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Game on January 14, 2025 at 06:37, 3 players
1. 470 pts fatcat
2. 459 pts Chelsea
3. 117 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. amnnorz   H8    28    28   moz
 2. ?fiikoo  11E    37    65   kloof
 3. aehilsy   8B    70   135   lehayims
 4. begiors   B6    67   202   obligers
 5. aadegnr   A1    33   235   ranged
 6. acdeegn  12I    81   316   encaged
 7. aijsttu   C3    44   360   jutties
 8. eehiint   O7    30   390   hented
 9. aailmps   N1    81   471   impalas
10. cefilnt   I1    68   539   inflects
11. adilotx   1K    63   602   axoid
12. ?biinuw   H1    30   632   bio
13. deilorr   D2    30   662   rorie
14. aadeilr  13B    83   745   salaried
15. aenotuv   M9    26   771   vouge
16. einprtv  N10    44   815   pterin
17. aenotuw  15J    39   854   unwont
18. aequvwy   4L    40   894   quay

Remaining tiles: aevw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6353 Filefatcat      3 12:56  -424  470     1.7289 Chelsea     4 16:43  -435  459 
  2.7289 FileChelsea     4 16:43  -435  459            Group: intermediate
  3.6999 Filesunshine12  0  6:08  -777  117     1.6353 fatcat      3 12:56  -424  470 
                                             2.6999 sunshine12  0  6:08  -777  117 

On 1st draw, MOZ H8 28 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other tops: MOZ H6 28, MOZ H7 28
Other moves: AZON H5 26, AZON H6 26, AZON H7 26, AZON H8 26, ZONA H5 26

On 2nd draw, K(L)OOF 11E 37 --- KLOOF a ravine [n]
Other moves: FIK(E) 11E 34, FO(L)K I9 34, FO(R)K I9 34, (M)OFO I7 34, F(A)IK I9 33
OF I10 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, LEHAYIMS 8B 70 --- LEHAYIM a traditional Jewish toast [n]
Other moves: YAHS 12E 43, SELAH 12H 40, HAILY 12A 39, HAYLES J6 34, SHALY 12A 33
SHAY 12B 29 fatcat

On 4th draw, OBLIGERS B6 67 --- OBLIGER one that obliges [n]
Other moves: LIBEROS B8 30, OBS 12F 28, OSE 12G 28, SEGO 12H 28, SEG 12H 27
OBS 12F 28 Chelsea
ZEROS 10H 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, RANGED A1 33 --- RANGE to place in a particular order [v]
Other moves: GARDEN A1 32, ARGAND A1 30, DEARN A11 29, GRANDEE C2 28, ADZE 10F 27
RANGED A1 33 fatcat, Chelsea

On 6th draw, ENCAGED 12I 81 --- ENCAGE to confine in a cage [v]
Other moves: ENCAGED 7I 67, CANG 7D 28, GANCHED D4 28, ADZE 10F 27, CRENA 12A 26
CAGED C2 23 Chelsea, fatcat

On 7th draw, JUTTIES C3 44 --- JUTTY to jut [v]
Other moves: JAYS F6 30, JAY F6 29, JAI 12D 27, JUS 13G 26, JUST C3 26
JAYS F6 30 Chelsea
JUTS C3 26 fatcat

On 8th draw, HENTED O7 30 --- HENT to grasp [v]
Other tops: HINTED O7 30
Other moves: HIE D4 29, ETHE 13G 27, THEED O8 27, HENGE M9 26, HINGE M9 26
HINTED O7 30 fatcat, Chelsea

On 9th draw, IMPALAS N1 81 --- IMPALA an African antelope [n]
Other moves: LAMAS D2 38, LAPIS D2 38, PLASMA N2 37, AMAS D3 36, AMIS D3 36
PAILS A11 33 Chelsea
MAP D2 31 fatcat

On 10th draw, INFLECTS I1 68 --- INFLECT to bend or curve inwards [v]
Other moves: FIE O1 41, FLIC 1L 39, FEINT A11 37, FE O1 34, FECIT 1K 33
FIE O1 41 Chelsea
FE O1 34 fatcat

On 11th draw, AXOID 1K 63 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: XI H1 56, DIOTA O1 43, DIXIT 1H 42, DIXIT 1K 42, LAX 7E 42
XI H1 56 fatcat, Chelsea

On 12th draw, BI(O) H1 30 --- BIO short form of biography [n]
Other tops: BI(K)INI 1D 30, B(O)I H1 30
Other moves: SUNB(O)W 13B 28, B(O)W 13G 27, BI H1 26, IWI O3 25, WIN 13L 25
BI(O) H1 30 Chelsea
BI H1 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, RORIE D2 30 --- RORIE noisy [adj]
Other moves: REIRD A11 28, DORE D2 25, REOIL A11 25, OLDER G1 24, OLDIE G1 24
REIRD A11 28 sunshine12
REOIL A11 25 Chelsea
DICER K10 16 fatcat

On 14th draw, SALARIED 13B 83 --- SALARY to be paid periodically for non-manual labour [v]
Other moves: DEAIR A11 29, LED E3 29, RED E3 29, RAILE A11 25, ELD E4 24
EARL A12 20 fatcat
DIE 13L 19 Chelsea
DEL E1 16 sunshine12

On 15th draw, VOUGE M9 26 --- VOUGE a foot-soldier's weapon [n]
Other moves: TEN E3 25, OUTGAVE M9 24, AVOCET K9 22, EVENTUAL 5G 22, VANE A9 22
ENVOY F4 19 sunshine12
EVE H13 18 Chelsea
GAVE M12 16 fatcat

On 16th draw, PTERIN N10 44 --- PTERIN a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: PREEN N10 42, PRENT N10 42, REP E3 33, PREE N10 28, PER E4 27
PERN E1 21 sunshine12
PRINCE K8 20 fatcat, Chelsea

On 17th draw, UNWONT 15J 39 --- UNWONT unusual [adj]
Other moves: WEN E3 34, WET E3 34, WANE 15L 33, WANT 15L 33, WENA 15L 33
WANT 15L 33 sunshine12, Chelsea, fatcat

On 18th draw, QUAY 4L 40 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUINA 2F 36, QUINE 2F 36, REQUIN 2D 35, YEA 14J 34, QUIN 2F 33
QUAY 4L 40 fatcat, Chelsea

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