TOWAGES 4F 22, EGESTA 3E 20
WAGES 4H 18 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, JIBE 7L 32 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JERBIL K7 30, JIRBLE K3 30, JEEP N6 29, JIB 7L 29, REJIG 6D 29
JEEP N6 29 sunshine12
On 4th draw, COWBO(Y)S 3B 87 --- COWBOY a ranch worker [n] --- COWBOY to tend cattle or horses [v]
Other moves: WO(M)BS 9I 43, O(X)BOWS 3C 39, WO(M)B 9I 37, C(A)BOOSES O1 36, SCOOB(I)ES O1 36
W(A)S 9L 25 sunshine12
On 5th draw, CREPINES(S) O1 95 --- CREPINESS
Other moves: PREACIN(G) 5E 94, PR(O)CAINE 5D 94, NITPIC(K)ER M6 80, NEP(H)RITIC M2 76, P(H)RENITIC M2 76
C(O)WPIE D1 30 sunshine12
On 6th draw, YEED 4C 38 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: YODLER 2J 36, DEEJAY L4 34, DEY 4C 34, DOY 4C 34, YOWLED D1 34
OY 2E 30 sunshine12
On 7th draw, HENT 5B 36 --- HENT to grasp [v]
Other moves: HINTER 2J 34, LENT 5B 30, RENT 5B 30, JANTIER L7 28, TRILITH M3 28
HENT 5B 36 sunshine12
On 8th draw, ASSWAGED H1 39 --- ASSWAGE to make less severe [v]
Other moves: ATOKS A5 35, SKAT(S) 9K 34, ATOK A5 32, ATOK N2 32, OAKS 9J 32
On 9th draw, TAXOR A4 47 --- TAXOR one who taxes [n]
Other moves: TAX 6D 39, OXO I6 38, XU 9I 37, MUX 9I 34, AX 6E 31
On 10th draw, JAILOR L7 26 --- JAILOR a keeper of a jail [n]
Other tops: RIAL(S) 9K 26
Other moves: GAL(S) 9L 25, RAG(S) 9L 25, RIOJA L4 24, AG 2E 22, VEGA 7G 22
On 11th draw, HODDLING J1 68 --- HODDLE to waddle [v]
Other moves: HOS 2F 30, HOLD K11 28, HOND K11 28, HOD K11 26, HODDIN I7 26
HOS 2F 30 sunshine12
On 12th draw, ZOL K11 48 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other moves: ZO K11 46, MOZ K11 38, GIZMO 11H 34, ZIG 6F 33, ZILL 10J 33
ZOL K11 48 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 13th draw, KAME J10 39 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: AMOK N2 38, MAKE J10 37, OAKY M11 37, YAK J10 37, KAM J10 36
YAK J10 37 BadBoyBen, GLOBEMAN
On 14th draw, QIS 14H 27 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: XIS 6A 26, RAS 6C 23, ARIELS 13G 22, ORIELS 13G 22, HIS B5 21
On 15th draw, HUE B5 21 --- HUE colour [n]
Other moves: TAE 6D 18, TAO 6D 18, TAR 6D 18, TAT 6D 18, TAU 6D 18
On 16th draw, TEF 6D 27 --- TEF a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: TAV 6D 27
Other moves: ARFS 2E 25, AUF G5 24, FIAT(S) 9K 22, AVER M12 20, BEAVER N7 20
TURF M12 20 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 17th draw, NAMU M11 31 --- NAMU a New Zealand sandfly [n]
Other moves: NAM M11 29, NAG M11 27, ARUM N2 26, MAS 2F 24, AMU N2 22
MAS 2F 24 sunshine12
On 18th draw, PYIN 15F 62 --- PYIN a protein compound contained in pus [n]
Other moves: AYIN 15F 56, PURIN 15E 56, PAIN 15F 53, YIN 15G 53, PURI 15E 51
On 19th draw, FAULTIER F6 63 --- FAULTY imperfect [adj]
Other tops: FILATURE F6 63
Other moves: EARL N12 23, LARE N12 23, LARI N12 23, LATE N12 23, LATI N12 23
On 20th draw, FIGURE 12A 28 --- FIGURE to compute [v]
Other tops: FRINGE 12A 28
Other moves: FURANE 12A 26, GAUFRE 12A 24, FAIRING 11B 22, WADING 4H 22, ARF N13 20
On 21th draw, FAVA A12 30 --- FAVA the edible seed of a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: VARIANT B9 24, TANA N12 23, TARA N12 23, TARN N12 23, TARO N12 23
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