Game on January 15, 2025 at 01:37, 5 players
1. 223 pts sunshine12
2. 30 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 30 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 34 34
2. 11F 72 106
3. 8H 89 195
4. L10 32 227
5. F8 67 294
6. O4 63 357
7. 13C 36 393
8. 15D 39 432
9. 15J 30 462
10. 8A 33 495
11. 14I 50 545
12. J5 37 582
13. N7 32 614
14. K3 33 647
15. A8 80 727
16. I6 29 756
17. L3 40 796
18. 3I 22 818
19. D2 26 844
20. C1 40 884
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6998 sunshine12 1 7:44 -661 223 1.7444 GLOBEMAN 0 1:04 -854 30
2.7444 GLOBEMAN 0 1:04 -854 30 2.7604 roocatcher 0 1:44 -854 30
3.7604 roocatcher 0 1:44 -854 30 Group: intermediate
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:54 -866 18 1.6998 sunshine12 1 7:44 -661 223
5. - chunk88 0 0:20 -876 8 Group: not rated
1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:54 -866 18
2. - chunk88 0 0:20 -876 8
On 1st draw, PEAVY H8 34 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: PEAVY H4 32, UNPAY H8 28, PAVEN H4 26, PEAVY H5 26, PEAVY H6 26
On 2nd draw, INVERTER 11F 72 --- INVERTER one that inverts [n]
Other moves: RENTIER I4 68, TERRINE I4 68, INERTER I3 67, REINTER I3 67, RENTIER I3 67
On 3rd draw, PROMETAL 8H 89 --- PROMETAL a type of cast-iron [n]
Other moves: MOLERAT I3 71, ROLAMITE F6 68, TEMPORAL 8E 63, MAARE 10F 33, MAAR 10F 26
TRAM 10C 22 sunshine12
On 4th draw, REFLEW L10 32 --- REFLY to fly again [v]
Other tops: REFLOW L10 32
Other moves: FEW 12L 30, FELWORT M2 28, FOREL 9J 25, FOWL 10L 25, WOLF 12C 25
FEW 12L 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 5th draw, MINI(S)HED F8 67 --- MINISH to diminish [v]
Other moves: INME(S)HED 14F 65, H(A)WMED 15J 42, H(E)AME 10F 41, THER(E)IN M8 38, TH(E)REIN M8 38
WHIM 15L 36 sunshine12
HELM 13J 18 BadBoyBen
MEW 15J 8 chunk88
On 6th draw, U(N)BELIEF O4 63 --- UNBELIEF lack of belief [n]
Other moves: BEEF(E)D 15A 45, BE(E)FED 15A 45, BI(F)FED 15A 45, BU(F)FED 15A 45, B(E)EFED 15A 45
B(E)EFED 15A 45 sunshine12
On 7th draw, QOPH 13C 36 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: PEDALO 15D 36
Other moves: PADLE 15D 33, PEDAL 15D 33, PODAL 15D 33, OPALED 15A 30, PLANED 15A 30
LOANED 15A 24 sunshine12
On 8th draw, WADTS 15D 39 --- WADT an earthy ore [n]
Other moves: ASWARM 8A 36, TOWARDS 15A 36, TWOERS 14I 34, TOWARD 15A 33, WREST 14J 32
TOWARDS 15A 36 sunshine12
On 9th draw, INWARD 15J 30 --- INWARD towards the inside [adv]
Other moves: TWAIN 15K 24, TWIRL 15K 24, WADI 15L 24, WADT 15L 24, WAID 15L 24
INWARD 15J 30 sunshine12
On 10th draw, LINGAM 8A 33 --- LINGAM a Hindu phallic symbol [n]
Other moves: LOGIA N2 26, GENOA N2 25, GONIA N2 25, NO(S)EY 12D 24, AGONE 7I 23
On 11th draw, OX 14I 50 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 14I 50, EX 14I 50
Other moves: SAXE N2 32, EAUX N1 31, AXIOMS K4 30, NAS G11 29, NOS G11 29
On 12th draw, DZHO J5 37 --- DZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZHO J6 35, DITZ B7 34, DZHO D10 34, RITZ B7 33, RATH N7 32
On 13th draw, EASY N7 32 --- EASY a communications code word for the letter E [n] --- EASY not difficult [adj] --- EASY to stop rowing [v]
Other moves: FEYS 12L 27, SET G13 26, FEIS 12L 24, FENS 12L 24, FEUS 12L 24
On 14th draw, SKEO K3 33 --- SKEO a hut [n]
Other moves: NOCAKE E5 32, UNCAKE E5 32, NOS G11 29, KO(S) 12D 28, NO(S)EYS 12D 28
On 15th draw, LEGATION A8 80 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other moves: NEGATION C1 70, GELATION A6 60, GITANO L1 48, AGONE L4 41, TOGA L3 41
On 16th draw, DURN I6 29 --- DURN to damn [v]
Other tops: DERN I6 29, DORE I6 29, DORR I6 29, DURE I6 29, DURR I6 29
Other moves: DOR I6 24, NO(S)EY 12D 24, OUVERT M3 24, ENROUND C3 22, UNROVEN C2 22
On 17th draw, TAIS L3 40 --- TAI sea bream [n]
Other moves: AIS L4 36, SATAI L1 30, NAS G11 29, SAT G13 26, ARIA L1 24
On 18th draw, CASTOR 3I 22 --- CASTOR a small, swivelling wheel [n]
Other tops: CORTINA C3 22, COSTAR 3I 22, COURANT C3 22
Other moves: RAITA M11 21, AUCTION C2 20, CAROTIN C2 20, CAUTION C2 20, COSTA 3I 20
On 19th draw, LOVEBUG D2 26 --- LOVEBUG a small black fly that swarms along highways [n]
Other moves: LOVAGE E5 25, VOLAGE E5 25, GOV 2M 21, GUV 2M 21, BEG 2M 20
On 20th draw, TAJ C1 40 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JAG 2M 35, JOG 2M 35, JAI 2M 33, JOT 2M 33, JABOT 6B 32
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