Game on January 13, 2025 at 09:16, 1 player
1. 76 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 20 20
2. 5E 44 64
3. 4A 35 99
4. I7 75 174
5. A1 33 207
6. C2 74 281
7. 8A 30 311
8. 12F 48 359
9. M6 78 437
10. H12 55 492
11. L1 34 526
12. 8K 39 565
13. N2 31 596
14. 11A 70 666
15. A11 36 702
16. O1 48 750
17. 13G 47 797
18. 14J 55 852
19. J2 25 877
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7281 Chelsea 0 3:08 -801 76 1.7281 Chelsea 0 3:08 -801 76
On 1st draw, MELEE H4 20 --- MELEE a confused struggle [n]
Other tops: MEREL H4 20, MERLE H4 20, MOREL H4 20
Other moves: EMEER H4 16, EMEER H8 16, MELEE H8 16, MEREL H8 16, MERLE H8 16
On 2nd draw, (S)WEEPER 5E 44 --- SWEEPER one that sweeps [n]
Other moves: Y(A)WPER G5 37, Y(A)WP G5 34, (C)REPEY G2 34, REP(A)Y G3 32, R(O)PEY G3 32
On 3rd draw, KITHE 4A 35 --- KITHE to make known [v]
Other tops: KITHE 6B 35
Other moves: HEIR 6J 30, HER 6J 29, HET 6J 29, HE 6J 28, (S)HIRKER E5 26
On 4th draw, FAITOU(R) I7 75 --- FAITOUR an imposter [n]
Other tops: FAITOU(R) G7 75
Other moves: FAITOU(R) G8 66, FAITOU(R) I8 66, F(L)OKATI A1 39, FU(N)KIA A1 36, KOFTA A4 36
On 5th draw, LANKED A1 33 --- LANK to become limp [v]
Other moves: GADE H12 30, GAED H12 30, GELD H12 30, KLANG A4 30, KNEAD A4 30
On 6th draw, ANTIBIAS C2 74 --- ANTIBIAS opposed to bias [adj]
Other moves: ANTIBIAS 10G 64, SABIN 3C 29, NABIS L1 28, BASAN L3 26, BASIN L3 26
On 7th draw, AVAILE 8A 30 --- AVAILE to find benefit [v]
Other moves: NAVE H12 28, NEVI H12 28, AVAIL 8A 27, AVALE 8A 27, ALEVIN B9 24
On 8th draw, REJUDGE 12F 48 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v] --- REJUDGE to judge again [v]
Other moves: JUDGER 12H 46, JUDGE 12H 44, JUREL 12H 40, GEED H12 30, GELD H12 30
On 9th draw, INPOURS M6 78 --- INPOUR to pour in [v]
Other moves: INPOURS 14C 71, PRISON M9 39, SPINOR 14I 38, INPOUR E10 35, ORPINS E10 35
On 10th draw, JEUX H12 55 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: DUXES L1 42, DEX 13E 38, JEDI H12 37, JUDS H12 37, JUGS H12 37
On 11th draw, MINGS L1 34 --- MING to mix [v]
Other tops: MENGS L1 34
Other moves: GERMS L1 32, MEINS L1 32, MERIS L1 32, MIENS L1 32, MINES L1 32
On 12th draw, COPAY 8K 39 --- COPAY a fee required by a health insurer to be paid by the patient [n]
Other moves: CAPOT 8K 30, COMART 1J 30, COPRA 8K 30, TRANQ 3I 30, QAT 11E 28
On 13th draw, TABID N2 31 --- TABID affected with tabes [adj]
Other moves: AMBIT 1K 27, DIATOM 1G 27, OOTID N2 27, BIODOT N1 26, ADOBO N2 24
On 14th draw, ADORNER 11A 70 --- ADORNER one that adorns [n]
Other moves: OARED O1 33, RADON O1 33, RARED O1 33, REDAN O1 33, REDON O1 33
On 15th draw, AWATO A11 36 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: WAI B2 27, LAW O1 25, LOW O1 25, TAW O1 25, TOW O1 25
On 16th draw, TINY O1 48 --- TINY a small child [n] --- TINY very small [adj]
Other moves: TRUSTY 14A 34, SWY F4 30, UNTRIMS 1G 27, NYS O3 25, SYN O3 25
On 17th draw, ZE(R)O 13G 47 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: ZEROS F10 36, HOLTS 10F 35, HOOTS 10F 35, HOUTS 10F 35, ZHOS 13C 35
On 18th draw, FLOUSH 14J 55 --- FLOUSH to splash [v]
Other moves: FLOSH 14J 53, FLUSH 14J 53, HOUFS 14J 53, FLOCS 14J 51, FOCUS 14J 51
FLUSH 14J 53 Chelsea
On 19th draw, COVERT J2 25 --- COVERT a hiding place [n]
Other moves: TO 15N 23, COVER J2 18, COVET J2 18, RHO O13 18, THO O13 18
TO 15N 23 Chelsea
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