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Game on January 14, 2025 at 20:25, 7 players
1. 635 pts Muincunx
2. 583 pts ArcticFox
3. 200 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eelostw   H3    26    26   owlets
 2. ?eeijnu   5F    78   104   julienne
 3. adnoopt   N2    32   136   tondo
 4. adeiist   L2    70   206   dainties
 5. degnors   3C    76   282   drongoes
 6. ?giiimu   O1    27   309   rimu
 7. achinpr   O6    43   352   painch
 8. eghlmuy   M9    43   395   hugely
 9. abdiory   K8    32   427   bardy
10. aemnotz   2B    52   479   toaze
11. efiqrwx   1F    51   530   fixer
12. ainopsw   1A    50   580   wasp
13. abefgrr   4A    39   619   frae
14. aegnotu  12D    78   697   autogeny
15. abceelt  14I    34   731   acetyl
16. aeinqrv   A4    51   782   faqir
17. eiklnov  15D    56   838   kelvin
18. bimoorv  13D    30   868   bromo

Remaining tiles: iv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7715 FileMuincunx    5 14:54  -233  635     1.7715 Muincunx    5 14:54  -233  635 
  2.7157 FileArcticFox   4 15:56  -285  583     2.7157 ArcticFox   4 15:56  -285  583 
  3.6182 FileLongJump22  3  5:36  -668  200            Group: intermediate
  4.6826 FileJavelin22   2  5:09  -721  147     1.6182 LongJump22  3  5:36  -668  200 
  5.6715 FileHammer22    2  6:39  -721  147     2.6826 Javelin22   2  5:09  -721  147 
  6.6954 FileShotPut22   2  5:28  -722  146     3.6715 Hammer22    2  6:39  -721  147 
  7.6687 FileDiscus22    1  1:17  -817   51     4.6954 ShotPut22   2  5:28  -722  146 
                                             5.6687 Discus22    1  1:17  -817   51 

On 1st draw, OWLETS H3 26 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other tops: TWEELS H3 26
Other moves: WEELS H4 24, WEEST H4 24, WEETS H4 24, WELTS H4 24, LOWEST H3 20
TWEELS H3 26 Muincunx
WELTS H4 24 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, JULIE(N)NE 5F 78 --- JULIENNE to cut food into long thin strips [v]
Other tops: JULIEN(N)E 5F 78, JU(V)ENILE 5B 78
Other moves: JEELIN(G) 5E 52, J(O)E G3 40, J(A) G3 37, J(O) G3 37, JE(H)U 2F 35
J(O)E G3 40 ArcticFox, Muincunx, LongJump22

On 3rd draw, TONDO N2 32 --- TONDO a circular painting [n]
Other moves: APOD N2 30, PAND N2 30, POND N2 30, POOD N2 30, DOPANT N5 29
POND N2 30 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 4th draw, DAINTIES L2 70 --- DAINTY something delicious [n]
Other tops: ADENITIS L2 70
Other moves: ADE(N)ITIS K2 58, DAI(N)TIES K2 58, DAUTIES G3 29, DAUTIE G3 27, AIDE O1 26
DAINTIES L2 70 LongJump22
TIDE O1 26 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 5th draw, DRONGOES 3C 76 --- DRONGO a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: ENGORED 6C 27, GRONED 6D 26, NODE O1 26, REDO O1 26, RODE O1 26
RODE O1 26 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 6th draw, (R)IMU O1 27 --- RIMU a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: MIG M1 24, IRI(D)IUM D2 22, MIG O6 22, MIG(G) O6 22, MIG(S) O6 22
MIG O6 22 Muincunx
MI(N)G O6 22 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, PAINCH O6 43 --- PAINCH paunch, the belly or abdomen [n]
Other moves: PARCH O6 40, PINCH O6 40, HARPIN M9 39, PHENIC 8J 39, PREACH 8J 39
PINCH O6 40 Muincunx, ArcticFox, ShotPut22
PARCH O6 40 Javelin22, Hammer22

On 8th draw, HUGELY M9 43 --- HUGE very large [adv] --- HUGELY in a huge manner [adj]
Other moves: HYLEG M9 41, RHEUMY D3 36, HUGELY K8 33, HYE 2H 33, HURLEY D1 32
HUGELY M9 43 Muincunx, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22
GERMY D1 26 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, BARDY K8 32 --- BARDY insolent [adj]
Other moves: BYROAD D1 30, DAIRY K7 29, DOAB N12 29, YAIRD K8 29, BARDY D1 28
BARDY K8 32 ArcticFox
BRAYED 12I 24 Muincunx, ShotPut22

On 10th draw, TOAZE 2B 52 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: ZERO D1 46, ENZYM 14J 42, ENZYME 12H 42, MAZE J12 42, MOZE J12 42
ZERO D1 46 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 11th draw, FIXER 1F 51 --- FIXER one that fixes [n]
Other moves: REFIX 1F 48, FIX 1F 45, WEX 1F 45, FIX J12 37, WIFE 1F 36
WEX 1F 45 Muincunx
YEX 14M 26 ArcticFox
EX J5 25 Javelin22, Hammer22

On 12th draw, WASP 1A 50 --- WASP a stinging insect [n]
Other tops: WISP 1A 50
Other moves: WAPS 1A 42, WANS 1A 34, WINO 1A 34, WINS 1A 34, NAPS 1A 33
WASP 1A 50 ArcticFox
WAPS 1A 42 Muincunx

On 13th draw, FRAE 4A 39 --- FRAE from [prep]
Other tops: FEAR 4A 39
Other moves: BEAR 4A 35, BRAE 4A 35, BRAYER 14J 34, BARYE 14J 32, GEAR 4A 31
FRAE 4A 39 Muincunx, ArcticFox, LongJump22, Javelin22, Hammer22, ShotPut22

On 14th draw, AUTOGENY 12D 78 --- AUTOGENY the production of living organisms from inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: AUTOGENY 14F 68, AGENE 6F 30, AGENT 6F 30, FUGATO A4 30, AEON L12 29
FANGO A4 27 Muincunx
FOUNT A4 24 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, ACETYL 14I 34 --- ACETYL the radical of acetic acid [n]
Other moves: FACETE A4 33, CETYL 14J 32, FABLE A4 30, FACET A4 30, FECAL A4 30
FABLE A4 30 Muincunx
BELATE 6C 23 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, FAQIR A4 51 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: VAINER 15D 41, QI 15H 35, FAVER A4 33, FIVER A4 33, AVENIR 15D 32
FAQIR A4 51 Muincunx, ArcticFox, Discus22, LongJump22

On 17th draw, KELVIN 15D 56 --- KELVIN a unit of temperature [n]
Other moves: INVOKE 15D 44, KEVIL 15E 38, KNIVE 15E 38, KOEL 11D 30, EIKON 15E 29
KELVIN 15D 56 Muincunx
KNIVE 15E 38 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, BROMO 13D 30 --- BROMO a medicinal compound [n]
Other moves: MIB 11E 28, BIOME 6D 26, BRIM 13D 26, BROME 6D 26, BROMO 11A 26
VIM 13C 22 Muincunx
BOOM 13A 20 ArcticFox

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