Game on January 14, 2025 at 21:55, 13 players
1. 511 pts fatcat
2. 342 pts LongJump22
3. 294 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 78 78
2. 2H 76 154
3. O1 140 294
4. G1 53 347
5. 5E 86 433
6. 3L 25 458
7. 1G 67 525
8. 9I 86 611
9. K8 70 681
10. 15J 27 708
11. 13G 26 734
12. H12 36 770
13. 6J 29 799
14. 12K 32 831
15. 7A 67 898
16. A4 48 946
17. 3C 44 990
18. 10M 56 1046
19. 14N 38 1084
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6327 fatcat 3 16:06 -573 511 1.7396 VVVVVV1112 3 3:42 -790 294
2.5935 LongJump22 3 2:26 -742 342 2.7758 sicilianc5 0 4:53 -968 116
3.7396 VVVVVV1112 3 3:42 -790 294 3.7632 queen66 1 2:59 -1003 81
4.6954 ShotPut22 3 3:05 -904 180 Group: intermediate
5.6476 WWWWWW1112 2 2:37 -930 154 1.6327 fatcat 3 16:06 -573 511
6.5525 LLLLLL1112 0 2:32 -961 123 2.6954 ShotPut22 3 3:05 -904 180
7.6826 Javelin22 3 5:44 -963 121 3.6476 WWWWWW1112 2 2:37 -930 154
8.7758 sicilianc5 0 4:53 -968 116 4.6826 Javelin22 3 5:44 -963 121
9.7632 queen66 1 2:59 -1003 81 Group: novice
10.5673 MMMMMM1112 0 0:58 -1036 48 1.5935 LongJump22 3 2:26 -742 342
11.5695 NNNNNN1112 0 1:19 -1036 48 2.5525 LLLLLL1112 0 2:32 -961 123
12.5452 OOOOOO1112 0 1:38 -1036 48 3.5673 MMMMMM1112 0 0:58 -1036 48
13. - ALPHA2025 1 1:58 -1040 44 4.5695 NNNNNN1112 0 1:19 -1036 48
5.5452 OOOOOO1112 0 1:38 -1036 48
Group: not rated
1. - ALPHA2025 1 1:58 -1040 44
On 1st draw, ROWDIE(S) H2 78 --- ROWDY a rowdy person [n]
Other tops: DOWRIE(S) H2 78, DOW(D)IER H2 78, DOW(L)IER H2 78, DOW(N)IER H2 78, ROWDIE(R) H2 78, WEIRDO(S) H4 78, WIDO(W)ER H4 78, WI(N)DORE H4 78, WORDIE(R) H4 78, WOR(R)IED H4 78, WO(O)DIER H4 78, WO(R)DIER H4 78, WO(R)RIED H4 78, W(O)ODIER H4 78, (D)OWDIER H2 78, (R)OWDIER H2 78, (W)IDOWER H8 78
Other moves: DOWRIE(S) H4 74, DOW(D)IER H4 74, DOW(L)IER H4 74, DOW(N)IER H4 74, WEIRDO(S) H8 74
WIDO(W)ER H4 78 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
On 2nd draw, RADIATES 2H 76 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other moves: AIRDATES 2F 63, DATARIES 2D 63, DIASTA(S)E 8B 59, DIA(S)TASE 8E 59, TADDIES 5E 36
RADIATES 2H 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
WAITED 4H 20 fatcat
On 3rd draw, ESTRANGE O1 140 --- ESTRANGE to alienate [v]
Other moves: SEGREANT O2 83, REAGENT(S) 8A 80, SERGEANT O2 80, STERNAGE O2 80, GRANTEE(S) 8A 77
ESTRANGE O1 140 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
TARGET M2 16 fatcat
On 4th draw, SEZ G1 53 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: ZATIS L1 48, ZITE 1L 48, ZATI L1 46, SIZEIST 6D 38, ZESTS 1I 36
ZATIS L1 48 fatcat, LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 5th draw, TRUDGEO(N) 5E 86 --- TRUDGEON a swimming stroke [n]
Other moves: OUTG(O)ER(S) 8A 77, (D)ROGUET(S) 8A 77, (O)UTGOER(S) 8A 77, GOUR(M)ET(S) 8A 74, GROUTE(R)(S) 8A 74
OUTG(O)ES 1A 27 sicilianc5
GAT(H)ER L1 16 fatcat
On 6th draw, WELT 3L 25 --- WELT to mark with welts (ridges or lumps raised on the skin) [v]
Other tops: WEET 3L 25, WILT 3L 25
Other moves: AWEE 4J 23, AWOL 4J 23, OWE 3K 23, WALER 4K 23, WIEL 4J 23
WALER 4K 23 sicilianc5
OWE 4J 21 fatcat
On 7th draw, SCAIL 1G 67 --- SCAIL to scatter [v]
Other moves: ILKA 1J 36, LOOK 1I 35, ILK 1J 32, OAK 1J 32, OKA 1K 32
ILKA 1J 36 sicilianc5
KA 1L 29 fatcat
On 8th draw, CHIRKED 9I 86 --- CHIRK to make a shrill noise [v]
Other moves: THICKED E5 34, DIRKE F3 33, DIRK F3 32, HIED 6J 32, HIKED G7 32
CHIDE 4A 30 sicilianc5, queen66
HIKED N8 28 fatcat
On 9th draw, RIGIDISE K8 70 --- RIGIDISE to make stiff [v]
Other moves: DIRIGES G7 69, SAWI(N)G L1 29, KIDGIER M9 26, DIRGES F3 25, DIRGE F3 24
EDGIER N9 24 queen66
RIDGE 4A 18 fatcat
On 10th draw, PENNON 15J 27 --- PENNON a long, narrow flag [n]
Other tops: PENNAE 15J 27
Other moves: PSOAE 14J 26, PENNAE 15F 24, ANON L12 23, PANNE 4A 22, PENNA 4A 22
PENNAE 15J 27 queen66
PANE 15H 18 fatcat
On 11th draw, POUTINE 13G 26 --- POUTINE a dish of french fries and cheese curds topped with gravy [n]
Other moves: TOUPEE N5 25, SOUP 14K 24, OPE 14M 22, PENDU 12H 22, POINTE 13I 22
SOUP 14K 24 Javelin22
DEPOT 12K 18 fatcat
On 12th draw, BOYO H12 36 --- BOYO a young man [n]
Other moves: LOOBY H11 33, ABOIL H11 30, OBOLI H11 30, BOYLA 4A 28, DOBY 12K 28
BOYO H12 36 fatcat, Javelin22
On 13th draw, MOUTAN 6J 29 --- MOUTAN a tree peony [n]
Other tops: MOUTON 6J 29
Other moves: DATUM 12K 28, AM 10M 26, DOMAL 12K 26, OM 10M 26, SOOM 14K 26
MOUTON 6J 29 Javelin22
DOOM 12K 20 fatcat
On 14th draw, DENAY 12K 32 --- DENAY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other moves: DOYEN 12K 29, DOBY 12K 28, AERY F3 27, AYE 14M 27, BEVY G7 27
DENAY 12K 32 Javelin22
ABOVE 4A 24 fatcat
On 15th draw, FEARSOME 7A 67 --- FEARSOME causing fear [adj]
Other moves: MORTSAFE E2 63, FORESAY 14B 34, OF 10M 32, FAMES 4A 30, FARMS 4A 30
OF 10M 32 ShotPut22
FRAME 4A 30 fatcat
On 16th draw, BUFFI A4 48 --- BUFFO an operatic clown [n]
Other tops: BIFFO A4 48, BUFFO A4 48
Other moves: BIFFO A5 39, BUFFI A5 39, BUFFO A5 39, BIFF A5 36, BOFF A5 36
BIFFO A4 48 ShotPut22, fatcat
On 17th draw, THIAZOL 3C 44 --- THIAZOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AH 10M 32, OH 10M 32, AH 6E 30, LOTAH B1 25, OH 14M 24
THIAZOL 3C 44 ShotPut22, ALPHA2025
OH 10M 32 fatcat
On 18th draw, OX 10M 56 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 10M 56
Other moves: JA 14N 38, JO 14N 38, JAY 14F 33, JOY 14F 33, JIAO 2B 31
OX 10M 56 fatcat, ShotPut22
On 19th draw, JA 14N 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAY 14F 33, JAI 6C 24, QI 2B 24, VIAL 2B 23, JAI 2A 22
JAY 14F 33 fatcat, LLLLLL1112
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