Game on January 14, 2025 at 11:12, 11 players
1. 295 pts Chelsea
2. 265 pts LongJump22
3. 222 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 74 74
2. 13C 22 96
3. D8 28 124
4. 15D 43 167
5. E3 80 247
6. 4B 68 315
7. 3H 46 361
8. L1 74 435
9. 2F 30 465
10. 1A 41 506
11. 1J 32 538
12. M6 28 566
13. 2A 46 612
14. K6 27 639
15. 8A 21 660
16. 11D 44 704
17. N4 35 739
18. 14I 28 767
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7248 Chelsea 0 9:41 -472 295 1.7248 Chelsea 0 9:41 -472 295
2.5834 LongJump22 4 3:02 -502 265 2.7396 VVVVVV1112 3 3:17 -545 222
3.7396 VVVVVV1112 3 3:17 -545 222 3.7810 sicilianc5 3 4:16 -602 165
4.6264 WWWWWW1112 3 4:43 -545 222 Group: intermediate
5.7810 sicilianc5 3 4:16 -602 165 1.6264 WWWWWW1112 3 4:43 -545 222
6.6826 Javelin22 3 4:20 -602 165 2.6826 Javelin22 3 4:20 -602 165
7.6624 ShotPut22 2 3:10 -650 117 3.6624 ShotPut22 2 3:10 -650 117
8.5673 MMMMMM1112 0 2:59 -721 46 Group: novice
9.5695 NNNNNN1112 0 1:31 -741 26 1.5834 LongJump22 4 3:02 -502 265
10.5525 LLLLLL1112 0 1:57 -746 21 2.5673 MMMMMM1112 0 2:59 -721 46
11.5452 OOOOOO1112 0 1:55 -747 20 3.5695 NNNNNN1112 0 1:31 -741 26
4.5525 LLLLLL1112 0 1:57 -746 21
5.5452 OOOOOO1112 0 1:55 -747 20
On 1st draw, TORPIDS H7 74 --- TORPID a racing boat [n]
Other tops: DISPORT H4 74, TRIPODS H7 74
Other moves: DISPORT H2 72, DISPORT H3 72, DISPORT H6 72, DISPORT H7 72, DISPORT H8 72
TRIPODS H7 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
On 2nd draw, (P)ROVOST 13C 22 --- PROVOST a high-ranking university official [n]
Other moves: OV(A)TORS 13B 20, TROV(E)RS 13B 20, V(A)POR 10F 19, DROV(E)R 12H 18, OV(E)RDO 12D 18
V(A)POR 10F 19 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, BUDGERO D8 28 --- BUDGERO an Indian barge [n]
Other moves: BODGER D8 26, BUDDER D8 26, BUDGER D8 26, OBDURED D9 26, BEDRUG D10 24
On 4th draw, SCAUP 15D 43 --- SCAUP a sea duck [n] --- SCAUP to cut the scalp from [v]
Other tops: SCAPI 15D 43, SPICA 15D 43
Other moves: CAPS 15A 40, CUPS 15A 40, PACS 15A 40, PICS 15A 40, SPAIN 15D 37
SCAUP 15D 43 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Javelin22
CAPS 15A 40 Chelsea
On 5th draw, KANDIES E3 80 --- KANDY an Indian weight [n]
Other moves: KANDIES J7 76, KANDIES G2 69, KANDIES I2 69, KANDIES G1 67, DESK J11 29
KANDIES E3 80 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
KIDS J10 29 Chelsea
On 6th draw, RELATION 4B 68 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other tops: TAILERON 4D 68
Other moves: TRIOLEIN 11F 66, TOPLINER 10F 64, RITORNEL 9H 60, TROTLINE 7H 60, INLET F6 24
TAILERON 4D 68 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
TRIBE 8A 21 Chelsea
On 7th draw, ZONURE 3H 46 --- ZONURE an African lizard [n]
Other moves: ORZO H1 39, OUZO H1 39, ZERO H1 39, ZONE C7 36, POZ 10H 34
ZONURE 3H 46 Javelin22, sicilianc5
ZERO H1 39 Chelsea
On 8th draw, TERA(K)IHI L1 74 --- TERAKIHI an Australasian food fish [n]
Other tops: HAIRIE(S)T B1 74, HIERATI(C) B1 74
Other moves: TERA(K)IHI B2 70, HAKE 3C 36, (L)AZO H1 36, HI(S)TIE N1 35, AIRTHE(D) B2 34
(L)AZO H1 36 Chelsea
HI(S)TIE N1 35 sicilianc5, Javelin22
On 9th draw, INDIE 2F 30 --- INDIE an independent record company [n]
Other tops: DIENE 2H 30, OLDIE 2F 30
Other moves: DEI 2H 26, DIE 2H 26, DOE 2H 26, DOLINE K6 24, EDITION 1I 24
NODE 2F 23 Chelsea
On 10th draw, BREATH 1A 41 --- BREATH air inhaled and exhaled [n]
Other moves: BATHER 1J 38, BERTHA 1A 38, BERTHA B2 38, BERTH B2 36, BATHER K6 33
BREATH 1A 41 Javelin22, sicilianc5, ShotPut22
BIRTH 8K 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, METAGE 1J 32 --- METAGE an official measurement of weight or contents [n]
Other moves: GAMBE 8A 30, MIEVE 8K 30, AMOVE K7 29, EMOVE K7 29, MAK 3C 28
MIEVE 8K 30 ShotPut22
MOVE M7 28 Chelsea
On 12th draw, NAFF M6 28 --- NAFF an incompetent [n] --- NAFF inferior [adj] --- NAFF to go away (as in naff off) [v]
Other tops: NIFF M6 28, TIFF M6 28
Other moves: AFF M7 25, IFF M7 25, FINAL 8K 24, FITNA 8K 24, TIFFIN 11G 24
On 13th draw, YEX 2A 46 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: YEX F8 40, LEX F8 34, PYXIE 10H 33, PIXY 10H 32, EX 2B 31
YEX 2A 46 ShotPut22
EX N9 30 Chelsea
On 14th draw, WAGE K6 27 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: ANGEL F6 26, WAG K6 26, AGENT K7 25, AGLET K7 25, GLEBE 8A 24
On 15th draw, TRIBE 8A 21 --- TRIBE a group of people sharing a common ancestry, language, and culture [n]
Other tops: TAILOR N8 21
Other moves: TAIL N8 19, TALI N8 19, TALL N8 19, TARO N8 19, DILATOR 12H 18
On 16th draw, GALLIUMS 11D 44 --- GALLIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: GUSLA N1 28, WAMUS J9 27, PAWS 10H 26, MAWS J10 25, WALLS J9 25
On 17th draw, WEY N4 35 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: CLY N4 34, COY N4 34, LEY N4 32, LOY N4 32, NOY N4 32
On 18th draw, INCAVO 14I 28 --- INCAVO the hollowed portion of an intaglio [n]
Other moves: ROJI B8 27, JAR B6 26, JOR B6 26, RAJ B4 26, RAJ B8 26
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