Game on January 13, 2025 at 00:53, 5 players
1. 125 pts sunshine12
2. 93 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 20 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 74 74
2. 4F 76 150
3. N1 38 188
4. 6D 66 254
5. O1 45 299
6. O5 35 334
7. 10E 71 405
8. 11C 33 438
9. 11I 78 516
10. O11 36 552
11. 12I 36 588
12. M2 35 623
13. 12A 28 651
14. 14J 70 721
15. 15G 56 777
16. 14A 91 868
17. 8B 68 936
18. D3 32 968
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7063 sunshine12 0 6:49 -843 125 1.7063 sunshine12 0 6:49 -843 125
2.7341 GLOBEMAN 1 3:00 -875 93 2.7341 GLOBEMAN 1 3:00 -875 93
3.7694 roocatcher 0 2:11 -948 20 3.7694 roocatcher 0 2:11 -948 20
4. - chunk88 0 1:23 -954 14 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:50 -954 14 1. - chunk88 0 1:23 -954 14
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:50 -954 14
On 1st draw, EMITTER H3 74 --- EMITTER one that emits [n]
Other moves: EMITTER H2 70, EMITTER H4 70, EMITTER H6 70, EMITTER H7 70, EMITTER H8 70
On 2nd draw, (S)UMPWEE(D) 4F 76 --- SUMPWEED a marsh plant [n]
Other moves: UP(S)WEE(P) 10F 73, U(P)(S)WEEP 10F 73, (O)UT(S)WEEP 6F 69, (O)UTWEEP(S) 7F 66, (O)U(T)WEEP G8 66
WE G3 22 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, DORSAD N1 38 --- DORSAD dorsally [adv]
Other moves: SAVOR N4 30, AVOS N1 28, SAV N4 28, SOV N4 28, VARS N1 28
AVOS 10E 25 sunshine12
On 4th draw, ERGATOID 6D 66 --- ERGATOID worker-like [adj]
Other moves: ERGATOID 7D 62, DOGEAR O5 30, RADIOED 1H 30, GA(D)DER M2 29, DERIG O5 27
On 5th draw, OX O1 45 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX O1 45
Other moves: SAXE 3E 37, AXE 3F 36, RAX 2H 36, SAX 10H 36, SOX 10H 36
On 6th draw, HOPE O5 35 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other tops: HEAP O5 35, HELP O5 35, HOLP O5 35
Other moves: APO(D)E M1 34, AHE(D) M1 33, ALEPH O6 33, PA(D)LE M2 33, H**L*HAOLE O5 32
On 7th draw, IRISATE 10E 71 --- IRISATE to make iridescent [v]
Other tops: AIRIEST 2F 71
Other moves: AIRIEST N8 70, RARITIES 9H 70, AIRIEST 10C 69, RARITIES E6 66, AIRIEST M6 63
TASER 10F 19 sunshine12
On 8th draw, UNFED 11C 33 --- FEED to give food to [adj] --- UNFED not fed [adj]
Other moves: DEFI 11I 31, FUNDIE L7 31, FIVE 11K 30, DEF 11I 29, DIF 11I 29
FE(D) M2 27 sunshine12
On 9th draw, BANNETS 11I 78 --- BANNET a bonnet [n]
Other moves: BANNETS N8 76, BANES 12A 32, BATES 12A 32, BETAS 12A 32, SABRE 9E 32
SABRE 9E 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, SHOAL O11 36 --- SHOAL shallow [adj] --- SHOAL to become shallow [v]
Other tops: SHALT O11 36, SHOAT O11 36, SHOLA O11 36, SHOOL O11 36, SHOOT O11 36
Other moves: THORO 3K 35, HARO 3L 31, HA(D) M2 27, HO(D) M2 27, OATH 7F 27
On 11th draw, BEGOT 12I 36 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other moves: OMBER 3J 33, TOMB N11 33, BEGO 12I 32, EMBOG 12G 31, TELOME 3C 30
On 12th draw, LA(D)Y M2 35 --- LADY a woman of refinement and gentle manners [n]
Other moves: ACICULA 14I 34, CICELY D3 34, CICALA 14J 32, AIRY 3L 31, ARY 3M 27
On 13th draw, WINO 12A 28 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: WANE 12A 28, WARE 12A 28, WENA 12A 28, WERO 12A 28, WINE 12A 28, WIRE 12A 28, WORE 12A 28
Other moves: AREW 2G 26, AROW 2G 26, OWER 2E 26, RAWN 2H 26, TWOER 7H 26
On 14th draw, QUALIA 14J 70 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other moves: SQ**WSQUAW A8 51, SQUAME 3C 48, MAQUILA 14I 40, MASQUE D1 40, SQUAMA 14J 38
On 15th draw, AGEISM 15G 56 --- AGEISM discrimination based on age [n]
Other moves: AGISM 15H 53, AGUISE 15G 40, MAISE 15H 40, GUISE 15H 37, SIGMA 15I 34
On 16th draw, CANKERY 14A 91 --- CANKERY crabbed [adj]
Other moves: CANKERY 2C 87, CRANKY 14B 55, CREAKY 14B 55, ACKNEW A7 45, CAWKER A10 45
On 17th draw, INVOLVER 8B 68 --- INVOLVER one that involves [n]
Other moves: REINVOLVE 8G 66, LIVOR 2D 27, LIVOR 9K 27, RIVO 2H 26, VIRL 2F 26
VET M10 6 roocatcher
On 18th draw, FUZE D3 32 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: FUJI 3C 29, JUICE D2 28, ZITE D3 26, JU(S) F2 25, FIZ 7J 23
ZIT N9 14 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen
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