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Game on January 13, 2025 at 04:41, 6 players
1. 501 pts sunshine12
2. 385 pts fatcat
3. 204 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cipttu   H7    24    24   ptotic
 2. adgioor   I5    21    45   agood
 3. abehsuw   H1    44    89   subha
 4. ?efiqsw   J8    47   136   waqfs
 5. adeinot   1H    80   216   sedation
 6. abefios   G4    31   247   obias
 7. ehlrsuv   N1    82   329   overlush
 8. adgjkot   8L    48   377   koha
 9. aegiiot  K11    24   401   atigi
10. eilnnru   L3    22   423   nunlike
11. anoptuy  15J    33   456   tipuna
12. eiinory  L11    28   484   ny
13. deiortz   F2    40   524   zed
14. eegortx   M8    35   559   oxo
15. aeeimrw  N10    51   610   warmen
16. eeeeimn  M13    24   634   meu
17. agnoorr   3H    20   654   baronne
18. efgiorr  12C    22   676   ferric
19. cegirty   C7    38   714   rectify
20. degijlo   8A    42   756   jeed
21. eegilov   D3    24   780   gloved

Remaining tiles: eeil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7049 Filesunshine12  4 14:49  -279  501     1.7049 sunshine12  4 14:49  -279  501 
  2.6337 Filefatcat      2 11:39  -395  385     2.7395 GLOBEMAN    3  8:03  -576  204 
  3.7395 FileGLOBEMAN    3  8:03  -576  204     3.7679 roocatcher  2  5:01  -650  130 
  4.7679 Fileroocatcher  2  5:01  -650  130            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:06  -765   15     1.6337 fatcat      2 11:39  -395  385 
  6.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:35  -765   15            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:06  -765   15 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:35  -765   15 

On 1st draw, PT(O)TIC H7 24 --- PTOSIS a drooping of the upper eyelid [adj] --- PTOTIC pertaining to ptosis [adj]
Other tops: PT(O)TIC H4 24, UPTIC(K) H3 24, UPTIC(K) H8 24
Other moves: CUPI(D) H4 22, CUT(U)P H4 22, CUT(U)P H8 22, C(A)PUT H4 22, C(L)IPT H4 22

On 2nd draw, AGOOD I5 21 --- AGOOD heartily [adv]
Other moves: AROID G5 20, AROID I5 20, DARG 6G 20, DRAG 6F 20, GAID 6G 20

On 3rd draw, SUBHA H1 44 --- SUBHA (Arabic) a string of beads used in meditation and prayer [n]
Other moves: HAWSE H1 38, SUBAH H1 38, SAHEB H1 37, BAGHS 6G 29, HAUSE H1 29
HAS G9 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, W(A)QFS J8 47 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: W(A)QF J8 46, BISQ(U)E 3H 34, FIQ(U)ES 11G 34, USQ(U)E 2H 33, FIQ(U)E 11G 32
QIS J3 15 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 5th draw, SEDATION 1H 80 --- SEDATION the reduction of stress or excitement by the use of sedatives [n]
Other moves: OBTAINED 3G 76, ASTONIED 1G 60, AIDE K11 22, ATONE K11 22, BANDITO 3H 22
ATONE K11 22 sunshine12
DEAN K5 17 fatcat

On 6th draw, OBIAS G4 31 --- OBIA an African witchcraft [n]
Other moves: BIFFIES 11G 30, BIFACES 12D 28, BIFFOS 11G 28, SAFE 2K 27, BIFFO 11G 26
FA 2N 22 sunshine12
FE 2N 22 fatcat

On 7th draw, OVERLUSH N1 82 --- OVERLUSH excessively lush [adj]
Other moves: RESH 2K 30, EHS K11 27, BLUSHER 3H 26, BURHELS 3H 26, LURVES K3 26
SHE 2M 26 sunshine12
FURLS 11J 16 fatcat

On 8th draw, KOHA 8L 48 --- KOHA a gift or donation when visiting a marae [n]
Other moves: TAJ O7 47, JARK 4L 40, ATOK O8 39, OKTA O8 39, GOAD O6 38
TAJ O7 47 sunshine12
JOT 10F 26 fatcat

On 9th draw, ATIGI K11 24 --- ATIGI (Inuit) a kind of PARKA worn in Canada [n]
Other moves: OUTAGE 2G 21, AGOUTI 2E 20, AIT K11 18, ATE K11 18, ETA K11 18
AIT K11 18 sunshine12
STAGE 12J 12 fatcat

On 10th draw, NUNLIKE L3 22 --- NUNLIKE resembling a nun [adj]
Other tops: URNLIKE L3 22
Other moves: INLIER 15H 21, INULIN 15G 21, LINIER 15H 21, LINIER 15J 21, LUNIER 15H 21
UNLINE 15H 21 sunshine12
INNER 15K 18 fatcat

On 11th draw, TIPUNA 15J 33 --- TIPUNA (Maori) an ancestor [n]
Other moves: OPUNTIA 15F 30, UTOPIAN 15G 30, YOU L12 29, AY L11 28, NY L11 28
YOU L12 29 sunshine12
STAY 12J 14 fatcat

On 12th draw, NY L11 28 --- NY to approach [v]
Other moves: STONEY 12J 26, STOREY 12J 26, CYSTEIN 12H 24, CYSTINE 12H 24, YO L12 24
YEN 14M 23 sunshine12
IRONIC 12C 16 fatcat

On 13th draw, ZED F2 40 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ROZET 10D 34, ROZIT 10D 34, ZOETIC 12C 34, DZO J1 33, ZIT 10F 32
ZIT 10F 32 fatcat, sunshine12

On 14th draw, OXO M8 35 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: EXO K3 35
Other moves: EX 9L 34, OX M8 34, EXOGEN N10 32, EXTERN N10 30, EGER M10 25
OXO M8 35 sunshine12
XI 6F 25 fatcat

On 15th draw, WARMEN N10 51 --- WARMAN a warrior [n]
Other moves: WAREZ 2B 34, WAME N10 30, WARM N10 30, WEEM N10 30, WEM N10 29
WARMEN N10 51 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, MEU M13 24 --- MEU the plant baldmoney [n]
Other tops: ANIME K1 24, NEEM K4 24, NEEM O10 24
Other moves: AMENE K1 22, AMINE K1 22, EMU M13 22, EME K3 20, MEE K4 20
MEU M13 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
MINE 3C 12 fatcat

On 17th draw, BARONNE 3H 20 --- BARONNE a baroness [n]
Other moves: AGO K3 17, GOA K4 17, AG F6 16, ONAGRI 11C 14, ONO K3 14
GOA K4 17 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
AGO K3 17 sunshine12
ORANGE 3A 14 fatcat

On 18th draw, FERRIC 12C 22 --- FERRIC pertaining to iron [adj]
Other moves: FOGIE 3B 18, FORGE 3B 18, REFIRE 3A 18, FIERE 3B 16, FRERE 3B 16
FORGE 3B 18 fatcat
REFIRE 3A 18 sunshine12

On 19th draw, RECTIFY C7 38 --- RECTIFY to correct [v]
Other tops: CERTIFY C7 38, CYTE 13B 38
Other moves: GYRE 13B 36, GYTE 13B 36, TYRE 13B 34, CRY 13A 32, ICY 13A 32
CRY 13A 32 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 20th draw, JEED 8A 42 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JOLED D4 37, JEEL 8A 36, JERID F10 33, JODEL D4 33, GIDJEE 3A 30
JEED 8A 42 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 21th draw, GLOVED D3 24 --- GLOVE to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) [v]
Other moves: GIVED D4 22, LEVIED D3 22, VEILED D3 22, LIVED D4 20, LOVED D4 20
GLOVE 3B 18 fatcat
LEVEE B4 18 sunshine12

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