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Game on January 15, 2025 at 00:09, 2 players
1. 205 pts sunshine12
2. 28 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehmoosu   H4    28    28   homos
 2. ejlortu   G7    41    69   jolter
 3. defgnow   I5    41   110   nowed
 4. ceimnrv   5E    44   154   meconin
 5. ?aeeklx  11E    68   222   kleenex
 6. adeiils  13C    87   309   liaised
 7. ?dgiinw   K1    62   371   widening
 8. adiprsy   E1    66   437   pyramids
 9. aenosty   1K    45   482   wytes
10. begnoot  10J    37   519   boong
11. aeffnru   8A    45   564   raffs
12. behptuv   J2    29   593   he
13. agnqrtu   O8    81   674   tranq
14. abeenor  14I    31   705   aborne
15. aciotuv   1C    33   738   copita
16. aeptuvz  15G    55   793   zupa
17. aaeeltu   A5    59   852   laureate
18. eiirtuv   3I    28   880   vedute

Remaining tiles: giiruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6988 Filesunshine12  1  4:14  -675  205     1.7370 GLOBEMAN    1  0:12  -852   28 
  2.7370 FileGLOBEMAN    1  0:12  -852   28            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6988 sunshine12  1  4:14  -675  205 

On 1st draw, HOMOS H4 28 --- HOMO a member of the genus that includes modern man [n]
Other tops: HOMES H4 28
Other moves: HOUSE H4 24, HOMES H8 22, HOMOS H8 22, HOMES H5 20, HOMES H6 20

On 2nd draw, JOLTER G7 41 --- JOLTER one that jolts [n]
Other moves: JOULE G7 40, JUREL G7 40, JOLE G7 39, JOLT G7 39, JOUR G7 39
JOLTER G7 41 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, NOWED I5 41 --- NOWED knotted [adj]
Other tops: DEFOG I3 41
Other moves: DEFOG H11 39, ENOW I4 39, FEW I5 39, OWED I6 38, DEW I5 35

On 4th draw, MECONIN 5E 44 --- MECONIN a white fusible neutral substance [n]
Other moves: CREM J3 30, EMIC H12 30, VIMEN J2 30, RIEM J3 28, VINER J2 28
CREM J3 30 sunshine12

On 5th draw, KLEE(N)EX 11E 68 --- KLEENEX a cleansing tissue -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: KEX 6D 59, LA(T)EX 6B 58, K(E)X 6D 57, (R)ELAX 6B 56, (T)ELEX 6B 56
KEX 6D 59 sunshine12

On 6th draw, LIAISED 13C 87 --- LIAISE to establish liaison [v]
Other tops: SEDILIA 13G 87
Other moves: DAILIES 13A 83, LIAISED L1 80, LAIDS J3 34, AIDS J4 33, DAILIES J1 33
LAIDS J3 34 sunshine12

On 7th draw, WID(E)NING K1 62 --- WIDEN to make wide or wider [v]
Other moves: W(A)DING 10J 41, W(O)NGI 10J 39, WIN(E)D 14B 36, W(A)DI 10J 36, W(A)ID 10J 36
W(A)DING 10J 41 sunshine12

On 8th draw, PYRAMIDS E1 66 --- PYRAMID to raise or increase by adding amounts gradually [v]
Other moves: PSYWAR 1H 45, PARDY 10J 44, YAIRDS 10J 44, YAIRD 10J 43, SWARDY 1J 42

On 9th draw, WYTES 1K 45 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: SNOWY 1H 45, STEWY 1H 45
Other moves: TAWNEYS 1I 42, YENTAS 10J 41, YATES 10J 40, YEANS 10J 40, YEAST 10J 40

On 10th draw, BOONG 10J 37 --- BOONG offensive word for a coloured person [n]
Other moves: BEGOT 10J 35, BONGO 10J 35, BOTONE 10J 35, BENTO 10J 34, BETON 10J 34

On 11th draw, RAFFS 8A 45 --- RAFF the disreputable element of society [n]
Other tops: NAFFS 8A 45, NUFFS 8A 45, RUFFS 8A 45
Other moves: FURANE O7 39, GAFFE 8K 39, GRAFF 8K 39, GRUFF 8K 39, PUFF 1E 36

On 12th draw, HE J2 29 --- HE a male person [n]
Other moves: BERTH 3C 28, PEH 12B 28, UPBYE 2B 28, GETUP 8K 27, HE 12D 27

On 13th draw, TRANQ O8 81 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QUAG 12A 56, QUANT O8 54, QUART O8 54, QUAT 12A 52, QUAG O8 51

On 14th draw, ABORNE 14I 31 --- ABEAR to bear [v]
Other moves: BEER 12D 30, REBOP 1A 30, NABE 12B 29, BONEYER 2A 28, *B* 12C 27

On 15th draw, COPITA 1C 33 --- COPITA a type of sherry glass [n]
Other moves: ATOC 12I 31, OPTIC 1D 30, PIVOT 1E 30, COUNTIAN M7 28, VACUA 4A 28

On 16th draw, ZUPA 15G 55 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: ZAP 15G 48, ZEP 15G 48, ZEA 15H 44, ZEA 13K 41, ZAP 12B 38

On 17th draw, LAUREATE A5 59 --- LAUREATE to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves [v]
Other moves: ALATE 12A 25, ELATE 12A 25, EALE 15L 22, LEER 12D 22, TEER 12D 22

On 18th draw, VEDUTE 3I 28 --- VEDUTA a view of the town [n]
Other moves: CRUIVE C1 22, CURVET C1 22, IRATE B6 21, CIVET C1 20, CIVIE C1 20

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