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Game on January 13, 2025 at 15:29, 6 players
1. 226 pts LongJump22
2. 180 pts LLLLLL1112
3. 171 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceeilps   H8    78    78   eclipse
 2. eimnqrt  15D    66   144   miter
 3. aeilnow  12H    24   168   pinwale
 4. adhintx  11H    43   211   ixia
 5. ?egiktt   J5    67   278   ticketing
 6. abdeorz  N10    68   346   zoeae
 7. ?aooprw   5C    74   420   soapwort
 8. deeehim   4A    31   451   heid
 9. abilruy   O8    43   494   bray
10. dgiostv   K1    44   538   voids
11. aadefnt   A1    42   580   fathead
12. ajnostu   8A    84   664   sajou
13. bdeiort  13A    74   738   deorbits
14. eeghlrs   3H    76   814   sleigher
15. afmnoqy   O1    57   871   qorma
16. ceinnou   1F    39   910   connive
17. fglruuy  B10    38   948   fluey
18. gnnrtuu   3C    20   968   guru

Remaining tiles: nnntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5825 FileLongJump22  2  3:37  -742  226     1.7897 moonmonkey  2  3:32  -797  171 
  2.5510 FileLLLLLL1112  2  4:08  -788  180     2.7723 Mycophot    2  4:29  -797  171 
  3.7897 Filemoonmonkey  2  3:32  -797  171     3.7458 VVVVVV1112  1  2:20  -835  133 
  4.7723 FileMycophot    2  4:29  -797  171            Group: novice
  5.7458 FileVVVVVV1112  1  2:20  -835  133     1.5825 LongJump22  2  3:37  -742  226 
  6.5640 FileMMMMMM1112  2  2:31  -841  127     2.5510 LLLLLL1112  2  4:08  -788  180 
                                             3.5640 MMMMMM1112  2  2:31  -841  127 

On 1st draw, ECLIPSE H8 78 --- ECLIPSE to obscure [v]
Other tops: ECLIPSE H3 78
Other moves: ECLIPSE H2 74, ECLIPSE H4 74, ECLIPSE H6 74, ECLIPSE H7 74, ECLIPSE H5 72
ECLIPSE H3 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, MITER 15D 66 --- MITER to raise to the rank of a bishop [v]
Other tops: MINER 15D 66
Other moves: MINTER 15C 63, REMINT 15H 63, REMIT 15H 60, TIMER 15D 60, INERM 15E 57
MITER 15D 66 LongJump22, moonmonkey
MINER 15D 66 Mycophot

On 3rd draw, PINWALE 12H 24 --- PINWALE a type of fabric [n]
Other tops: ANOLE 14B 24
Other moves: LAWINES 13B 22, POWNIE 12H 22, AWEEL 14F 21, AWOL 14B 20, LAWINS 13C 20

On 4th draw, IXIA 11H 43 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: XANTHIN J6 41, TAXI 13L 37, NIX 13L 35, TAX 13L 35, TIX 13L 35
TAXI 13L 37 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 5th draw, TI(C)KETING J5 67 --- TICKET to attach a tag to [v] --- TICKETING making tickets [n]
Other moves: KITTE(N)ING J5 65, K(L)IEG 10J 45, K(L)ETT 10J 42, K(H)ET 10J 39, K(N)IT 10J 39
K(L)IEG 10J 45 LongJump22

On 6th draw, ZOEAE N10 68 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: BRAZED K1 43, BEZOARS 13B 38, ZEREBA N9 38, RAZED 14A 37, RAZED K2 37
ZOEAE N10 68 LLLLLL1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 7th draw, (S)OAPWORT 5C 74 --- SOAPWORT a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: (S)OAPWORT F8 66, PROW(S) O8 55, WOOP(S) O8 54, WRAP(S) O8 54, ROOP(S) O8 45
PROW(S) O8 55 VVVVVV1112

On 8th draw, HEID 4A 31 --- HEID a head [n]
Other tops: HEED 4A 31, HEM O13 31, HIED 4A 31
Other moves: HEED 6E 29, HEME 4B 29, HIED 6E 29, EH I8 28, HM 4D 28

On 9th draw, BRAY O8 43 --- BRAY to utter a harsh cry [v]
Other tops: BLAY O8 43
Other moves: BURLY 3C 40, RI(S)IBLY C3 36, RUBAI O7 34, HAILY A4 33, HAIRY A4 33

On 10th draw, VOIDS K1 44 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other tops: OVIST K2 44
Other moves: DIVS K2 42, GOVS K2 42, VIDS K2 42, VIGS K2 42, ODIST K2 40

On 11th draw, FATHEAD A1 42 --- FATHEAD a dolt [n]
Other moves: HAFTED A4 39, FONDA 2J 34, FANTOD H1 33, FLED M11 32, ADNATE 3A 30

On 12th draw, SAJOU 8A 84 --- SAJOU a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: SOJA 8A 81, SANTO 8A 63, SAUNT 8A 63, SNOUT 8A 63, STAUN 8A 63

On 13th draw, DEORBITS 13A 74 --- DEORBIT to come out of an orbit [v]
Other tops: DEBITORS 13A 74
Other moves: BIODOT H1 33, OBIED 6D 32, BEARD B6 31, BOARD B6 31, BETROD H1 30

On 14th draw, SLEIGHER 3H 76 --- SLEIGHER one that sleighs [n]
Other moves: SEGHOL H1 42, SHELVER 1G 42, HELVES 1H 39, RESHOE H1 39, SHELVE 1G 39

On 15th draw, QORMA O1 57 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: FLAMY M11 43, FANDOM A10 39, MARY O1 39, FLAY M11 38, FLY M11 37

On 16th draw, CONNIVE 1F 39 --- CONNIVE to feign ignorance of wrongdoing [v]
Other moves: CONDIE A10 30, AEONIC 2A 28, CODEN A11 27, CUNEI B10 26, GENOA 13J 24

On 17th draw, FLUEY B10 38 --- FLUEY infected with the flu [adj]
Other tops: FLYER B10 38
Other moves: FLY M11 37, FY 14B 31, FY O14 29, UFO 2M 27, GLUEY B10 26

On 18th draw, GURU 3C 20 --- GURU a Hindu spiritual teacher [n]
Other tops: GURN 3C 20
Other moves: GUN 3C 18, GUR 3C 18, GUT 3C 18, TUNG 3C 18, GNU O13 17

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